研究生: |
葉雅婷 Yea-Ting Yeh |
論文名稱: |
高中生知覺其父母教養方式、 完美主義及身心健康之關係 The Relationships among Perceived Parental Rearing, Perfectionism and Health of Senior High school Students |
指導教授: | 張景媛 |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
教育心理與輔導學系 Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling |
論文出版年: | 2000 |
畢業學年度: | 88 |
語文別: | 中文 |
中文關鍵詞: | 完美主義 、父母教養方式 、身心健康 |
英文關鍵詞: | Perfectionism |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:466 下載:139 |
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(一)第一個典型相關關係主要是由X變項中的「過度在意錯誤」、「疑慮自己的做法」透過第一個典型因素 ,與Y變項中的「焦慮和不眠症」、「嚴重憂鬱症」、「身體症狀」形成正相關。
(二)第二個典型相關關係主要是由X變項中的「講求次序與條理」透過第二個典型因素,與Y組變項中的「 嚴重憂鬱症」形成負相關。
(一) 重要他人對於完美主義傾向較高的高中生造成的影響,包括:
1、知覺重要他人對自己的要求:父母對自己的課業有高期望;父母反對自己繼續參與社團活動;父母、 老 師不滿意自己的成績表現:父母會監督、鞭策自己的課業。
2、因應這些要求所可能採取的行動包括了:內化他人的批評,而不許自己失敗;害怕負面的評價,而放 棄自己想做的事;誇大自己所遭遇的困難,以逃避他人的批評。
(二) 完美主義傾向較高的高中生對自我的要求及影響;包括:
1、知覺自己對自己的要求:對大部分事情的自我要求很高;希望自己的課業表現可以處於同儕領先的地 位;社團、人際方面要求自己能成為最出色的;過度關切自己未來的生涯。
The Relationships among Perceived Pare
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationships among perceived parental rearing, perfectionism and health of senior high school students. The sample consisted of 516 senior high school students in Taipei. The instruments used in this study were "Parental Bonding Instrument", "Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale" and "General Health Scale". Data obtained in this study were analyzed by canonical correlation analysis. Furthermore, the research interviewed seven students with high perfectionism scale point and then analyzed the contents obtained from the transcripts of the interviews. The main findings were as follows:
1、The Relationship between Perceived Parental Rearing and Perfectionism
The result of canonical correlation analysis reveal that perceived parental rearing was significantly associated with perfectionism by a canonical variate .
2、The Relationship Between Perfectionism and Health
The result of canonical correlation analysis reveal that perfectionism was significantly associated with health by a canonical variate
3、The Perceptions of The Highly Perfectionistic Junior High School Students
(1) perceived expectation from significant others,
(2) while they confront those expectations, the may response with the following action : parents, teachers do not satisfied one's academic achievement, give up the thing one like to do for worrying about others' criticism, exaggerate the difficulty for avoiding others' criticism
(3) emotion : pressure, anger and boring
4、The Students with Highly Orientation of Perfectionism may have Some Expectations for Themselves and Emotion
(1) excessively high expectation, excessively high self-demand
(2) action : never give up until reaching one's goal, concern over one's future, work again and again for the perfect level.
(3) emotion : anxiety, self-doubt, helpless, depression, shame, disappointed.
Based on the results, implication of the study for counseling and guidance of adolescence, parenting education and suggestion for the future research were proposed as well.
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