研究生: |
陳文彥 Wen-Yan Chen |
論文名稱: |
中小學推動學習型學校之個案研究 Case Study of Building Learning School in Elementary and Secondary Schools |
指導教授: |
Chang, Ming-Huei |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
教育學系 Department of Education |
論文出版年: | 2001 |
畢業學年度: | 89 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 249 |
中文關鍵詞: | 學習型學校 、學習型組織 、學校革新 |
英文關鍵詞: | learning school, learning organization, school reform` |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:406 下載:51 |
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查詢本校圖書館目錄 查詢臺灣博碩士論文知識加值系統 勘誤回報 |
一、 學習型學校推動背景脈絡方面
(一) 學習型組織可適用於不同類型的學校
(二) 中小學推動學習型學校具有先天條件的差異
1. 中學面臨聯考壓力且缺乏共同學習時間為其先天限制
2. 國小、國中、高中的校園生態不同將影響其組織學習條件
(三) 校長的信念與能力為學習型學校推動的關鍵因素
1. 校長有關組織變革的信念與能力影響其推動學習型學校的動機
2. 校長應帶動組織學習定位,為學校中的高階學習主管
1. 推動學習型學校前需先評估學校內外條件後,再選擇不同推動策略
2. 五項修練彼此相輔相成,但推動時不一定同時並重
1. 學習型學校需營造開放、安全、智性的校園學習文化
2. 不同階段的校園文化有不同的營造重點,並且必須持續進行
(三) 學習型學校的推動應善用各項不同策略
1. 提供學習的支持性環境,可提升教師學習意願
2. 教學研究會是教師進行團隊學習的重要機制
3. 學習團隊成員涵蓋家長與職員工
4. 擬定校務發展計畫可作為凝聚學校共同願景的基礎
5. 宣傳行銷可提供改善心智模式及鼓勵學習的刺激
6. 閱讀運動是建立共同知識基礎與提供學習能量的方式
7. 授權及參與管理可拓展系統思考範圍及增加學習機會
8. 行動研究是推動學習型學校的可行策略
9. 審慎甄選新進人員可提昇學校人力素質及活化校園學習風氣
10. 資訊科技可協助學習效果的儲存與轉移
11. 借助外部專家或資源的介入,可以刺激組織成員的學習
(四) 結合學校情境的學習型組織訓練課程仍待發展
(一) 組織變革所引發的抗拒力量是推動學習型學校的共同現象
(二) 各校推動學習型學校所需排除的障礙各有不同
(三) 排除推動學習型學校的部分障礙,需長期努力
(四) 中小學缺乏外在機制刺激教師學習成長
四、 學習型學校推動成效方面
一、 對主管教育行政機關的建議
(一) 提供學校進行本位經營的發展空間
(二) 將推動學習型學校的相關理念列入校長與教師專業成長的重點
(三) 協助學校發展學習型學校的相關經費與資源
(四) 修訂相關法令配合推動學習型學校
1. 實施教師分級制鼓勵教師不斷學習與自我超越
2. 改進現行教師進修方式建構學習型學校
1. 持續專業成長為學校高階學習主管
2. 信守對推動學習型學校的承諾
3. 積極推動學校團隊及組織學習
4. 善用各項推動策略型塑學習型學校
5. 採取有計畫的推動步驟以及漸進式的成效評估
1. 重視服務及溝通共塑學習型校園文化
2. 將系統思考的學習策略,融入日常行政運作中
1. 善用各種學習機會進行專業成長
2. 以理性合作的態度參與推動學習型學校
3. 將組織學習成果轉化至教學實踐中
(一) 可兼採質化與量化的研究工具以拓展資料蒐集的廣度
(二) 可進行不同性質個案推動經驗之探究
(三) 成效評估部分可於研究初期及退出現場時分別進行以利於比較
(四) 研究時間宜加長,研究範圍可擴及教室層級
(五) 發展結合學校情境的學習型組織訓練方案
Learning organization is a type of organization being recognized as more adaptive and competitive in changing environment. In Taiwan, there are only a few researches focus on how schools sculpting themselves as learning school. This research is to inquire the relevant issues about the building of learning school ,and the findings are divided into four aspects to discuss, including school background, strategies adopted, obstacles encountered, and effects after strategies exercised.
To fulfill above purposes, the research firstly undertake the task of literature review. Secondly, two schools sculpturing themselves as learning school are presented through qualitative case study. Data are collected through observations, interviews and various kinds of documents.
Research results are as follows:
1.Aspect of school context when building learning school:
(1) Learning organization theory can be applied to schools with different background.
(2) Elementary school and secondary school have different preconditions when building learning school
(3) The principal’s belief and ability about carrying out organizational change affect their motivation to build learning school.
(4) Social and educational environment could affect the building of learning school.
2.Aspect of strategies when building learning school:
(1) School background influent the choice making when choosing strategies.
(2) Formulate a school culture beneficial to learning is an everlasting process when building learning school.
(3) Different strategies should be well adopted when building learning school:
(4) Training courses or programs for learning school still needs to be developed.
3.Aspect of obstacles when building learning school:
(1) Resistance caused by organizational change is a common phenomenon
(2) Obstacles to be removed are varied with schools.
(3) Some obstacles take time to be solved.
(4) Elementary and secondary schools lack of outside mechanism to stimulate teachers to learn.
4.Aspect of effects when building learning school:
(1) Effect evaluation of learning school should be analyzed by its developmental phrase.
(2) Effect evaluation of learning school should take school context into consideration
At last, some suggestions are provided to educational administration, principals, administrators and teachers of elementary and secondary school, and researchers.
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