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Author: 張家嫚
Chang, Ja-Mann
Thesis Title: 論社會創新及ESG-以新北市政府「reBAG袋袋相傳計畫」為例
On Social Innovation and ESG - Take the New Taipei City Government's "reBAG Bags Plan " as an example
Advisor: 鄭勝分
Cheng, Sheng-Fen
Committee: 陳定銘
Chen, Ting-Ming
Kuo, Yau-Chang
Cheng, Sheng-Fen
Approval Date: 2022/06/23
Degree: 碩士
Department: 社會教育學系社會教育與文化行政碩士在職專班
Department of Adult and Continuing Education_Continuing Education Master's Program of Adult Education and Culture Administration
Thesis Publication Year: 2022
Academic Year: 110
Language: 中文
Number of pages: 96
Keywords (in Chinese): ESG社會創新綠色管理
Keywords (in English): ESG, social innovation, green management
Research Methods: 個案研究法文件分析法深度訪談法半結構式訪談法
Thesis Type: Academic thesis/ dissertation
Reference times: Clicks: 263Downloads: 41
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  • 摘要


    With the development of industry and commerce, the natural environment is gradually destroyed and consumed by people, environmental protection has become a topic of importance, the 2018 Executive Yuan Social Innovation Action Plan will be the 2015 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals as the core spindle, of which environmental protection is also a major aspect; The meaning of social innovation is to use innovative methods to solve social problems, in order to make the earth we live in sustainable development, this study hopes to explore from the perspective of green innovation and green management in environmental protection under the scope of social innovation, and the ESG evaluation index can examine whether the enterprise can be evaluated for sustainable operation, and this study also combines ESG indicators to examine whether the reBAG Bags Plan of the Department of Environmental Protection New Taipei City Government is in line with the goal of sustainable development.
    This study mainly used interviews and ESG indicator questionnaires to interview respondents to explore (1) The correlation between social innovation and green management and ESG indicators. (2) Under the ESG indicators, whether the reBAG bags Plan can achieve the goal of sustainable development. The study collected relevant literature in domestic and foreign, interviewed the planners and implementers of the above plans, explored the correlation between social innovation programs and ESG indicators, and collated the interview content to make suggestions.
    The results of the study found that the reBAG bags plan is related to the E (environment) and S (society) in the ESG indicators, but less related to the G (governance), because the governance part involves board diversity, board independence, shareholder rights and management compensation, etc., and is less related to the government department plan, which cannot be measured, and this study also makes relevant suggestions for the government department's plan to meet the sustainable development goals of the SDGs and refer to the ESG questionnaire indicators.

    Keywords: ESG, social innovation, green management

    目次 摘要 i Abstract ii 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景 1 第二節 研究動機 5 第三節 研究目的與待答問題 9 第四節 名詞解釋 11 第二章 文獻探討 13 第一節 社會創新與綠色創新 13 第二節 ESG意涵及指標 27 第三節ESG管理與落實永續發展 35 第三章 研究方法與實施 43 第一節 研究方法 43 第二節 執行步驟 45 第三節 資料分析 51 第四章 研究分析與討論 53 第一節 環境因素 53 第二節 社會因素 61 第三節 治理因素 71 第五章 結論與建議 79 第一節 研究結論 79 第二節 研究建議 83 參考文獻 85 一、中文部分 85 二、英文部分 91 附錄 95 附錄一 訪談同意書 95 附錄二 ESG指標問卷 96

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