研究生: |
張維軒 |
論文名稱: |
兩所臺北市性別平等教育績優國民中學之個案研究 A case study on the promotion of gender equality education in two performance junior high schools in Taipei City |
指導教授: | 張樹倫 |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
公民教育與活動領導學系 Department of Civic Education and Leadership |
論文出版年: | 2010 |
畢業學年度: | 98 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 251 |
中文關鍵詞: | 性別平等教育 、績優學校 、個案研究 |
英文關鍵詞: | gender equality education, performance schools, case study |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:291 下載:43 |
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(一) 績優學校推動性別平等教育深受《性別平等教育法》影響
(二) 領導者的觀念影響績優學校推動性別平等教育的狀況
(三) 績優學校的性別平等教育仍由輔導室負責推動
(四) 績優學校採用多元方式推動性別平等教育
(一) 績優學校推動性別平等教育所獲得的經驗以師生回饋為主
(二) 績優學校人員在做法及觀念上得到成長
(三) 績優學校懂得運用校外資源來推動性別平等教育
(一) 輔導室業務過多影響推動時間
(二) 升學主義壓縮教學時間與扭曲校園價值觀
(三) 多數教師對於性別平等教育缺乏熱情,並且性別意識不足
This research adopted the case study approach. Two performance junior high schools of gender equality education in Taipei City were chosen as the research field, and teachers who are the key characters in promoting gender equality education were selected as participants. Interviews and document analysis were conducted in order to realize the situation of how the performance schools promoted gender equality education. The main purposes of this research were to explore how the performance schools improved the gender equality consciousness of students, teachers and parents, and to investigate how the performance schools broke through the predicaments, in the expectation of providing a reference for other schools.
According to the results of the analyses, this study had reached the following conclusions:
1. The situation of the performance schools in promoting gender equality education
(1) “Gender Equity Education Act” has an impact on the performance schools in promoting gender equality education.
(2) The concepts of the school leaders dominate the promotion of gender equality education.
(3) The counselors’ office takes the charge in the promotion of gender equality education.
(4) Multiple approaches are adopted to promote gender equality education.
2. The experience of the performance schools in promoting gender equality education.
(1) The experience of promoting gender equality education is mainly based on the feedback of students and teachers.
(2) The practices and concepts of teachers get improved in promoting gender equality education.
(3) External resources are exerted to promote gender equality education.
3. The predicaments encountered in the process of promoting gender equality education in the performance schools.
(1) The promotion of gender equality education is confined because of the burden the consolers’ office carries.
(2) The credentialism decreases the time allocated to gender education and distorts the values of both teachers and students.
(3) Many teachers lack enthusiasm in gender education and are insensitive to gender issues.
4. The performance schools adopted various approaches to solve their problems.
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