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研究生: 林佩儀
Pey-Yi, Lin
論文名稱: 三位童年性侵害女性成人復原歷程研究--以社會文化脈絡觀點詮釋之
A Study of the Recovery Process of Three Adult Women of Childhood Sexual Abuse--using the perspective of social culture context
指導教授: 鄔佩麗
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 教育心理與輔導學系
Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling
論文出版年: 2000
畢業學年度: 88
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 240
中文關鍵詞: 童年性侵害復原歷程社會文化脈絡觀點女性性侵害倖存者
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:521下載:0
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中 文 摘 要
一、 三位童年性侵害的女性成人在復原歷程中,對性創傷的意義建構,深受社會文化脈絡的影響,而形成在復原歷程中的困境。研究結果發現,三位女性所面臨的困境呈現以下五個現象:家族主義優於個人主義、貞操觀念危及女性生存價值、刻板化性別角色限制女性力量的發展、傳統社會對女性生涯路的期許、不平等的權力關係形塑女性深層的無力感。
二、 三位童年性侵害的女性成人復原歷程中改變經驗的發現如下:同性戀與精神疾病的困擾是生活中關注的焦點、促發轉變的動機需要醞釀(負向情緒累積醞釀改變的發生、企圖尋求生活困擾的根源、對自我完整的期許)、外在支持力量有助於轉變的發生(正向支持力量介入協助轉變的決定、透過轉換環境解除壓力困境)、缺乏滋潤性力量使改變發生繫於個人、接受心理專業治療帶給受害者自我療癒的資產(團體治療方式減低烙印感,並且破除性侵害秘密的藩籬、情緒宣洩帶來身心釋放的療效、治療是一連串重新得力的過程)、具有性別觀點的心理治療提供更完整的接納空間、傳統孝道與集體主義文化造成治療中的困境。
三、 從三位受訪者的訪談中發現,受訪者對於復原的意義建構,與其成長背景與社會文化脈絡有關連。受訪者的復原意義有具體的改變目標,且復原的方向會受到社會與家庭觀念的影響。研究者對照治療者對復原的看法,認為復原是歷程性且無靜止的目標,著重於個人內在心理的自我力量增強,發展正向的因應行為與認知的調整。治療者與受訪者對復原意義建構的差距,提供給從事性侵害治療工作者,需以社會文化脈絡的角度來理解受訪者,期以更能貼近受訪者的經驗。
四、 研究者對整個研究反省的思考,呈現於第四部分。研究結果發現,性別意識與性侵害治療的關係密切。社會大眾對性侵害的迷思建構與受害者對於自身性創傷的理解,深受父權社會制度下性別角色刻板化的影響。所以,對於從事性侵害治療工作者需有性別意識的觀點,以避免重新複製對性侵害與女性的迷思於受害者身上。其次提供以女性為主體的治療經驗,對於長期受到性侵害權力不平等的受害者來說,是極為重要的一個治療關係。並且治療取向也能夠以女性為主體的治療觀,不以改變女性內在心理去適應外在社會期許,而能開發女性獨有的特質與價值。最後,發現對於性侵害問題的理解需要從社會脈絡的角度來看,無法以線性因果觀來簡單看待。從個人、家庭,拓展到社會脈絡的觀點,可以更為豐富的理解受害者整體經驗的內涵。

A Study of the Recovery Process of Three Adult Women of Childhood Sexual Abuse
-Using the Perspective of Social Culture Context
Pey-Yi Lin
The recovery process of three adult women at childhood sexual abuse in the social culture context is studied in this thesis. The purpose of this research herein is to explore the recovery experiences of these childhood sexual abuse women in their lives. This study conducts in-depth interview with considerations and realizations by the semi-structured questionnaire on sexual abuse incidents and the impressive events of development. The results of interviewing had generated lots of written reports that serve as the grounded hermeneutic for analysis.
The results are as follows:
1. The traditional social culture and its corresponding values are deeply affected and influenced the recovery plights of these childhood sexual abuse women. The familism, virginity, traditionalism and inequality aspects of gender, once make these survivors hopeless in their recovery lives. The survivors were faced with difficult conditions, such as the familism first than individualism, the loss of virginity meaning the loss of women values and worth, traditional gender-role education limiting the development of female power, the traditional social expectation limiting the development of women career, unequal power relationship shaping the deeply powerless and hopeless of female.
2. It is also found from the recovery experience of these survivors: outside aides such as psychotherapy will vary the homosexuality aptitude and heal the suffering of depressions. Especially, wholly acceptance for survivors through respecting gender issues in psychotherapy is important which can release from and offset the limitation of filial duty and the patriarchal fetish traditionalism.
3. From the investigations, the survivors' recovery experiences are concerning with and affected by the growing background and society culture themselves. Nevertheless, from the view of therapists, the recovery process does not complete and it should focus on the individual character of survivors' strengthened alteration and complement, the positive coping development, and the cognition adjustment. It is markedly for therapists considerate and understand the individual survivors' conditions of theirs growing circumstances and its corresponding society to diminish and to press close to the survivors.
4. It is also obtained in the study, the gender sense has significant relations to sexual abuse treatment. To avoid increasing and remaking the patriarchal myths of female and sexual abuse once again, the therapists who devote themselves to sexual abuse treatment must understand particular records about the frame of feminine background and its corresponding culture. Moreover, the therapist must offer the wholly acceptance to female survivors and utilize the feminist perspective to treating them. Finally, understanding and closely to the sexual abuse experience needs the social context perspective rather than the interpretation of cause and effect.
The investigation results and the inferences on the counseling practice are also discussed and described in the final chapter. Moreover, suggestions and further studies are outlined from main results of the research.

目 錄 致謝 I 中文摘要 II 英文摘要 III 附表目次 VII 第一章 研究動機與問題 1 第一節 研究動機 1 第二節 研究目的與問題 3 第二章 文獻探討 4 第一節 童年性侵害問題的理論觀點 4 第二節 性侵害社會迷思 10 第三節 童年性侵害受害者復原的相關研究 13 第三章 研究方法 23 第一節 研究方法的選擇 23 第二節 研究程序 23 第三節 研究者 27 第四節 受訪者 31 第五節 研究倫理 33 第六節 訪談資料的整理步驟 34 第七節 研究可信性 36 第四章 社會文化脈絡觀點下的詮釋 43 第一節 女性V.S.性侵害意義的建構與因應 43 第二節 復原歷程中的改變經驗 65 第三節 現存問題與限制 87 第五章 討論與建議 93 第一節 討論 93 第二節 建議 109 參考文獻 111 附錄 117 附錄一 研究參與者同意書 117 附錄二 研究參與者邀請函 118 附錄三 研究參與者說明書 119 附錄四 逐字稿謄寫保密同意書 120 附錄五 受訪者故事 121

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