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研究生: 郭冠均
Kuo, Kuan-Chun
論文名稱: 臺灣高中英文課採英語授課課程實施引導式歸納法文法教學:學習過程與學習者看法
Adopting Guided Inductive Grammar Teaching in Senior High School TETE Classes in Taiwan: Learning Process and Learners' Perceptions
指導教授: 王宏均
Wang, Hung-Chun
口試委員: 王宏均
Wang, Hung-Chun
Tseng, Jun-Jie
Lo, Yi-Hsuan
口試日期: 2024/06/13
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 英語學系
Department of English
論文出版年: 2024
畢業學年度: 112
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 201
中文關鍵詞: 英語文法教學英文課以英語授課歸納法文法教學引導式歸納法學習過程學習者看法
英文關鍵詞: English grammar teaching, TETE, inductive grammar teaching, guided induction, learning process, learner perception
研究方法: 個案研究法
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202400568
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:52下載:12
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  • 臺灣的雙語教育政策和TETE(英語課以英語授課)實踐期望英文學習者深化發展英語溝通應用能力。然而,臺灣的英語教育有時過度強調文法教學和紙筆測驗,這些困難正訴求英語教學應透過不同的策略著重英語的形式、意義以及使用層面的學習。歸納法文法教學的裨益已受廣泛討論,但鮮有研究聚焦於英語學習者在歸納法文法課堂中進行歸納法文法分析之學習過程,尤其是在英語教師採英語授課的文法課程。深入的學習過程和學習者看法皆具有研究的需求性,故此研究將進一步提供更多教學啟示與建議,幫助老師更有效地進行英文課以英語授課課程中的文法教學。

    Under Taiwan's Bilingual Education Policy and TETE (Teaching English Through English) practices, students are expected to develop communicative competence of English. Yet, English education in Taiwan sometimes over-emphasizes grammar instruction and written tests. Such dilemmas call for different methods to focus on form, meaning, and use of English. The advantages of inductive grammar teaching have been extensively discussed in prior research. Yet, little research has focused on how learners undergo the inductive learning process in an inductive grammar class, particularly in the TETE classroom. In-depth learning process and learner perceptions also need to be investigated to provide more pedagogical implications to help teachers manage grammar instruction in TETE classes more effectively.
    This study attempted to adopt the Guided Inductive Approach to teaching grammar patterns for senior high school students. Guided inductive teaching materials were designed based on Flowerdew's (2009) 4 Is Model, and a one-week lesson that consisted of four class meetings was given by the researcher to a class of twenty-seven eleventh graders. The class activities intended to engage learners in groups to co-construct the grammatical rules with the teacher's guidance, followed by contextualized practices. Data collection involved classroom observations, an end-of-course survey, and semi-structured interviews. To investigate the participants' perceptions of the guided inductive grammar class, interviews were also conducted with six target participants.
    This mixed-methods case study aimed to investigate the students' learning process and their perceptions in a guided inductive grammar teaching class. Based on research findings, pedagogical implications are discussed. The research ultimately aims to inspire effective and meaningful EFL grammar teaching in TETE classes.

    ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS i CHINESE ABSTRACT ii ENGLISH ABSTRACT iii TABLE OF CONTENTS v LIST OF TABLES ix LIST OF FIGURES x CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1 Background and Motivation 1 Bilingual Education 3 Teaching English Through English (TETE) 4 Promotion of TETE in Taiwan 5 Grammar Teaching in Taiwan 6 Grammar Instructions in Taiwan 6 The Transition of Grammar Teaching in Taiwan 8 Purpose and Significance of the Study 10 Research Questions of the Study 11 Overview of the Study 12 CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW 13 EFL Grammar Teaching 13 Theoretical Frameworks of Grammar Teaching 13 Framework of Grammar Teaching Approaches 16 Related Studies on Grammar Learning in EFL Contexts 21 Pedagogical Practice and Empirical Studies of the Deductive Approach and the Inductive Approach 24 The Inductive Approach with Consciousness-Raising Tasks 25 Advantages and Disadvantages of the Deductive Approach 29 Advantages and Disadvantages of the Inductive Approach 34 Models of Guided Induction 42 Research Gap 47 CHAPTER THREE METHODOLOGY 50 Research Design 50 Participants 51 Instructional Design 52 Instructional Methods 52 Instructional Procedures 54 Instructional Materials 61 Teaching Materials 61 The Post-Intervention Test 62 Research Instruments 62 Classroom Observations 63 An End-of-Course Survey 63 Semi-Structured Interviews 64 Data Collection Procedures 66 Data Analysis 67 Analysis of Classroom Observations 67 Analysis of Students' Responses to the End-of-Course Survey 67 Analysis of the Students' Responses in the Semi-Structured Interviews 68 CHAPTER FOUR RESULTS 70 The Learners' Learning Process During the Guided Inductive Grammar Instruction 70 The Participants' Profile 71 The Students' Observation and Analysis of Given Example Sentences 72 The Students' Group Discussion and Note-Taking During Rule Discovery 78 The Teacher's Explicit Instruction of Grammar Rules 92 The Students' Final Check of Grammar Rules 96 The Students' Application of Learned Rules in Contexts 99 How the Learners Perceived the Guided Induction in the TETE Class 104 The Learners' Perceptions of the Guided Induction 104 The Learners' Perceptions of Learning Grammar in the TETE Class 125 The Learners' Perceptions of Learning Grammar Through the Guided Inductive Approach in the TETE Class 133 CHAPTER FIVE DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION 138 Major Findings and Discussion 138 Pedagogical Implications 147 Limitations and Future Directions 152 Conclusion 154 References 156 Appendices 175 Appendix A: Lesson Plans 175 Appendix B: Teaching Materials 183 Appendix C: Post-Intervention Test 194 Appendix D: End-of-Course Survey 196 Appendix E: Interview Guidelines 198 Appendix F: Consent Forms 200

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