研究生: |
羅品欣 |
論文名稱: |
國小學童的家庭結構.親子互動.情緒智力與同儕互動關係之研究 |
指導教授: | 陳李綢 |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
教育心理與輔導學系 Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling |
論文出版年: | 2004 |
畢業學年度: | 92 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 219 |
中文關鍵詞: | 家庭結構 、親子互動關係 、情緒智力 、同儕互動關係 |
英文關鍵詞: | Family structure, Parents-child interaction, Emotional intelligence, Interaction between peers |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:508 下載:80 |
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The main purpose of this research was to explore the relationship between schoolmates' interaction and family structures, parents-child interaction, emotional intelligence. There are five purposes included in the research :(1)edit a scale which is applicable to evaluate the interactions among schoolchildren, and then go on to construct such a referential model that will enable us to understand the differences among schoolchildren of all genders and grades.(2)explore the differences of interaction among schoolchildren of several sorts of family structures and various parents-child interaction.(3)revise “the scale of emotional intelligence for elementary students”, and explore the differences among schoolchildren of various emotional intelligence.(4)acquire predicability for schoolchildren's interaction between family structures, parents-child interaction, and emotional intelligence.(5)induce this thesis's findings for us to propose practicable suggestions which can be used for teachers, parents, as well as counseling workers.
The way of questionnaire was adopted in this study. Our research targets are 1393 students who are studying in Taoyuan County, Taipei County, and Taipei City. Such research tools as “the questionnaire for personal basic data”, “the scale of interaction between peers for elementary students”, “the scale of parents-child interaction”, “the scale of emotional intelligence for elementary students” will be utilized here. Data gathered will be processed statistically with such tools as “confirmatory factor analysis”, “reliability analysis”, “one-way MANOVA”, “the stepwise regression procedure” , and “t-test”.
We have found that:
1. In terms of gender, the development of positive interaction between peers for schoolgirls is better than schoolboys. And the development of negative interaction between peers for schoolboys is more obvious than schoolgirls.
2. In light of grade, the development of positive interaction between peers for the sixth grade is superior to other grades. However, the development of negative interaction between peers for the sixth grade is more obvious than other grades.
3. As to family structure, the development of positive interaction between peers for who live with parents is superior to those living with a single parent; while the development of negative interaction between peers for those who live with a single parent is more obvious than that of those living with their parents.
4. So far as parents-child interaction is concerned, the development of positive interaction between peers for the type of “frequent-connection-and-mental- cohesiveness” schoolchildren is superior to that of “infrequent-connection -and -mental-incohesiveness” schoolchildren, while the development of negative interaction between peers for the type of “infrequent-connection-and-mental
-incohesiveness” schoolchildren is more obvious than to the “frequent-connection -and-mental-cohesiveness” schoolchildren.
5. With respect to emotional intelligence, the development of positive interaction between peers for schoolchildren who score high in emotional intelligence is superior to those who score low in emotional intelligence. However, the development of negative interaction between peers for those who score low in emotional intelligence is more obvious than those who score high in emotional intelligence.
6. 43.8 percent of variations of schoolmates' interaction can be effectively predicted by schoolchildren's family structure, parents-child interaction, as well as emotional intelligence.
In the end, the researcher based upon these findings and discuss them adequately, then go on to generate conclusions, and put forward concrete suggestions which can be used as ready references for further education, counseling, and future studies.
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