研究生: |
蔡佳宏 |
論文名稱: |
應用跨理論模式於老人運動行為之研究--以臺北市中山區長青學苑學員為例 |
指導教授: | 呂昌明 |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
健康促進與衛生教育學系 Department of Health Promotion and Health Education |
論文出版年: | 2002 |
畢業學年度: | 89 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 111 |
中文關鍵詞: | 跨理論模式 、老人 、運動行為 、長青學苑 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:370 下載:73 |
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本研究主要在於瞭解老年人的運動階段及其影響因素。本研究以臺北市中山區長青學苑第十九屆秋季班全體學員為研究對象,於民國九十年十一月至十二月間進行施測,採用自填問卷的方式取得有效樣本313人。所得資料以卡方檢定、t-test、單因子變異數分析、單因子多變量變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關、複迴歸等統計方法進行分析,重要結果歸納如下:一、隸屬於五個不同運動階段之研究對象,因教育程度、自覺健康狀況及居家環境運動設施數不同而有顯著差異。二、隸屬於五個不同運動階段之研究對象,在知覺運動利益上有顯著差異存在,除了準備期之外,從無意圖期到維持期,知覺運動利益呈現逐次增加的現象。知覺運動利益與運動階段兩者間存有顯著正相關。三、隸屬於五個不同運動階段之研究對象,在知覺運動障礙上有顯著差異存在,且無意圖期>意圖期>準備期>行動期>維持期。知覺運動障礙與運動階段兩者間存有顯著負相關。四、隸屬於五個不同運動階段之研究對象,在運動自我效能上有顯著差異存在,且無意圖期<意圖期<準備期<行動期<維持期。運動自我效能與運動階段兩者間存有顯著正相關。五、隸屬於五個不同運動階段之研究對象,在運動社會支持上有顯著差異存在,且無意圖期<意圖期<準備期<行動期<維持期。運動社會支持與運動階段兩者間存有顯著正相關。六、隸屬於五個不同運動階段之研究對象,在運動享樂感上有顯著差異存在,且無意圖期<意圖期<準備期<行動期<維持期。運動享樂感與運動階段兩者間存有顯著正相關。七、教育程度、知覺運動利益、運動自我效能與運動享樂感為預測研究對象運動階段的重要變項,其解釋量為88.50﹪。 依據研究結果,本研究針對規劃介入計畫、活動內容設計及活動宣導推廣等三方面提出若干建議,以作為日後策劃或推廣老年人健康體適能促進計畫與未來類似研究之參考。 The main purpose of this study was to investigate the stages of exercise and their determinants among the students in elderly college of the Chung-Shan district in Taipei. The data were collected with a self-administrated questionnaire during November and December 2001. The effective samples were 313 people. Chi-square test, t-test, one-way ANOVA, one-way MANOVA, Pearson product moment correlation, Multiple regression were used to analyze the data. Important findings of this study were concluded as follows: 1.Significant variances are observed in the subjects belong to the five stages of exercise depending on educational-background, perceived health status and environment facilities of exercise. 2.There are significant differences between the subjects belong to the five stages of exercise and perceived benefits of exercise. Besides Preparation, from Pre-contemplation to Maintenance, perceived benefits of exercise increases progressively. Perceived benefits of exercise indicates significant positive correlation between the stages of exercise. 3.There are significant differences between the subjects belong to the five stages of exercise and perceived barriers of exercise, then Pre-contemplation>Contemplation>Preparation>Act>Maintenance. Perceived barriers of exercise indicates significant negative correlation between the stages of exercise. 4.There are significant differences between the subjects belong to the five stages of exercise and self-efficacy for exercise, then Pre-contemplation<Contemplation<Preparation<Act<Maintenance. Self-efficacy for exercise indicates significant positive correlation between the stages of exercise. 5.There are significant differences between the subjects belong to the five stages of exercise and social support for exercise, then Pre-contemplation<Contemplation<Preparation<Act<Maintenance. Social support for exercise indicates significant positive correlation between the stages of exercise. 6.There are significant differences between the subjects belong to the five stages of exercise and enjoyment for exercise, then Pre-contemplation<Contemplation<Preparation<Act<Maintenance. Enjoyment for exercise indicates significant positive correlation between the stages of exercise. 7.The related variables explain 88.5﹪ of the variance in the stages of the exercise, and educational-background, perceived benefits of exercise, self-efficacy for exercise and enjoyment for exercise are major predictors for the stages of the exercise. To sum up, this study aims to provide suggestions for the interventions, programs planning, and promotional strategies of the campaigns and the result would be a reference to the plans of the health-related physical fitness of elderly and research agency in the future.
The main purpose of this study was to investigate the stages of exercise and
their determinants among the students in elderly college of the Chung-Shan
district in Taipei. The data were collected with a self-administrated
questionnaire during November and December 2001. The effective samples were
313 people. Chi-square test, t-test, one-way ANOVA, one-way MANOVA, Pearson
product moment correlation, Multiple regression were used to analyze the data.
Important findings of this study were concluded as follows:
1.Significant variances are observed in the subjects belong to the five stages
of exercise depending on educational-background, perceived health status and
environment facilities of exercise.
2.There are significant differences between the subjects belong to the five
stages of exercise and perceived benefits of exercise. Besides Preparation,
from Pre-contemplation to Maintenance, perceived benefits of exercise
increases progressively. Perceived benefits of exercise indicates significant
positive correlation between the stages of exercise.
3.There are significant differences between the subjects belong to the five
stages of exercise and perceived barriers of exercise, then Pre-contemplation>
Contemplation>Preparation>Act>Maintenance. Perceived barriers of exercise
indicates significant negative correlation between the stages of exercise.
4.There are significant differences between the subjects belong to the five
stages of exercise and self-efficacy for exercise, then Pre-contemplation<
indicates significant positive correlation between the stages of exercise.
5.There are significant differences between the subjects belong to the five
stages of exercise and social support for exercise, then Pre-contemplation<
indicates significant positive correlation between the stages of exercise.
6.There are significant differences between the subjects belong to the five
stages of exercise and enjoyment for exercise, then Pre-contemplation<
significant positive correlation between the stages of exercise.
7.The related variables explain 88.5﹪ of the variance in the stages of the
exercise, and educational-background, perceived benefits of exercise, self-
efficacy for exercise and enjoyment for exercise are major predictors for the
stages of the exercise.
To sum up, this study aims to provide suggestions for the interventions,
programs planning, and promotional strategies of the campaigns and the result
would be a reference to the plans of the health-related physical fitness of
elderly and research agency in the future.
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