簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 黃詩惟
Huang, Shih-Wei
論文名稱: 兩岸LED產業策略聯盟模式探討
Strategic Alliance between Taiwanese and Chinese firms: An Investigation of Alliance Models in the LED Industry
指導教授: 陳文華
Chen, Wun-Hwa
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 全球經營與策略研究所
Graduate Institute of Global Business and Strategy
論文出版年: 2011
畢業學年度: 100
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 114
中文關鍵詞: LED競爭優勢供應鏈整合策略聯盟個案研究
英文關鍵詞: LED, Competitive Advantage, Supply Chain, Strategy Alliance, Case study
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:135下載:6
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  • 在全球化的競爭環境下與快速變動的市場中,企業可藉由全球供應鏈整合與管理,結合不同國家之競爭優勢,進而達成資源共享,完成互補性之合作。如何進行有效的全球供應鏈整合,企業可採行策略聯盟的方式,突破其營運模式,並將全球資源加以整合運用,擴大其在產業中之競爭力與影響力,以達成綜效。

    In the global competition environment and the rapidly changing market, it seems hard for firms to use only their own resources to seek breakthrough in technology and marketing. We have found strategic alliances are the most popular strategies for enterprises to improve their response capability and enhance their competitive position. By forming the strategic alliance, enterprises can share resources, acquire important skills, combine advantages from each other, and then achieve the synergy effect.
    With increasing environmental awareness, the green energy industry such as LED attracted much attention from both managers and researchers. Our research uses the theoretical frame of the resource-based view to describe the alliance model. We have interviews with senior managers in Taiwan LED industries and show that Taiwan and China LED industries could establish alliance jointly to integrate the supply chain, uniform standards, acquire technology and enhance their competitive advantages.

    中文摘要 ------------------------------------------------- i 英文摘要 ------------------------------------------------ ii 誌謝---------------------------------------------------- iii 目錄 ---------------------------------------------------- v 表目錄 -------------------------------------------------viii 圖目錄 --------------------------------------------------- x 第1章 緒論 ---------------------------------------------01 1.1 研究背景與動機 ---------------------------------- 01 1.2 研究目的與問題 ---------------------------------- 08 1.3 研究流程 ---------------------------------------- 09 第2章 文獻探討 ---------------------------------------- 12 2.1 策略聯盟的定義 ---------------------------------- 12 2.2 策略聯盟的形成動機與理論基礎 -------------------- 16 2.3 策略聯盟類型 ------------------------------------ 20 2.4 兩岸經濟合作架構協議 ---------------------------- 26 2.5 ECFA簽訂背景與目的 ---------------------------- 27 2.6 ECFA之特性與合作規劃--------------------------- 30 2.7 LED專利技術 ----------------------------------- 34 2.8 LED市場與應用 --------------------------------- 36 第3章 研究方法 ---------------------------------------- 37 3.1 研究架構 ---------------------------------------- 37 3.2 個案研究法 -------------------------------------- 38 3.3 訪談研究法 -------------------------------------- 41 3.4 產業--------------------------------------------- 43 3.5 個案選擇與研究對象 ------------------------------ 47 3.6 研究流程 ---------------------------------------- 54 第4章 個案探討與分析----------------------------------- 55 4.1 產業環境分析------------------------------------- 55 4.2 個案背景----------------------------------------- 59 4.3 策略布局與專利授權------------------------------- 70 4.4 策略聯盟的動機與類型----------------------------- 80 4.5 策略聯盟之運作結構------------------------------- 83 4.6 策略聯盟管理與夥伴關係--------------------------- 87 第5章 結論與建議---------------------------------------- 90 5.1 研究結論----------------------------------------- 90 5.2 研究限制----------------------------------------- 95 5.3 研究建議----------------------------------------- 97 參考文獻 ---------------------------------------------- 100 附錄 -------------------------------------------------- 106

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