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研究生: 陳沛蓉
Chen, Pei-Jung
論文名稱: 在職特教教師實證本位教學之教師訓練系統性文獻分析
In-Service Special Education Teacher Training in Evidence-Based Practice:A Systematic Review
指導教授: 王慧婷
Wang, Hui-Ting
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 特殊教育學系
Department of Special Education
論文出版年: 2019
畢業學年度: 107
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 61
中文關鍵詞: 在職教師訓練系統性文獻分析實證本位教學
英文關鍵詞: evidence-based practice, in-service teacher training, systematic review
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/THE.NTNU.DSE.002.2019.F02
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:270下載:0
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  • 美國特教法及台灣之特殊教育發展報告書中均提及實證本位教學之重要性,研究顯示實施實證本位教學能提升教學品質,並促進學生學習成效,但研究亦發現教學現場中實證本位教學不常被使用或是教師未能正確執行教學步驟,因此在職特教教師訓練有其必要性。本研究以系統性文獻分析之方式探討在職特殊教育教師實證本位教學訓練之實施方式及成效,蒐集截至2018年5月以前之相關中英文期刊論文,透過兩階段篩選以及人工搜尋,獲得11篇實徵研究。本研究信度高,文獻篩選及資料編碼過程均由研究者及另一位獨立編碼者檢核一致性。研究方法以單一受試實驗設計為主,研究結果顯示,有效的教師訓練形式包含:教學、真人/影片示範、演練、回饋及在職監督,教師訓練成效良好,介入成效超過九成,教師均能正確執行技能,值得注意的是,演練及回饋是教師訓練重要的元素,在職監督亦有其重要性。研究結果發現依照美國特殊兒童協會的標準,包含以上元素之包裹式教師訓練通過實證標準。本研究最後提出對相關人員和單位,以及未來研究之建議。

    No Child Left Behind Act demands "highly qualified teachers" in every classroom, and requires teachers conduct evidence-based practices(EBP)to achieve effective teaching and maximize children success. Therefore, it’s necessary to address professional development by enhancing various EBP teaching skills via teacher training. The issue of professional development has received considerable critical attention. This study adopted systematic review process with PRISMA checklist to explore the effects and implementation of in-service special education teacher training in EBP. Eleven empirical studies from five databases were found through the two-step screening procedures. All of these studies were to train special education teachers to conduct EBP to instruct students with intellectual disabilities, including profound multiple disabilities, and autism spectrum disorders. These studies were coded in nine categories, including the fidelity of EBP implementation. To ensure the reliability of this study, both percentage of screening and coding procedural steps were verified by another independent coder. Results consistently shown teachers implemented EBP with high fidelity after each teacher training. Meanwhile, several effective teacher training components were consistently identified across studies, including didactic presentation, modeling, role-play practice, providing feedback and on-site coaching. According to the results of this systematic review, this training package reached evidence-based practice criteria established by the Council for Exceptional Children. Implications for future research regarding teacher training of student intellectual disabilities will be discussed.

    第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 1 第二節 研究目的與問題 4 第三節 名詞釋義 4 第二章 文獻探討 5 第一節 實證本位教學 5 第二節 教師訓練 7 第三節 系統性文獻分析法之起源與應用 11 第三章 研究方法 14 第一節 研究設計與流程 14 第二節 系統性文獻分析的品質檢核 18 第四章 分析結果與討論 20 第一節 研究品質檢核結果 20 第二節 研究基本資料分析 24 第三節 教師訓練介入成效分析 37 第四節 綜合討論 38 第五章 結論與建議 41 第一節 結論 41 第二節 建議 42 參考文獻 44 附錄一、文獻篩選檢核表(階段一) 51 附錄二、文獻篩選檢核表(階段二) 52 附錄三、資料編碼表 53 附錄四、資料編碼表說明 54 附錄五、PRISMA系統性文獻分析品質檢核表 55 附錄六、未通過第二階段篩選的文獻及其未符合標準之代碼 58 附錄七、通過兩階段篩選的文獻列表 61

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