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Author: 陳金定
Chen Chin-ting
Thesis Title: 依附行為與情緒調適能力之因果模式探討暨情緒調適團體對不安全依附者依附相關變項之實驗研究
The research of causal model of attachment behaviors and emotion regulation and the experimental effects of emotion-regulation group on the insecure attached graders
Advisor: 劉焜輝
Degree: 博士
Department: 教育心理與輔導學系
Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling
Academic Year: 86
Language: 中文
Number of pages: 20
Keywords (in Chinese): 依附情緒調適過程經驗性治療理論
Keywords (in English): attachment, emotion regulation, process experience therapy
Thesis Type: Academic thesis/ dissertation
Reference times: Clicks: 500Downloads: 36
School Collection Retrieve National Library Collection Retrieve Error Report

本研究目的有二,研究一探討國二學生依附行為與情緒調適能力之因果模式,以找出依附行為對情緒調適能力之影響路徑; 研究二探討情緒調適團體對國二不安全依附者之實驗效果,試圖為國二不安全依附者找出處理情緒問題之可行方法。
在研究二中,挑選受試者的工具為「人際交往狀況量表」。受試者在「人際交往狀況量表」三個因素(依賴、焦慮與親近)的得分皆低於全校二年級學生( 221人) 半個標準以下(含),共38人(男、女各半),再隨機分為實驗組(男10人、女9人)與控制組(男9人、女10人)。實驗組接受七週的「情緒調適團體」研究處理,控制組不接受實驗處理。「情緒調適團體」所依據的理論為過程經驗性治療。測量實驗效果的工具有「認識自己量表」、「認識他人量表」、「我的感覺量表」與「情緒調適量表」,所用的統計方法為混合設計二因子變異數分析。獲得的結論如下:

The purposes of this research were two, one to explore the causal model of attachment behaviors and emotion regulation in order to find out the paths of attachment behaviors and emotion regulation, and the other to explore the experiment effects of emotion-regulation group on the eighth graders of insecure attachment in an attempt to look for the possible methods to help the insecure attached graders deal with emotion problems.
In study one, a causal model of attachment behaviors and emotion regulation was developed based on attachment theory. The middle variables between attachment behaviors and emotion regulation were self-representation, others-representation, and strategies for dealing with emotions. The scales used for this study were the Interpersonal Relation Scale, the Knowing Self Scale, the Knowing Others Scale, the My Feeling Scale, and the Emotion Regulation Scale. The subjects were 575 eighth graders, male 295 and f
emale 285. The results for this study were as follows:
1. The data collected from the eighth graders fitted the causal model.
2. Direct and indirect paths of attachment behaviors and emotion regulation were found. The factor of intimacy in the Interpersonal Relation Scale had the strongest influence in direct path, and in the indirect path, the strongest influence was the path through the middle variable of self-representation.
In study two, the scale for selecting the subjects for this study was the Interpersonal Relation Scale. Thirty-two subjects whose scores in all three factors of the Interpersonal Relation Scale were below half SD of average score of all the eighth graders in a junior high school were selected and randomly assigned into experimental and control groups, 19 for each group. The experimental group received experiment treatment designed on the base of the process experience therapy for seven weeks, and the contr
ol group received no treatment. The scale for measuring the experimental effects were the Knowing Self Scale, the Knowing Others Scale, the My Feeling Scale, and the Emotion Regulation Scale. In analyzing the data, two-factor variable in mixed design was used. The main findings were as follows:
1. The positive significant experimental effects were found on two factors of the Knowing Self Scale and the Knowing others Scale.
2. The positive significant experimental effects were found on all factors of the My Feeling Scale and the Emotion Regulation Scale.
Based on the findings, some recommendations were made for the future research and helping students with emotion problems.
