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研究生: 劉祐成
論文名稱: 智慧型居家照護服務系統
Intelligent Homecare Service System
指導教授: 曾煥雯
Tzeng, Huan-Wen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工業教育學系
Department of Industrial Education
論文出版年: 2006
畢業學年度: 94
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 101
中文關鍵詞: 專家系統智慧型居家照護高血壓CLIPS
英文關鍵詞: expert system, intelligence, homecare, hypertension, CLIPS
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:176下載:0
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  • 遠距居家照護服務將成為未來新興照護服務模式的主流。在醫療科技發達與網路普及的現今社會,伴隨著老年人的增加,遠距居家照護服務顯得更加重要且多元。高血壓為銀髮族常有的症狀,往往為人們所忽視而造成重大的身體傷害與併發心血管疾病。有鑑於國內尚無高血壓醫療專家系統之實現,因此本研究開發高血壓醫療輔助系統HYPERTS(Hypertension Expert System)來實現智慧型居家照護服務系統的雛型與架構,謀求未來更好的居家照護服務遠景。

    Tele-Homecare Service will be the mainstream of the rising healthcare service in the future. Because of the rapid development of the medical science and internet accompanies the increasing number of the elders within many societies nowadays, and Tele-Homecare Service is more and more important and diverse. Many elders have hypertension, and they often ignore it. There is not any hypertension expert system in Taiwan, so we developed the hypertension expert system called “HYPERTS” to realize the model of the intelligent homecare service system.
    In this study, we think about three aspects : medicine, practicability, and education. At first , we hope that the carers will care about their health , and measure their blood pressure by using sphygmomanometers regularly. They could use “HYPERTS” to keep them from the damage of the hypertension and heart disease. Besides, we established the hypertension homecare service website , and provided the carers for getting medical knowledge and news. Eventually, we designed the practical version of “HYPERTS” suited for the carers. To complete the Intelligent Homecare Service System, the technologies of CLIPS, WWW, JESS were used. The purpose of this study is to maintain elders’ happiness and health, and achieve the ideal of Tele-Homecare Service in the future.

    摘要.... i Abstract....ii 目錄....iii 圖目錄....v 表目錄....vii 第一章 緒論....1 第一節 研究背景與動機....1 第二節 研究目的....4 第三節 研究範圍與限制....6 第四節 研究方法與步驟....7 第五節 相關研究....9 第二章 文獻探討與回顧....13 第一節 遠距居家照護服務....13 第二節 國內外遠距醫療照護服務....19 第三節 專家系統....24 第四節 高血壓....32 第三章 系統架構與分析....39 第一節 系統規劃與架構....39 第二節 高血壓醫療輔助專家系統運作概念....48 第三節 高血壓資訊服務照護網運作概念....77 第四章 研究建構結果....79 第一節 系統建置....79 第二節 實際功能測試....88 第五章 研究結果與建議....95 第一節 結論....95 第二節 後續研究與建議....96 參考文獻....97 附錄....101

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