簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 陳效尼
Chen, Hsiao-Ni
論文名稱: 青烏物語:陰陽五行思想運用於繪畫藝術的呈現
The Story of Qing wu: The application of Yin-Yang and Five Elements ideas to the presentation of painting art
指導教授: 程代勒
Cheng, Tai-Le
口試委員: 黃智陽
Huang, Zhi-yang
Lee, Cheng-ming
Cheng, Tai-Le
口試日期: 2023/12/29
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 美術學系美術創作碩士在職專班
Department of Fine Arts_Continuing Education Master's Program of Artistic Creation
論文出版年: 2024
畢業學年度: 112
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 79
中文關鍵詞: 易經陰陽五行風水山水畫
英文關鍵詞: I Ching, Yin and Yang, Five Elements, Feng Shui, Landscape Painting
研究方法: 文本分析法圖像分析法繪畫作品分析法
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202400263
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:72下載:5
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  • 「天人合一」是整個中華文化最高的理念。天,就是自然。人處於自然之中,透過自身的體驗與觀察,創建出一套陰陽五行的哲學思維邏輯與系統架構。陰陽五行的學說理論基本表現在系統性思考上,而古代的智者思想家把這套系統架構多方應用在日常生活中,如大至國家的歷史政教、家族的興衰榮辱乃至個人切身相關的山、醫、命、卜、相的五件事,均是依循這套邏輯系統發展出趨吉避凶之法,從而把「天人合一」的理念實踐在日常生活之中。

    "Unity of man and nature" is the highest concept in entire Chinese culture. Heaven is nature. Man, through his own experience and observation in nature, he created a set of philosophical thinking logic and system structure of Yin Yang and Five Elements. The theory of Yin Yang and Five Elements expressed in systematic thinking, and the ancient wise thinkers put this framework in many aspects of daily life, such as the history, politics, religion of a country, the rise and fall of a family, and even individuals. The five things closely related to people are mountains, medicine, fortune, divination, and fortune-telling. They all developed in accordance with this logical system, which is a way to avoid bad luck and evil, thus putting the concept of harmony between man and nature into practice in daily life.
    Appearance, simply put, is the art of observation, observing people, houses, and nature. Including the good and bad of Feng Shui. Painting is an art of space and vision, while landscape painting is a composition that eliminates the gathering, dispersion, and reality of reality.
    The spatial layout of the space and the rhythm of dry and wet shades of pen and ink are the artistic effects of Yin Yang and Five Elements. In ancient landscape paintings, there are not only brush and ink expressions describing natural scenery, but also natural environment.
    The approach to apply the Feng Shui knowledge that affects people's spiritual level in the painting is also what the painter considers and pays attention to. Subject, this essence also embodies the original meaning of Yin Yang and Five Elements in landscape painting. This phenomenon should be paid attention to the atmosphere of Neo-Confucianism had already begun in the Song Dynasty. This creation is based on the objective mountain as an object, through the author's artistic image created by unique perception. To put it simply, the author tries to use the appearance of mountains and rivers to represent the meaning of Feng Shui.
    This article uses literature to analyze Yin and Yang and the five elements to explore the harmony between nature and man in landscape painting and Feng Shui. Based on the image research method, the concepts of Yin and Yang and the five elements are mapped to objective objects as the basis of this creation. The foundation of Neo-Confucianism. In the process of creation based on images, the contrast of Yin and Yang, structural layout and modeling color are all inseparable. One is inseparable from the main axis of Yin Yang and the five elements. The purpose of this creation is the author's self-explanation through taking appearance by observing objects. It uses images to symbolize and presents the great beauty of heaven and earth.

    謝辭 ⅰ 中文摘要 ii 英文摘要 ⅲ 目次 v 圖次 vii 表次 Ⅹ 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 動機與目的 1 第二節 研究方法與步驟 4 第三節 內容論述與範圍 6 第四節 名詞釋義 8 第二章 創作學理探討 15 第一節 陰與陽:二元哲思的宇宙觀 15 第二節 五行:中國唯物論的肇始 19 第三節 風水探源:天地自然的有機循環 26 第三章 青烏物語在傳統繪畫美學表現 30 第一節 象意思維:中國繪畫美學的萌發 30 第二節 陰陽思維:中國繪畫美學的體現 35 第三節 五行思維:中國繪畫美學的實踐 42 第四章 創作、形式與作品解析 51 第一節 創作理念 51 第二節 作品形式 53 第三節 作品分析 54 一、「起」系列(ㄧ)—〈見龍在田〉 54 二、「承」系列(二–1)—〈品悟咸亨–一沙一世界〉 57 「承」系列(二–2)—〈品悟咸亨–一花一天堂〉 60 「承」系列(二–3)—〈品悟咸亨–澄懷味象〉 63 三、「轉」系列(三)—〈擬其象意〉 66 (三–1)卦名:雷水解 66 (三–2)卦名:火地晉 67 (三–3)卦名:地天泰 68 (三–4)卦名:澤雷隨 68 (三–5)卦名:水地比 69 四、「合」系列(四)—〈象其物宜〉 70 第五章 結論 74 第一節 創作省思 74 第一節 未來期許 76 參考文獻

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    《運勢》網址:<http://kknews.cc/geomantic/qyyevvg. html >。
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