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研究生: 林柔嫺
論文名稱: 蛻變中的理性與感性:女性創業者的創業歷程與困境因應之研究
Rationality and Sensibility in Transformation:Research on the Entrepreneurial Process and the Reaction of Dilemma for Female Entrepreneurs
指導教授: 邱皓政
Chiou, Hawjeng
口試委員: 高國揚
Kao, Kuo-Yang
Hsu, Ryan Shuwei
Chiou, Hawjeng
口試日期: 2022/05/13
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 國際時尚高階管理碩士在職專班
Executive Master of Business Administration Program in Global Fashion
論文出版年: 2022
畢業學年度: 110
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 46
中文關鍵詞: 女性創業自我覺察多重角色情感性關係工具性關係混和性關係
英文關鍵詞: Female Entrepreneurship, Self-awareness, Multiple roles, Emotional relationships, Instrumental relationships, Mixed relationships
研究方法: 個案研究法半結構式訪談法
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202200602
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:78下載:9
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  • 近幾年,隨著時代的進步,兩性議題也逐漸被重視,而女性勞動力在社會上所扮演的角色更是不可同日而語。有感於女性創業的比例持續增加,創業後的考驗又如此嚴峻,該如何善用有限的資源與女性的優勢來創造高效能的管理將是本研究的研究動機所在。本研究的目的主要在探討女性創業歷程中的困境與其因應之道,具體的研究問題包括是何種因素促使女性創業的動機與自我覺察的關聯?女性創業家感性的情懷在創業歷程中是否會影響其組織內部的管理?多重角色的扮演對其顧客關係的維持與職家關係具有那些影響?本研究藉由對六位女性創業者進行深入的訪談得出下列結論,首先,女性創業家的個人特質鮮明且具有高度覺察能力。其次,「情感性關係」是女性優勢,但「工具性關係」是一種加分。再者,女性創業家不是不擅長「應酬文化」,而是想把時間花在更需要的地方。同時,妥善做好時間管理並善用資源對女性創業後的生活品質具有實質的幫助。最後本研究的結論有五,茲分述如下:
    一、 女性創業者之所以進行創業並非偶然,她們透過反覆的自我覺察後,更能明確的訂立目標與方向。這股覺察的力量持續永恆的伴隨在整個創業的歷程中,於是乎當她們在創業過程遭遇困境時,更無所畏懼且能快速調適。
    二、 女性創業者普遍有較高的意願投資自己及鼓勵員工學習,藉此來開拓視野,創造員工價值,並提升員工的忠誠度及管理效能,促使企業邁向永續成長
    三、 女性創業者的理性思維雖然不如男性自然存在,但可學習利用「工具性關係」的管理,調整原有「情感性關係」的相處方式,並以「混合性關係」作為女性創業家的管理模式便可避免產生「人情困境」,藉此強化公司組織的內部運作。
    四、 女性創業者並不支持過多的「應酬文化」,所以她們會善用外包資源藉助公關公司、平台的聯繫維持顧客關係或選擇性的參與商場上的社交活動。
    五、 女性創業者面臨多重角色的挑戰更需要學習時間的分配與管理,除了工作也應保留時間給自己及家庭;因為在創業路上,有了健全的身心和家庭的支持才能把路走得更加長遠。
    關鍵字: 女性創業、自我覺察、多重角色、情感性關係、工具性關係、混合性關係

    In recent years, with the progress of the era, gender issues have gradually been valued, and the role of female labor in society is even more incomparable. Feeling that the proportion of women starting a business continues increasing, and the test after entrepreneurship is still sever. Therefore, the motivation of this study is based on the ways how to make good use of limited resources and women's advantages to create high-performance management will be the motivation for this study. The purpose of this study is to explore the dilemmas in women's entrepreneurial process and their responses. The specific research questions include what factors promote the correlation between women's motivation to start a business and self-awareness. Will the emotional feelings of female entrepreneurs affect the management within their organizations in the entrepreneurial process? What are the implications of multiple roles on the maintenance of customer relationships and the relationship between professionals? The following findings and results in this study are obtained from interviews with six female entrepreneurs. First of all, the individual characteristics of female entrepreneurs are distinct and highly cognitive. Second, emotional relationships are a female advantage, but instrumental relationships are a plus. Moreover, female entrepreneurs are not good at growing a "social culture", but want to spend their time where they are more needed. At the same time, proper time management and good use of resources are of substantial help to women's quality of life after starting a business. Finally, there are five conclusions of this study, which are described below:
    1. The reason why female entrepreneurs start businesses is not accidental, they can set goals and directions more clearly through repeated self-awareness. This force of awareness continues accompanying them throughout the entrepreneurial process, so that when they encounter difficulties in the entrepreneurial process, they are more fearless and can adapt it more quickly.
    2. Female entrepreneurs generally have high willingness to invest in themselves and encourage employees to learn, so as to broaden their horizons, create employee value, and enhance employee loyalty and management effectiveness, so as to promote sustainable growth
    3. Although the rational thinking of female entrepreneurs is not as natural as men, they can learn to use the management of "instrumental relationships" to adjust the way they get along with the original "emotional relationships", and use "mixed relationships" as the management mode of female entrepreneurs to avoid generating "human dilemmas", thereby strengthening the internal operations of the company organization.
    4. Female entrepreneurs do not support too much of a "social culture", so they will use outsourcing resources to maintain customer relationships through public relations companies and platform contacts or selectively participate in social activities of business.
    5. Female entrepreneurs face the challenge of multiple roles and need to learn time allocation and management, in addition to work, they should reserve time for themselves and their families; because on the road to entrepreneurship, with sound physical and mental and family support, they can go further.
      In summary, women's unique perceptual factors are the advantages of enterprise management, and their entrepreneurial journey challenges are unlimited, and they continue to maintain open-minded and have the enthusiasm for learning, believing that this multi-track life will be rewarded.
    Keywords: Female Entrepreneurship, Self-awareness, Multiple roles, Emotional relationships, Instrumental relationships, Mixed relationships

    第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 1 第二節 研究目的與問題 4 第二章 文獻探討 5 第一節 創業與創業家 5 第二節 女性創業動機的議題 7 第三節 女性創業的困境與因應 9 第三章 研究方法 14 第一節 研究對象 14 第二節 題綱設計 16 第三節 訪談過程 17 第四節 研究分析 17 第四章 研究結果 18 第一節 女性創業者的特質 18 第二節 女性創業的動機 19 第三節 女性創業路上的阻力與困境 21 第四節 女性創業路上的貴人 23 第五節 女性創業者的管理風格 26 第六節 女性創業後的生活與事業 29 第五章 研究結論與建議 31 第一節 綜合討論 31 第二節 研究結論 34 第三節 研究貢獻與管理意涵 35 第四節 研究限制與未來研究建議 38 參考文獻 39 附錄一 研究參與者同意書 45 附錄二 研究參與者之基本資料表 46

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