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研究生: 李美蘭
Lee Mei Lan
論文名稱: 國小資深女性教師幸福感之質性研究
Qualitative Research on the Well-Being of Elementary Senior Female Teachers
指導教授: 田秀蘭
Tien, Hsiu-Lan
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 教育心理與輔導學系
Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling
論文出版年: 2007
畢業學年度: 95
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 177
中文關鍵詞: 幸福感幸福感來源幸福感的影響因素國小資深女性教師人格特質
英文關鍵詞: well-being, source of well-being, factors influencing the well-being, elementary senior female teachers, personality traits
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:263下載:234
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  • 國小資深女性教師幸福感之質性研究

    The purpose of this research is to investigate the source of well-being and the factors influencing the well-being of elementary senior female teachers, as well as the relationship between their personality traits and the well-being. With qualitative research method, purpose sampling was used to select 10 elementary senior female teachers as interviewees, who are currently teaching in Taipei County or Taipei City, with over 10 years of teaching experience. The grounded theory was used to analyze and organize the data obtained from the interviews, and results are induced as below:

    1. The source for the well-being of elementary senior female teachers were categorized into “individual’s motivation and needs” and “individual’s attitude and value”, which include the 14 detailed sources of well-being : esteem needs, satisfaction with achievement, self-control and accomplishment of the ambition, health needs, personal growth, spiritual sustenance, harmonious interpersonal relationship, participation in leisure activities, financial satisfaction, living better than others, be contented with life, voluntariness, life goals, and devotion for other.
    2. The factors influencing the well-being of elementary senior female teachers were divided into their background, environment of theirs, and their personal psychology factor. And the five most common factors are: Career length and teaching experience, social support, job stability, interaction with students and parents, quality of life and personal space were the five most common factors which affected the well-being of half of the elementary senior female teachers.
    3. It’s hard to directly judge whether some of the factors influencing the well-being of the elementary senior female teachers are correct or wrong, and sometimes it depends on the individual’s interpretation and adjustment. What’s more important, if the individual could make active contributions and make good psychological adjustment, then usually these factors could be transformed to positive influencing factors, and to enhance the well-being of themselves.
    4. Results from this research shows, the personality traits of positive and rounded attitude, love and patience, friendliness, passion for work, optimistic and positive thinking, open-minded, caring and high acceptance of innovation and creativity, are positively correlated to the well-being. Therefore, if individuals could actively cultivate these personality traits, not only will it benefit teaching performance, but also enhance the internal well-being of themselves.

    Finally, with regard to the above topic and research findings, further descriptions and discussions were made, and various recommendations were provided.

    誌謝.....................................I 中文摘要...............................III 英文摘要.................................V 目錄...................................VII 圖目錄..................................IX 表目錄...................................X 第一章 緒論..............................1 第一節 研究背景與動機.....................1 第二節 研究目的與問題.....................4 第三節 名詞釋義..........................5 第二章 文獻探討..........................6 第一節 東西方幸福感之意義與內涵............6 第二節 幸福感的相關理論..................11 第三節 幸福感的相關研究..................19 第三章 研究方法.........................26 第一節 研究參與者.......................26 第二節 研究者的立場與角色................29 第三節 研究工具.........................30 第四節 研究程序.........................32 第五節 資料分析.........................34 第六節 資料的信度與效度..................37 第四章 資料分析與研究結果.................40 第一節 資料分析實例......................40 第二節 各研究參與者資料分析之結果..........82 第五章 討論.............................120 第一節 國小資深女性教師幸福感的來源........120 第二節 幸福感的影響因素..................132 第三節 人格特質與幸福感的關係.............145 第六章 結論與建議........................150 第一節 結論.............................150 第二節 研究限制與建議....................152 第三節 研究者的反思......................156 參考文獻................................159 中文部分................................159 英文部分................................163 附錄....................................171 附錄一 研究邀請函........................171 附錄二 研究參與同意書....................172 附錄三 訪談前問卷........................173 附錄四 訪談大綱..........................174 附錄五 訪談札記..........................175 附錄六 效度檢核函(一).....................176 附錄七 效度檢核函(二).....................177



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