簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 張惠雯
Chang, Huiwen
論文名稱: 華語為外語之兒童教材研究-以兒童語言發展及認知發展過程探討
Analyzing Textbook of Chinese as Second Language for Foreign Primary Students by Development of Language and Cognition
指導教授: 葉德明
Yeh, Teh-Ming
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 華語文教學系
Department of Chinese as a Second Language
論文出版年: 2009
畢業學年度: 97
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 131
中文關鍵詞: 語言發展認知發展華語為外語兒童教材
英文關鍵詞: Language development, Cognitive development, Chinese textbook for foreign children
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:747下載:133
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  • 對外兒童華語教學是對兒童進行華語作為第二語言的教學,它有別於母語為華語為小學生的母語教學和對成人進行的華語作為第二語言的教學。教學對象是未成年的外國人,教學內容是華語,華語的語音、詞彙、語法和文字系統,使兒童能夠運用華語這一工具進行語言交際活動。

    Teaching Chinese for foreign children is a teaching procedure for children and takes Chinese as a second language. Teaching Chinese for foreign children is different from teaching children Chinese as the first language and teaching Chinese for foreign adults as well.
    Teaching Chinese for foreign children means the teaching object is the foreigners who are under age, the teaching content is Chinese: pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar and Chinese characters. The goal of the teaching procedure is to make foreign children be able to communicate in Chinese.
    For the development of children is still premature, therefore the primary task of teaching Chinese to foreign children is to understand the mental characteristics, cognitive stage development of children. And learning a language is also through several stages of achievement. For these factors of teaching children the second language, this thesis is based on analysis of Chinese textbook for foreign children with the development of language and cognition.
    Through the textbooks “Chinese Paradise”, “Monkey King Chinese”, “Mandarin Hip-Hop”, “Chinese Made Easy”, and “Fun Chinese for Kids”, this thesis found out the language knowledge, language activities and the language forms follow the language development and cognitive development. In conclusion, the learning procedure of children is from concrete to abstract. Therefore, according to children’s development, the vocabulary amount from high to low is concrete nouns, concrete verbs, and then adjectives. Sentences are from simple sentences to complicated ones. Language activity emphasizes on listening and speaking skills more than reading and writing skills. The language forms base on dialogues, and accompany with songs, chants, rhymes. Moreover, the textbooks present Chinese literature forms, such as riddles, idioms, poems as well.
    This thesis also uses quantitative research to test the cognitive ability of the Taiwanese and Czech students from 7 to 12 years old with the exercises in the textbooks. The result reveals that the cognition has no significant difference between nationality, first language, and gender. However, the age is the main element that affects the cognitive ability of children. The younger students are worse in finding the differences, matching, and logical reasoning exercises.

    第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機與目的 1 一、研究動機 1 二、研究目的 2 第二節 研究背景 3 一、各國對華語向下紮根的重視 3 二、華語為外語之兒童教材與研究的匱乏 4 三、成人與兒童之差異 4 四、兒童認知能力與語言關係 5 第三節 研究問題與範圍 5 一、兒童語言發展策略的規律性 6 二、兒童認知階段發展與表徵 6 第四節 名詞釋義 10 第二章 研究方法 11 第一節 內容分析法 11 第二節 相關研究法 12 一、研究目的 12 二、研究問題 13 三、研究假設 13 四、研究對象 13 五、研究工具 14 六、研究程序與步驟 14 七、資料處理與分析 15 第三章 文獻探討 17 第一節 華語教材與兒童華語教材 17 一、華語教材通用理論原則 17 二、兒童英語教材理論原則 19 三、兒童華語教材理論原則 21 第二節 語言發展與認知發展 22 第三節 兒童語言發展 23 一、語音發展 26 二、詞彙發展 28 三、語法 30 第四節 兒童認知發展 34 一、認知發展理論概念 34 二、認知發展理論階段 34 三、語言發展與認知發展實證 37 1. 主體與客體之間的相互作用VS名詞意義習得 38 2. 區分主客體關係VS方位詞習得 38 3. 思維自我中心化VS方位詞、指示代詞習得 39 4. 具體形象思維VS形容詞、動詞習得 39 第五節 教材評量 40 第六節 教材評選 42 第四章 兒童華語教材與語言發展 47 第一節 現有對外華語兒童教材評析 47 第二節 兒童華語教材與語言發展關係 53 一、語言知識 53 1. 語音 54 2. 詞彙 55 3. 語法 68 4. 小結 71 二、言語活動的順序 73 三、體裁 76 第三節 兒童華語教材評選歸準 78 第五章 兒童華語教材與認知發展 84 第一節 現有對外華語兒童教材評量練習評析 84 第二節 對外華語兒童教材評量練習量化結果 96 一、研究對象 96 二、施測方法 97 三、國別語言量化統計結果 97 四、性別量化統計結果 98 五、年齡量化統計結果 99 第六章 結論與建議 102 第一節 結論 102 第二節 研究限制 105 第三節 對未來研究之建議 105 參考文獻 107 附錄 113

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