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研究生: 黃智偉
Huang, Chih-Wei
論文名稱: 隱藏種或多形性?細帶環蛺蝶(Neptis nata)幼蟲多形性初探
Cryptic species or polyphenism? The study of larvae diversification of Neptis nata
指導教授: 徐堉峰
Hsu, Yu-Feng
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 生命科學系
Department of Life Science
論文出版年: 2017
畢業學年度: 105
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 38
中文關鍵詞: 細帶環蛺蝶隱藏種多形性寄主植物
英文關鍵詞: Neptis nata, Cryptic species, polyphenism, host plant
DOI URL: https://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202201992
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:68下載:16
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  • 細帶環蛺蝶(Neptis nata)在臺灣的族群被視為特有亞種ssp. Lutatia Fruhstorfer, 1913,一年多代,廣泛分布於全島低中海拔的地區,為廣食性物種,目前已知可利用的寄主植物包括了大麻科的朴樹(Celtis sinensis)、石朴(C. formosana)、山黃麻(Trema orientalis),榆科櫸木(Zelkova serrata),豆科水黃皮(Pongamia pinnata)、老荊藤(Millatia reticulata)、葛藤(Pueraria lobata),大戟科刺杜密(Bredelia insulana)等,由野外觀察及室內飼養之記錄顯示,細帶環蛺蝶在利用不同寄主植物的時候,其幼蟲會有不一樣的形態表現,像是利用豆科水黃皮的幼蟲體色偏褐色、利用大麻科的幼蟲體色雖然偏綠,而利用榆科櫸木的幼蟲則表現出紅色的體色。為了瞭解造成細帶環蛺蝶產生此多形性的原因以及釐清細帶環蛺蝶的分類地位,本研究經由計算利用不同寄主的幼蟲的體色表現、雌蝶野外產卵時的微棲地選擇偏好及生物條碼(DNA Barcode)分析來檢測細帶環蛺蝶在利用不同寄主植物時的幼蟲多形性確切原因為何,最後由研究結果顯示細帶環蛺蝶幼蟲多形性並非內含隱藏種或是寄主轉移,而是因利用不同寄主而造成的體色改變。


    Neptis nata (Nymphalidae) is a polyphagous and widespread species. Their host plants recorded so far include Cannabaceae (Celtis sinensis, C. formosana, Trema orientalis), Ulmaceae (Zelkova serrata), Fabaceae (Pongamia pinnata, Millatia reticulate, Pueraria lobate), Euphorbiaceae (Bredelia insulana), and Verbenaceae (Callicarpa formosana). According to field observations and the hostplant records, Neptis nata’s larvae have different morphology when they are fed with different host plant. To clarify the underlying reason of Neptis nata’s polyphenism, we record the caterpillar’s developmental condition and the form alternation when they fed with different host plants ( RGB analysis), and use the DNA barcode to study the relationship between populations using the different host plants. The result is that the larva form alternation may not be caused by the existence of cryptic species but by the different host plant usage.

    Key word: Neptis nata, cryptic species, polyphenism, host plant

    中文摘要................................2 英文摘要................................3 前言....................................4 材料與方法..............................8 結果...................................10 討論...................................12 結論...................................16 參考文獻...............................18 附表...................................20 附圖...................................25 附錄...................................30

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