研究生: |
黃麗卿 Li-Ching Huang |
論文名稱: |
以主題探索建構幼兒音樂律動課程之行動研究 Constructing Children's Music and Movement Curriculum by Thematic Exploration-- An Action Research |
指導教授: |
Lin, Yu-Wei |
學位類別: |
博士 Doctor |
系所名稱: |
人類發展與家庭學系 Department of Human Development and Family Studies |
論文出版年: | 2007 |
畢業學年度: | 95 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 276 |
中文關鍵詞: | 藝術 、主題探索 、藝術課程之建構 、幼兒音樂律動課程 、音樂律動之探索行為 、行動研究 |
英文關鍵詞: | art, thematic exploration, construction of the art curriculum, music and movement program for children, the explorative behavior of music and movement, action research |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:2554 下載:363 |
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建構理論是有關個體如何獲得知識及知識如何成長的理論,強調知識是由個體主動建構而非外在的現實或被動地接收訊息,意指知識建構與改變以引發個人內在思考的學習歷程。在建構學習中,幼兒是行動中的思考者,幼兒藉由探索和操弄過程獲得邏輯性的思考能力,同時透過合作性學習獲得社會協商知 識。
Experience of music and movement exploration can help develop children’s internal perception through self-expressive behavior. In addition, experience of the elements of music and movement can foster conception of music and movement, creative abilities, higher thinking and problem solving in the learner.
Constructivist theory is a theory about how people acquire knowledge and the growth of personal knowledge, emphasizing the active role of learner who constructs his or her own knowledge. From the constructivist view, knowledge is not transmitted from the external world, nor is it merely a copy of the external realist or absorption from the environment. Constructivist theory refers to construct knowledge of the processes of changing and leading the internal thinking of a person. Moreover, children learn through action; they acquire the ability to think logically through the processes of exploration and operation. Furthermore, children acquire knowledge of social negotiation through cooperative learning.
This study aimed to explore the meaning of constructive philosophy and the effect of teaching music and movement to children. According to the central elements of music and movement, the researcher constructed a theme of explorative programs for children. This study first analyzed the process of exploration, and then investigated how to construct the intensions of learning between the teacher and the children. It also examined the effect of explorative behaviors of children on the role, ideas and strategies of teaching. Finally, this study refers to the challenges faced by the researcher.
This study revealed that the teacher guided children to construct a conception of music and movement about the element of contrast and the form of rhythm.
This study found that the teacher can help children to improve their higher mental thinking through environmental and material scaffolding, language scaffolding and partner scaffolding during exploration. In addition, the teacher had to construct an imaginative and explorative environment for the children, as well as having to respect and appreciate their individual characteristics. Moreover, the teacher had to apply strategies of “creative teaching”, “stimulation to active exploration” and “higher thinking” to guide the children towards mental constructive learning.
While constructing the programs of music and movement, the teacher’s researcher could meet the challenge of managing the classroom, carrying out discussions about art and playing multiple roles.
This study belonged to action research of the art curriculum and teaching, and emphasized the circular process of action research. In order to achieve the above purpose, the methods used for data collection were participant observation, interviews and documentary analysis.
The recommendations for future research are provides at the end of this paper.
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