簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 李靜慧
Lee Ching hui
論文名稱: 父母飲食行為、飲食教養行為與國小中高年級學童異常飲食行為之關係研究-
The relationships among parents' eating behaviors, food-related parenting styles, and third- to sixth-grade children's disturbed eating behaviors
指導教授: 林薇
Lin, Wei
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 人類發展與家庭學系
Department of Human Development and Family Studies
畢業學年度: 86
語文別: 中文
中文關鍵詞: 異常飲食行為飲食行為飲食教養行為兒童
英文關鍵詞: eating disorder, eating behavior, parenting style, children
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:273下載:0
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  • 本研究之目的在了解兒童之異常飲食行為,同時探討父母之飲食行為、背景因素與其飲食教養行為間的關係,並了解父母飲食行為、飲食教養行為、兒童背景因素與兒童異常飲食行為間的關係。以國小中高年級學童及其父母為對象,採取問卷調查法;有效之統計樣本為學童600名及其父母1200名。研究工具包括「兒童異常飲食行為問卷」、「父親飲食行為、飲食教養行為問卷」及「母親飲食行為、飲食教養行為問卷」三種。所有資料以SPSS for window軟體進行統計分析。根據研究結果,歸納出下列結論:(1)不同性別兒童的異常飲食行為傾向是否有差異,需視其年級而定;亦需視其體型而定。而在600名國小中高年級學童中,有13.83%的兒童屬於異常飲食行為的高風險群。(2)母親在飲食行為的節制飲食、情緒性進食、外因性進食三向度上均顯著高於父親,且在飲食教養行為的民主關懷性、專制權威性、放任性等三個向度上亦高於父親。(3)兒童的BMI能有效解釋兒童的異常飲食行為,能解釋的變異量為2.3%;透過羅吉式迴歸分析,發現「兒童BMI」、「母親飲食教養民主關懷性」兩變項能預測兒童是否成為異常飲食之高危險群。根據研究結果,建議父母對子女做飲食教養時應著重「健康」、「均衡」的飲食及進食型態,避免強調體重、體型之關注及批評。另外,為更清楚了解父母飲食教養行為與兒童體型、異常飲食行為之因果關係,建議在未來進行長期追蹤調查,問卷中加入親子間有關體型、體重之討論的題目,期能對兒童異常飲食行為作更有效之了解。

    The purpose of the study is to investigate the disturbed eating behaviors of third- to sixth-grade children, the relationships among parents' eating behaviors, demographic variables, and food-related parenting style, and the relationship among parents' eating behaviors, food-related parenting style, demographic variables of children, and children's disturbed eating behaviors. Six hundreds third- to sixth-grade children and their parents have completed the self-administered questionnaire including Children's Eating Attitude Test (ChEAT), Dutch Eating Behavior Questionnaire (DEBQ), and the Food-related Parenting Style Questionnaire (FPSQ). According to the ChEAT scores, 13.83 % of the children have the risk of eating disorder, significant interaction was found between the sex and grade of the children, and between the sex and body shape of the children. Based on DEBQ and FPSQ, mothers have higher degree of restrained eating, emotional eating and external eating than fathers, and also have higher degree of concern, authoritarian, and permissive dimensions in parenting style. Children's BMI accounts for 2.3% of the variance in ChEAT scores. Children's BMI and mothers' scores in concern dimension of FPSQ are two risk factors of children's disturbed eating behaviors. The findings indicate that parents should emphasize the healthy, balanced dietary and the eating pattern but not overconcern or criticize children's weight and their body shape. Moreover, longitudinal study is necessary to understand the causal relationship among parents' food-related parenting style, children's body shape and children's disturbed eating behaviors.
