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研究生: 周雨欣
Zhou, Yu-Shin
論文名稱: 開發動態影像辨識-聚焦衣物的顏色與特徵
Developing dynamic image recognition-focusing on the color and characteristics of clothing.
指導教授: 謝振傑
Chieh, Jen-Jie
口試委員: 謝振傑
Chieh, Jen-Jie
Wu, Huai-Kuei
Wu, Jin-Cheng
Liao, Shu-Sian
口試日期: 2024/07/16
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 光電工程研究所
Graduate Institute of Electro-Optical Engineering
論文出版年: 2024
畢業學年度: 112
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 73
中文關鍵詞: 環境保護ESGPythonK-meansOpenCVHSV色彩空間
英文關鍵詞: ESG, Python, OpenCV, K-means, HSV color space
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202401167
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:45下載:0
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  • 追求環境保護(E,Environmental)、社會責任(S,Social)以及公司治理(G,Governance)的背景下[1],實驗室開始專注於紡織產業的衣物布料回收研究。回收的材料包括常見的聚酯纖維(Polyester)、尼龍(Nylon)、棉(Cotton)以及聚酯纖維與棉的混紡等。過去,紡織產業通常需要依賴特定的化學技術進行材料鑑別,然後才能製造新的衣物。然而,現今實驗室已經能夠透過光譜變化的量測來確定衣物的材質[2]。本研究將採用Python語言開發,利用OpenCV影像辨識技術分析攝影機拍攝的衣物表面狀態,從中檢測出衣物的顏色,進一步協助化學分析。
    本研究旨在利用在紡織產線上搭建的 Linux 系統架構,配備一組固定位置攝影機,拍攝紡織品流動的畫面,並透過影像處理技術分析衣物的顏色,將分析結果顯示於螢幕上。資料收集方面,我們與實驗室合作的紡織研究所以及舊衣回收所合作,從中獲取素色紡織品以及具有不同樣式的紡織品作為研究對象。實驗步驟包括以下幾個主要步驟:首先,從衣物中特定範圍抓取顏色像素,其中色彩空間主要使用HSV,將BGR像素轉換為色相(Hue)、飽和度(Saturation)、明度(Value),以定義和抓取顏色範圍;隨後,利用K-means主成分分群算法[12],將特定範圍內的像素分群,並提取出其中的三個主要顏色;最後,將這三種主要顏色映射到三維空間中,計算它們之間的距離,以判定衣物的特性和顏色,例如素色(solid)、褪色或淡色(fade)以及具有不同樣式的衣物色(pattern)。透過這些步驟,我們旨在確定衣物的特性與顏色之間的關聯性。

    In the context of pursuing Environmental (E), Social (S), and Governance (G) responsibilities[1], the laboratory has begun to focus on research into the recycling of textiles in the clothing industry. The materials recycled include common fibers such as Polyester, Nylon, Cotton, and blends of Polyester with Cotton. Traditionally, the textile industry has relied on specific chemical techniques to identify materials before manufacturing new clothing. However, modern laboratories can now determine the composition of clothing[2] through spectroscopic measurements. This study will be developed using the Python language and OpenCV image recognition technology to analyze the surface condition of clothing captured by a camera, detecting the colors of the clothing to further assist in chemical analysis.
    This research aims to utilize a Linux system architecture set up on the textile production line, equipped with a fixed-position camera to capture the movement of textiles, and analyze the colors of the clothing using image processing technology, with the analysis results displayed on the screen. In terms of data collection, we collaborate with textile research institutes and clothing recycling centers to obtain plain-colored textiles and textiles with different patterns as research subjects. The experimental steps include the following main procedures: first, extracting color pixels from a specific range of clothing, primarily using the HSV color space to define and capture the color range; then, using the K-means principal[12] component clustering algorithm, grouping pixels within the specified range and extracting the three main colors; finally, mapping these three main colors into three-dimensional space to calculate their distances to determine clothing characteristics and colors, such as solid, faded, or patterned.
    Through these steps, we aim to determine the relationship between clothing characteristics and colors. The analysis results show that a color recognition system has been successfully developed through Python programming and OpenCV image processing technology. In addition to accurately capturing specific areas of clothing and identifying their colors, the K-means algorithm's results can reveal the correlation between the three major color clusters, and classify clothing style categories. This process provides an important foundation for material identification and chemical analysis, enabling more efficient handling and recycling of textiles.

    謝辭 i 中文摘要 ii Abstract iii 目錄 iv 表目錄 vi 圖目錄 vii 第一章、緒論 1 1-1 簡介ESG,環境保護、社會責任以及公司治理的背景 1 1-2 紡織業者對於回收再利用的商機 1 1-3 科技結合面臨分析的現況與問題 2 1-4 研究目的與動機 3 1-5 文獻回顧與探討 4 第二章、研究原理與設計 7 2-1 簡介Jetson nano主機效能與運算 7 2-2 python語言下的OpenCV影像辨識 9 2-3 簡介OpenCV色彩空間 10 2-4 HSV色彩空間定義顏色區間 15 2-5 K-means 族群演算法-非監督式學習演算法 17 2-6 實驗架構設計 19 第三章、實驗成果與數據分析整合 23 3-1 OpenCV影像辨識前處理過程 23 3-2 歐式距離可視化後分析衣服的顏色與狀態 24 3-3 Kmeans非監督演算法探討與動態輸送量測 29 3-4 動態影像辨識初步成果 31 3-5 動態影像辨識準確率測試 31 第四章、結論與未來展望 37 參考文獻 38 附錄一、使用工具 39 附錄二、動態測試 0.147 m/s的數據 40 附錄三、動態測試 0.293 m/s的數據 50 附錄四、動態測試 0.44 m/s的數據 62

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