研究生: |
杜淑芬 Tu, Su-Fen |
論文名稱: |
涉入霸凌行為兒童家長親職經驗之敘事研究 |
指導教授: |
Jin, Shuh-Ren |
學位類別: |
博士 Doctor |
系所名稱: |
教育心理與輔導學系 Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling |
論文出版年: | 2010 |
畢業學年度: | 98 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 211 |
中文關鍵詞: | 霸凌行為 、親職經驗 、生態系統 、國小學童 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:444 下載:71 |
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本研究的主要參與者三位涉入霸凌行為男童的母親,同時也是兒童主要照顧者接受訪談。受訪者接受訪談的時間,依其參與意願分別接受3到6次不等的訪談,每次訪談時間約2.5小時。訪談分析步驟除了考量回應研究目的外,並採用Lieblich et al.(1998)所建議的類別分析的研究策略進行分析。
The current research intended to explore (1) the parenting experience of the bully’s parents, and (2) the ecological influences on the parenting behaviors through the narrative study approach..
Three mothers were recruited through the counseling office of the elementary schools to participate in the research, with ages of 38, 41, and 39 respectively. Their children who involved in bully behaviors at school were 5th, 6th, and 4th grades each. Each participant was interviewed from 3 to 6 times according to their wishes and about 2.5 hour each time. The interviews were recorded into written transcripts and analyzed by using category analysis suggested by Lieblich et.al.(1998).
The results of the analysis included: (A) The parent-child experiences of the bully parents were characterized as “high expectations, high control, and low empathy” experiences. (B) In dealing with the children’s non-compliance behaviors, the parents generally used their authorities to suppress the children’s behaviors. In addition, the children were reported to use aversive and emotional behaviors to suppress their parent’s coercive disciplining. The dynamics of the two were similar to the coercive family processes that Patterson (1982), Patterson et al. (1992), & Reid et al. (2002). (C) The parenting styles of physical bully’s were different from of the verbal bully. In contrast to the verbal bully, the physical bullies had superior family status than their siblings in the eyes of parents. The parenting styles of the physical bullies were enmeshed and protective; the parent-child boundaries were blurred. In contrast, the parenting styles of the verbal bully were neglectful; the parent-child boundaries were distant. (D) The Microsystems-family of the origin of the participants has the strongest impacts to the participants. ‘Disciplining non-compliance with authoritarian parenting style’ was the intergenerational parenting styles that parents adopted from their family of origin. The parents of this generation might change some parenting styles, but they used “controlled” parenting styles just like their parents. (E) The Mesosystems of the parents’ ecology, the parent-teacher cooperation of this study was negative and frustrate. The parents expressed the negative experiences of being blamed, oppressed, or hurt in their cooperation process. (F) The Macrosystems-social and culture aspects of the participants included: the unique Taiwan culture that has multi-impacts from the traditions and the moderns, the feelings that parent-child as an unity in Chinese, the overemphasis of filial piety and obedience of Chinese culture, and the collective anxiety of credentialism and Diploma doctrines in Taiwan society. Finally, the recommendations and suggestions with regard to the parenting education, counseling interventions, and future research areas were discussed.
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