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研究生: 劉嘉麗
論文名稱: 女巫解讀 - 北投觀光景點視覺化之研究
A Portrit of " The Witch" - Study on Visualization of Tourist Attractions in Peitou
指導教授: 蘇茂生
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學系
Department of Design
論文出版年: 2002
畢業學年度: 91
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 68
中文關鍵詞: 女巫視覺思維視覺化
英文關鍵詞: Patauw, Visual Thinking, Visualize
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:246下載:32
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  • 為因應精緻休閒生活品質之提昇,與結合電腦影像資訊時代的趨勢與實質效益;並將現實生活空間中之相關3D場景,作有系統的分析、歸納、設計,精簡為2D畫面之識別型態,進而運用「超聯結」之技巧與功能,讓台北市北投地區原本即結合自然與人文環境的多處觀光景點,成為社會大眾心目中「衹有互動,沒有距離」的最親切、最快速,也是最佳的觀光去處,期藉此類的規劃設計與視覺傳達,能有效地推廣北投
    本研究採行「視覺思維(Visual Thinking)」之聯結運用模式,極力要求眼睛所見適切地對等於思想概念或想像中的狀態。即將北投觀光景點的風貌-包括自然山水(溫泉)、人工建物(文物館或宗教聖地)等,先作一系列的探訪、考查、紀實,再取景攝錄及影像處理的過程,最終歸納為最具地域性色彩的鮮明與設計,以營造獨一無二的企劃識別。
    1. 結構-以抽象原則重新擬定與簡化景點之視覺動線,如水平或垂直、斜向或交錯、平版或透視等變化,並使交織成兼顧歷史韻味與視覺臨場感。
    2. 線條-運用簡潔有力的動線組合,誘導觀者由觀光景點之外在視覺表象進而領略設計內涵與其獨具的特色。
    3. 造形-多層次與多圓弧的均衡、勻稱、祥和、寧靜的古典趣味與美感。
    4. 色調-古色古香的溫馨色彩,配合柔調的中間色氣氛,更能透露出台灣古早味的淳樸與人情味的親和。

    In order to enhance the quality of leisure life in Taipei and fully exploit the trend and advantages of computerized imaging technologies, this study has systematically analyzed and categorized 3D scenarios garnered from real life space to design a more concise 2D pictorial identification model. By utilizing “hyperlink” techniques and functionalities, we will convey to the public the impression that the Peitou area of Taipei City is full of tourist attractions offering “intimate interaction without distance”, making the area something even more than a collection of rich cultural and natural resources. Using such design and visual communication techniques, we will be able to effectively promote folk art from the Peitou area and better cater to modern sightseeing tastes.
    The present project adopts the connective model of “Visual Thinking”, which emphasizes the close correlation between visual input and mental concepts or images. The author has first visited and investigated the histories of major tourist attractions in Peitou – including natural sights (such as hot springs) and architectural constructions (such as museums or religious sites), and photographs are then taken of selected sights. Following imagery processing, the pictures are arranged in such a way as to offer a unique and most vivid project identification design.
    The major tourist attractions featured in the present project are the New Peitou MRT Station, the Hot Spring Museum, the Stone-Arche Bridge, the Thermal Valley, and Chili An. The visualization process for these sights principally adopts the following four main principles:
    1. Structure – using impressionistic concepts to redefine and streamline visual corridors for the attractions, alternating such visual impressions as the parallel or perpendicular, the oblique or interweaving, the lithographic or transparent, hence giving viewers the benefit of realistic images without sacrificing the historical aura.
    2. Lines – utilizing simple but powerful visual corridor combinations to guide viewers from passive r eception of visual images to active appreciation of their unique design characteristics.
    3. Formation – balancing multi-layered and multi-curved images to depict the harmonic and peaceful aesthetics of the attractions.
    4. Colors – the combination of warm colors of tradition and soft hues of gentility, aptly portraying the raditional hospitality and warmness offered by Taiwan.
    The above four principles are utilized in alternation within a framework that appropriately merges conceptual design and identification of themes. In this project the concrete expression of the visual model is executed with a comprehensive design that guides viewers to a higher level of visual and spiritual enjoyment. While deriving pleasure from realistic appreciation of the featured attractions, viewers are at the same time submerged in the uplifting joys of visual aesthetics.
    Keyword:「Patauw」; 「Visual Thinking」; 「Visualize」

    第一章 緒論…………………………………………01 壹 研究動機………………………………………..01 貳 研究目的…………………………………………02 參 研究方法與進行步驟……………………………03 肆 研究範圍與文獻探討……………………………05 第二章 北投觀光景點之風貌與特色………………07 壹 新北投捷運站……………………………………07 貳 溫泉博物館………………………………………08 參 石拱橋…………………………………………..10 肆 地熱谷…………………………………………..11 伍 唭哩岸…………………………………………..13 第三章 觀光景點設計背景分析與視覺規劃之比較…15 壹 結構之分析………………………………………17 貳 線條之分析………………………………………25 參 造形之分析………………………………………27 肆 色彩之分析……………………………………..28 第四章 作品創意與賞析……………………………32 壹 飛天女巫………………………………………..33 貳 女巫鬥觀音………………………………………35 參 時空轉折………………………………………..37 肆 日據時代………………………………………..39 伍 後窗……………………………………………..41 陸 早春……………………………………………..43 柒 情人橋…………………………………………..45 捌 女巫煉丹………………………………………..47 玖 現代的建構與解構……………………………..49 拾 打石山傳說………………………………………51 拾壹 關渡宮與石燈…………………………………..53 拾貳 變奏的紫觀音…………………………………..55 應用設計………………………………………………..58 第五章 結論…………………………………………63 參考文獻………………………………………………..66

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