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研究生: 黃勝裕
論文名稱: 輪椅衝刺推進肩關節肌群之肌電疲勞分析
Electromygraphic analysis of shoulder muscle fatigue during wheelchair sprinting
指導教授: 林正常
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 體育學系
Department of Physical Education
論文出版年: 2000
畢業學年度: 88
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 62
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:944下載:43
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  • 本研究的目的為了解衝刺性的輪椅推進中,肩關節主要作用肌群於輪椅推進時的
    (median power frequency,MPF)與積分肌(integrate EMG,iEMG)電圖的變化趨勢
    (the average percentage of EMG intensity relative to maximal voluntary
    isometric contraction,perMVIC)作為判別作用肌群的實驗變項。受試者為國內男
    性輪椅運動員14 名,年齡34.50 ± 6.60 歲、殘障年數30.36 ± 8.83 年、體重為55.21 ± 7.80
    公斤重、全臂長75.04 ± 3.44 公分、坐高86.93 ± 5.73 公分。將表面肌電電極(MEDI TRACE;
    Ag /AgCl electrode;radius:0.5cm;interelectrode distance:3.7cm;sampling
    肌(LAD)與上、下斜方肌(UPT &LOT),於輪椅衝刺推進的衰竭測試中擷取肌電訊號至
    SCD 、LAD 、LOT)在推進期產生拮抗作用,以流暢且穩定地完成高速度與高強度的輪
    椅衝刺推進動作,而SCD 是輪椅衝刺推進中達最大疲勞程度的肌肉,CLD 、SPM 、LOT

    The main purposes of this study were to investigate the characteristics of shoulder
    local muscle fatigue during wheelchair athlete sprinting. Additionally, the shoulder active
    muscles both in pushing and in recovering phases of wheelchair sprinting were examined.
    Fourteen-wheelchair athletes voluntarily participated in this study.
    Self-designed wheelchair stationary roller and hand contact triggers were used in this
    study. Six channels of EMG amplifiers were used to measure the myoelectric signals. One
    channel of hand-on trigger was used to distinguish the pushing phase and recovery phase.
    Six crucial muscles regarding to shoulder motion during wheelchair propulsion were
    studied. Those muscles included clavical part of deltoid (CLD), scapular part of deltoid
    (SCD), sternal part of pectoralis major (SPM), latissimus dorsi (LAD), upper trapezius
    (UPT), and lower trapezius (LOT). Surface EMGs were used to analyze the shoulder
    myoelectric signal both in frequency domain (mean power frequency, MPF) and time
    The results indicated that CLD, SCD, SPM, and LOT easily became fatigue after
    exhaustion of wheelchair fast propulsion. However, the SCD was most prone to fatigue.
    Based on our study findings, we believed that the shoulder muscle fatigue could be one of
    major factor contribute causing shoulder impingement injuries. This is due to muscle losing
    its balance in protection of glenohumeral stability. In order to maintain shoulder dynamic
    stability and prevent shoulder impingement injury, shoulder muscle endurance exercise
    training is important for wheelchair athletes, especially SCD, CLD, SPM and LOT muscles.
    Keywords :wheelchair propulsion, fatigue index, shoulder joint, median power

    目次 l 前序部份 口試委員與系主任簽字證書________________________________________i 授權書__________________________________________________________ii 中文摘要_______________________________________________________iii 英文摘要________________________________________________________iv 謝誌_____________________________________________________________v 目次____________________________________________________________vi 表次__________________________________________________________viii 圖次____________________________________________________________ix l 本文部份 第一章 緒論_________________________________________________1 第一節 前言_______________________________________________1 第二節 研究背景___________________________________________2 第三節 研究目的___________________________________________4 第四節 研究假設___________________________________________5 第五節 研究範圍與限制_____________________________________5 第六節 操作性定義_________________________________________5 第二章 相關文獻探討_________________________________________7 第一節 肩關節肌肉骨骼系統之解剖構造______________________7 第二節 輪椅運動員的肩關節運動傷害________________________9 第三節 輪椅運動員肩關節運動傷害之機制___________________10 第四節 輪椅推進中肩關節的肌電訊號_______________________13 第五節 肌肉周邊疲勞之判定方法___________________________14 第六節 輪椅運動員肩關節傷害與肌力不均現象的關係_________17 第七節 本章總結__________________________________________18第三章 方法________________________________________________19 第一節 研究對象__________________________________________19 第二節 實驗方法與設備____________________________________20 第三節 實驗程序與步驟____________________________________26 第四節 資料處理與分析____________________________________28 第五節 統計方法__________________________________________30 第四章 結果________________________________________________31 第一節 運動表現部份______________________________________31 第二節 中數頻譜頻率部份__________________________________31 第三節 積分肌電圖部份____________________________________36 第四節 相對肌電強度部份__________________________________38 第五章 討論與結論_________________________________________42 第一節 肩關節肌肉之肌電疲勞現象_________________________42 第二節 肩關節肌肉於推進期與回復期期平均相對肌電強度的變化情 形______________________________________________45 第三節 運動科學之應用____________________________________46 第四節 結論與建議________________________________________47 引用文獻_______________________________________________________48 l 後篇部份 附錄一實驗原始資料____________________________________________53 附錄二受試者須知______________________________________________58 附錄三受試者同意書____________________________________________59 附錄四受試者健康調查表________________________________________60 附錄五受試者推進輪圈轉速的簡單回歸方程式圖____________________61 個人小傳________________________________________________________62圖次 圖1-1 、輪椅推進循環期_________________________________________________7 圖2-1 、肌電圖頻譜分析之各個指標______________________________________15 圖3-1 、實驗的現場佈置圖______________________________________________21 圖3-2 、標準型輪椅架設於原地輪椅推進系統_____________________________22 圖3-3 、自製手觸通路開關______________________________________________24 圖3-4 、自製輪圈轉速測速器____________________________________________24 圖3-5 、推進動作中肩關節肌肉的原始肌電圖_____________________________25 圖4-1 、受試者於衰竭時間內的輪圈轉速_________________________________31 圖4-2 、各肌群疲勞前、後之MPF 長條圖__________________________________33 圖4-3 、各肌群於疲勞過程中,各肌群MPF 相對改變量之長條圖______________35 圖4-4 、各肌群疲勞前、後之iEMG 長條圖__________________________________37 圖4-5 、疲勞前期各肌群於推進期與回復期相對肌電強度之長條圖___________40 圖4-6 、疲勞後期各肌群於推進期與回復期相對肌電強度之長條圖___________41表次 表3-1 、受試者基本資料表____________________________________________________________19 表3-2 、受試者基本資料描述統計表____________________________________________________19 表4-1 、受試者輪圈轉速下斜率________________________________________________________31 表4-2 、各肌群於疲勞前、後期MPF 的描述統計資料與相依樣本t 考驗摘要表_________________32 表4-3 、各肌群於疲勞過程中MPF 相對改變量的描述統計資料表_______________34 表4-4 、各肌群於疲勞過程中MPF 相對改變量的獨立樣本單因子變異數分析摘要表___________34 表4-5 、各肌群於疲勞過程中MPF 相對改變量之Tukey 事後比較表__________________________34 表4-6 、各肌群於疲勞前、後期iEMG 的描述統計資料與相依樣本t 考驗摘要表________________36 表4-7 、各肌群於疲勞過程中iEMG 相對改變量的描述統計資料表___________________________38 表4-8 、各肌群於疲勞過程iEMG 相對改變量的獨立樣本單因子變異數分析摘要表____________38 表4-9 、疲勞前期各肌群於推進期與回復期相對肌電強度的描述統計資料與相依樣本t 考驗摘要表 _______________________________________________________________________39 表4-10 、疲勞後期各肌群於推進期與回復期相對肌電強度的描述統計資料與相依樣本t 考驗摘要表 ______________________________________________________________________39

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