研究生: |
高曼慈 Kao, Man-Tzu |
論文名稱: |
美食社群服務設計之創作研究 The Research and Creation on Food social community Service Design |
指導教授: |
Teng, Cheng-Lein |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
設計學系 Department of Design |
論文出版年: | 2017 |
畢業學年度: | 105 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 157 |
中文關鍵詞: | 服務設計 、虛擬社群 、餐飲服務 、外賣 、使用者中心 、介面設計 |
英文關鍵詞: | service design, virtual community, catering service, takeaway, user center, interface design |
DOI URL: | https://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202203255 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:482 下載:25 |
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本研究朝向個人化、個性化美食社群平台發展,將Online to Offline的商業模式應用於餐飲產業,虛擬社群與網路商業,服務接觸點由服務與顧客的接觸漸轉為自助服務。本研究希望探討移動裝置下人們對於使用飲食服務軟體的需求,找出店家服務的缺口,利用軟體完善店家服務。對店家而言,利用其本身特點和運營目標,對服務營運管理作出策略規劃與新的構想,以餐廳為研究對象,分析服務藍圖,找出品牌之現有、潛在、創新接觸點,歸納適合餐飲業發展服務創新的餐飲服務藍圖。以使用者角度而言,探索使用者餐飲消費下的使用體驗,形成餐飲業者與消費者體驗的雙向互動關係。研究目標:(1)界定美食服務設計的影響要素;(2)探討飲食社群的潛在需求;(3)分析現有相關美食社群平台網站之優劣勢;(4)填補服務缺口以創作美食社群平台。利用案例分析法分析現有平台之接觸點,至實體店家使用觀察法與使用者深度訪談等研究方法,研究結果發現:
This study is aimed at the development of personalized food community platform. It applies the business model of Online to Offline to the catering industry, virtual community and network business, and service touch-points is gradually changed from interaction between clerk and customer to self-service. This study hopes to explore the mobile device under the use of catering services for the needs of the software to find a gap in service of the store the use of software to improve the store services. For the store, the use of its own characteristics and operational objectives, the service operation and management to make strategic planning and new ideas to the restaurant as the object of study, analysis of service blueprint to identify the brand of existing, potential, innovative touch-points, industry development services innovative catering service blueprint. From the user point of view, to explore the use of consumer dining experienceand forming catering industry and consumer experience of the two-way interactive relationship. (1) Define the influencial elements of food service design; (2) to explore the potential needs of the catering community; (3) to analyze the advantages and disadvantages of the existing gourmet community platform; (4) to fill the gap in services to create a food community platform. Using the case analysis method to analyze the touch-point of the existing platform, to the physical store using the observation method and the user in-depth interviews and other research methods, the study found that:
(1) the existing food community software virtual touch-points and physical integration is insufficient;
(2) In the existing touch-point, check the most important function of the notes, to provide discounts to promote the model to attract users;
(3) In the existing touch-point, community reviews provide neutral consumer experience;
(4) fast food service service contact points up to the application of food and beverage to the wisdom of the most commonly used meals;
(5) virtual touch-points for the entity service contact point extension, attention to the food platform and the user's two-way interaction;
(6) In the potential touch-point, marketing can be Fackbook and Instagram as the main platform;
(7) design should focus on a variety of cross-device platform adaptability;
(8) the use of food software should focus on the use of experience.
The results of the study to explore the delivery of food freshness of the service gap, the other for the meal at home for the food community service gap, as an innovative touch- point, The concept of service design principles applied to the design planning and creation, the creation of research results based on the development of two new service model platform:
(1) Meal dining car direct delivery platform: meal car direct delivery function combined with the afternoon tea ordering system series from the store and the user interaction; combined with physical touch-point and virtual touch-point of the innovative experience.
(2) Chef in private kitchen broadcast platform: private kitchen App is the use of shared economic model, users can use live sharing good food, and can immediately answer the questions online to online viewers, to replace the original TV or books and other one-way teaching Method, and increase the online pre-order real-time innovation experience.
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