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研究生: 張義君
Chong, Yee-Cheun
論文名稱: 英屬馬來亞霹靂州怡保鎮華人社會的形成與發展(1888-1941)
The Formation and Development of the Chinese Society in Ipoh Town, State of Perak, British Malaya(1888-1941)
指導教授: 邱榮裕
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 歷史學系
Department of History
論文出版年: 2017
畢業學年度: 105
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 160
中文關鍵詞: 英屬馬來亞霹靂州怡保鎮華人社會華商
英文關鍵詞: British Malaya, State of Perak, Ipoh Town, Chinese society, Chinese merchants
DOI URL: https://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202203216
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:312下載:131
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  • 現今馬來西亞霹靂州(State of Perak)首府怡保(Ipoh),於19世紀末隨著錫礦開採業的興起而崛起,至20世紀上半葉已成為霹靂州近打縣(Kinta District),乃至英屬馬來亞(British Malaya)一個重要的市鎮。作為怡保鎮錫礦業的主要勞動力資源,華人群體在怡保鎮由崛起到邁入與維繫繁榮的發展歷程中極為重要,而怡保鎮華人社會之形成與發展,則有賴於當地依靠開採錫礦而起家之華商的帶動與引領。本研究以活躍於19世紀末至20世紀上半葉英屬馬來亞時期,霹靂州怡保鎮的四位華人富商——姚德勝(Yau Tet Shin)、梁碧如(Leong Fee)、胡子春(Foo Choo Choon)和梁燊南(Leong Sin Nam)為主要研究對象,藉以探究英國殖民時期怡保鎮華人社會形成與發展的歷程,及其在當地華商的引領下如何因應英國殖民政府對其施予的各類政策。英國殖民時期的怡保鎮華人社會在華商的居中協調下,與英國殖民政府保持正面的雙向互動關係,並且自主地保有本身的文化,使得一個擁有華人特色的社會群體得以成形於怡保鎮。

    Ipoh, now the capital of the State of Perak, Malaysia, flourished from the rise of the tin-mining industry at the end of the 19th century. By the first half of the 20th century, Ipoh had become an important town in Perak, as well as among states within British Malaya. As the main labour force in Ipoh Town, the Chinese community played an important role in the development history of Ipoh. Since the forming and development of the Chinese society during the British colonial period was largely dependent on the leadership and guidance of local Chinese merchants, this paper seeks to explore the history and formation of the Chinese society in Ipoh during the British colonial period, mainly focusing on four pioneers important to the development of this town as case studies. This research will analysis the lives and activities of Yau Tet Shin, Leong Fee, Foo Choo Choon and Leong Sin Nam, who were important Chinese merchants in tin-mining industry and key leaders in Ipoh Town during that period. Under their leadership and mediation, the Chinese society in Ipoh had maintained a positive two-way interaction with the British colonial government, while consciously preserving their Chinese roots and culture. This resulted in the formation of a Chinese society that is characteristic of its own.

    第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機與目的 1 第二節 研究回顧 7 第三節 研究方法與史料說明 20 第四節 章節安排 25 第二章 華工的移入與怡保鎮的崛起 28 第一節 1880年代的怡保:一個小村落的崛起 28 第二節 霹靂州英國殖民政府對華工的政策 37 第三節 19世紀末怡保鎮華工的生活狀況 49 第三章 創業垂統:1890-1920年代下的怡保鎮華人社會 67 第一節 19世紀末怡保鎮華商的崛起 67 第二節 1890-1920年代的怡保鎮華人與英國殖民政府 94 第四章 承先啟後:1921-1941年代下的怡保鎮華人社會 111 第一節 亦商亦官的華商:梁燊南 112 第二節 1921-1941年代的怡保鎮華人與英國殖民政府 125 第五章 結論 145 參考書目 151 附圖 158

    (British Colonial Government Sources)
    1. Federated Malay States Government Gazette, Year 1922-1932.
    2.Letter from Towkay Foo Choo Choon, M.C., President of the Perak Chinese Chamber of Commerce to the British Resident of Perak.Year 1913. (No. Penerimaan: 1957/0595945)
    3. Memorandum from Federated Malay States Resident General’s Office, about “Loan of $200,000 to Yau Tet Shin of Ipoh”. Dated October and November, 1907. (No. Penerimaan: 1957/0589819)
    4. Notification of the appointment of Mr. Foo Choo Choon to be a Member of the Federal Council. Dated January and February, 1912.(No. Penerimaan: 1957/0593703)
    5. Payment of $19,900 award in Arbitration case, Foo Choo Choon and the FMS Railways (No. Penerimaan: 1957/0586529)
    6. Perak Government Gazette, Year 1888-1891, 1896-1909.
    7. Perak Annual Report , Year 1884, 1892-1895.
    8. Replies by F. A. Swettenham, British Resident, Perak, to the questions of the Royal Commission on Opium. Dated October, 1893.
    9. Report on the Mines Department for the Year 1908. (No. Penerimaan: 2006/0052944)
    10. Social and Economic Progress of the people of Perak, Annual Report, 1934-1935.
    11. Suggestion by Mr. Leong Sin Nam, O.B.E. to organize a Monthly Lottery throughout Malaya for the purpose of Raising Funds for the Prosecution of the War against Germany, Dated October and November, 1939. (No. Penerimaan: 1957/0526265)

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