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研究生: 劉彥君
Liu, Yen-Chun
論文名稱: 中小型牙醫診所服務流程改善之研究—以C診所為例
Service Process Improvements for Small and Medium Sized Dental Clinics-The Case of C dental clinic
指導教授: 康敏平
Kang, Min-Ping
口試委員: 喬友慶
Chiao, Yu-Ching
Guan, Jyh-Liang
口試日期: 2021/05/24
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 高階經理人企業管理碩士在職專班(EMBA)
Executive Master of Business Administration
論文出版年: 2021
畢業學年度: 109
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 103
中文關鍵詞: 牙醫診所服務流程醫病關係服務行銷7P服務設計與應用
英文關鍵詞: Dentist Clinic Service Process, Medical relationship, Service design and application, Service Marketing 7P
研究方法: 次級資料分析個案研究法半結構式訪談法焦點團體法
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202100508
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:348下載:5
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  • 依據臺灣衛生福利部統計處針對2006 ~2019年底的醫療機構現況及服務統計量分析數據顯示,高於 85%的牙醫師在診所執業,進行牙科醫療服務,此比例遠高於醫院牙科的服務型態。然而,顧客選擇牙醫診所的想法趨於多元,診所開業及經營上也面臨新的挑戰,此時牙醫診所的服務流程及模式也日益重要,需透過更好的服務流程,搶占核心顧客,以擴大及維持牙醫診所的經營。本研究將以當前新北市C診所服務流程模式做為本研究背景與核心,找出優化牙醫診所服務及專業流程的關鍵策略,主要透過質化研究(專家焦點客群訪談),概念化服務流程概念,並以焦點團體訪談彙整出的概念,進一步利用量化的方式,統計出診所需要著重或改善的地方,為一創新的診所服務流程調查研究模式,研究結果與策略建議如下:
    (一) 顧客重視牙醫診所的整潔與整體舒適度以及即時親切專業諮詢服務。建議牙醫診所加重對於專業牙醫助理的培訓,並評估其工作績效。另外,可更有系統與規劃的控管診所整體環境上,使顧客可以將就診牙醫時,可感受到有如到美髮沙龍般的舒適體驗。
    (二) 建議醫生可藉由個人品牌形象及溝通能力打動顧客,增加其對於醫師與診所的熟悉度,建立長期且穩定的醫病關係。
    (三) 建議醫生著重在清晰說明顧客病狀的能力以及專業度,促使顧客對於診所產生信任,以維繫長期穩定且良好的醫病關係。
    (四) 建議C牙醫診所持續推動牙醫助理人員的教育訓練,給予顧客高度親切度、專業度以及即時反應顧客的高品質服務。且在牙醫診所整體環境,可以乾淨整潔且具有現代感的設備與擺設,提升顧客對於診所環境上的看診體驗。
    (五) 建議牙醫診所提升「G.牙醫診所整潔度」、「H.牙醫診所整體舒適度」、「D.縮短顧客等待時間」及「E.增加可預約時段多寡」等四項自費客群所著重之服務流程。
    (六) 建議C牙醫診所著重於自費客戶群,以區別客群。區別客群,可增加醫生看診時間彈性,以縮短顧客等待時間,甚至增加可自費客群之可預約時段。

    According to statistics from the Statistics Department of the Ministry of Health and Welfare of Taiwan for the current status of medical institutions and service statistics from the end of 2006 to 2019, more than 85% of dentists practice in clinics and provide dental medical services, which is much higher than that of hospital dentistry services. Type. However, customers' ideas for choosing dental clinics tend to be diversified, and clinics are also facing new challenges in opening and operating. At that time, the service process and mode of dental clinics are becoming more and more important. It is necessary to capture core customers through better service processes. To expand and maintain the operation of dental clinics. This research will use the current service process model of New Taipei City C clinic as the background and core of the research, and find key strategies to optimize the internal and external service processes of dental clinics, mainly through qualitative research (expert focus interviews) to conceptualize the service process concept , And based on the concept of focus group interviews, and further using quantitative methods to count the areas that clinics need to focus on or improve, for an innovative clinic service process investigation and research model, the research results and strategy recommendations are as follows:
    1. Customers value the cleanliness and overall comfort of the dental clinic, as well as immediate and friendly professional consultation services. It is recommended that dental clinics increase the training of professional dental assistants and evaluate their work performance. In addition, it can be more systematic and planned to control the overall environment of the clinic, so that customers can feel as comfortable as going to a hair salon when visiting a dentist.
    2. It is recommended that doctors can impress customers with their personal charm and communication skills, increase their familiarity with doctors and clinics, and establish a long-term and stable medical-patient relationship.
    3. It is recommended that doctors focus on the ability and professionalism to clearly explain the symptoms of customers, so as to encourage customers to have trust in the clinic, so as to maintain a long-term stable and good medical-patient relationship.
    4. It is recommended that C Dental Clinic continue to promote the education and training of dental assistants to provide customers with a high degree of kindness, professionalism and high-quality services that respond to customers immediately. And in the overall environment of the dentist clinic, clean, tidy and modern equipment and furnishings can be used to enhance customers' experience in the clinic environment.
    5. It is recommended that the dentist clinic improve the four self-paying customers: "G. The overall cleanliness of the dental clinic", "H. The overall comfort of the dental clinic", "D. Changing the waiting time of customers" and "E. Increasing the number of appointment scheduling" The service process that the group focuses on.
    6. It is recommended that C Dental Clinic focus on the self-funded client group to differentiate the client group. Differentiating the customer groups can increase the flexibility of doctors' consultation time, shorten the waiting time of customers, and even increase the appointment time for self-pay customers.

    摘 要 I Abstract II 表 次 VI 圖 次 VI 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 1 第二節 主要研究目的 3 第三節 研究流程與章節架構 5 第二章 文獻探討 7 第一節 臺灣牙醫產業概況 7 第二節 服務行銷7P組合 12 第三節 服務流程相關理論探討 18 第四節 小結 21 第三章 研究設計 22 第一節 研究架構與流程 22 第二節 C牙醫診所個案研析 23 第三節 焦點團體痛點訪談問卷設計 28 第四節 資料收集方法及訪談對象 30 第五節 分析方法簡述 30 第四章 結果與討論 33 第一節 焦點團體訪談概念化綜整 33 第二節 樣本組成分析 38 第三節 非自費客群牙醫診所服務流程雷達圖分析 46 第四節 自費客群牙醫診所服務流程雷達圖分析 53 第五章 結論與建議 61 第一節 研究發現與整理 61 第二節 管理意涵 68 第三節 研究限制與貢獻 69 參考文獻 71 附錄1 焦點團體訪談記錄彙整表 74 附錄2 焦點團體訪談概念化綜整表 92 附錄3 焦點團體痛點分析問卷 97 附錄4 問卷調查 100

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