研究生: |
張淑華 Chang, Shu-Hua |
論文名稱: |
戶外教學應用於國中地理低成就學生補考教學輔導之行動研究 An Action Research on Outdoor Education for the low-achieving students in Geography in Junior High School |
指導教授: |
Liaw, Shyue-Cherng |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
地理學系 Department of Geography |
論文出版年: | 2016 |
畢業學年度: | 105 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 110 |
中文關鍵詞: | 補考 、戶外教學 、低成就學生 、行動研究 、國民中學學生學習成就標準本位評量 |
英文關鍵詞: | remedial measures, outdoor education, low-achieving students, action research, SBASA |
DOI URL: | https://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202204645 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:398 下載:16 |
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一、 本研究為身為現場教師的筆者由下而上主導舉辦戶外教學,而非學校行政由上而下的安排,筆者在多次主動舉辦戶外教學活動過程中,能夠較快速地吸取經驗、進步成長,且能增強筆者日後舉辦戶外教學的信心,同時也有改變他科對地理科看法的意外收穫。
二、 本研究以SBASA為依據,判斷學生透過戶外教學輔導後,對課程內容是否有達到合格的C層級,研究後發現十九位地理低成就學生中,有十七位可以達到及格的C層級,顯示戶外教學輔導有助於地理低成就學生在地理科的學習。
三、 本研究發現十九位地理低成就學生對戶外教學輔導的肯定度高,回饋問卷也高度認同戶外教學可以幫助他們學習地理,提升學習地理的興趣,且有助於人際的往來。
四、 整體而言,戶外教學應用於國中地理低成就學生補考教學輔導的可行性高、成效亦佳。
The Ministry of Education (MOE) raised the graduation standard for junior high school students, it became necessary to pass four in seven categories.The increase in the number of students that couldn’t graduate caused a problem, and MOE required schools to propose several remedial measures.The first line teachers proposed a variety of methods, such as paper test and homework, but ineffective. This study attempts to proceed outdoor education for the Geography's remedy teaching .
Outdoor teaching let students into the real world, abstract knowledge learned in the classroom been confirmed in a real environment.Not only can apply their knowledge, but also to improve student interest in learning. The objects of this study were low achieving students that failed in passing Geography course and Society category in the first semester of the seventh grade. Action research methods were used, and the whole process included instructor classes, surveillance of low achieving class and students.Outdoor education for the low-achieving students in Geography were designed through participation observation, document analysis, questionnaires, student interviews and other methods. This study aimed to evaluate the application of outdoor teaching and Geography remedial teaching for the feasibility and effectiveness. The results are as follows:
First, the study's author as a -led bottom-up outdoor teaching, rather than school administration's top-down arrangement, during taking the initiative for outdoor teaching, I can be rapid growth from every experience, enhance confidence for next outdoor teaching, but also to change other subject's feeling about the geography.
Second, this study used SBASA to determine the students whether to achieve C-level after the outdoor teaching. A total of nineteen low-achieving students in geography in the study, there are seventeen students can reach C-level. The result display outdoor teaching help low-achieving students in geography to learn.
Third, the study found that nineteen low-achieving students in geography certainly high for outdoor teaching counseling, questionnaires also had highly recognized outdoor education could help them learn geography, to enhance interest in learning geography, and improve human relationship.
Fourth, as a whole, applying outdoor education for the low-achieving students in geography has high practicability and leads to good results.
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