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研究生: 劉育欣
Liu, Yu-Hsin
論文名稱: 公益創投模式建構之研究
The Study of Venture Philanthropy Model
指導教授: 林振春
Lin, Jenn-Chuen
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 社會教育學系
Department of Adult and Continuing Education
論文出版年: 2015
畢業學年度: 103
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 328
中文關鍵詞: 公益創投社會企業非營利組織所有權雙重底線責信社會影 響力
英文關鍵詞: venture philanthropy, social enterprise, nonprofit organization, ownership, double bottom line, accountability, social impact
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:104下載:31
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    Research Purpose
    The emergence of venture philanthropy and its flourishing development bring opportunities for the social enterprise to create value. It’s already a decade since the initiation of venture philanthropy and the range has been broadened from the USA to Europe and Asia. The government policies in different countries have been changed from giving subsidies to making investments. The strategies have been developed from the point of making donations to starting an enterprise. The theme has become social enterprises instead of nonprofit organizations. Still, there is still no clear operation model to follow. Based on this, the research aims to set up a model for venture philanthropy. There are three purposes of this research. First, an overall development path is expected to be presented through examining the emergence, the process, and the current situations of venture philanthropy in different countries. Second, from the viewpoint of ownership, this research explores the organization types and double bottom line of social enterprises and the operation and governance of venture philanthropy. Some strategies of venture philanthropy are analyzed. Third, a concrete model for venture philanthropy is set up. In addition to giving venture philanthropy a doctrinal position and opening up a proactive research field, this research also hopes to provide references for the policy makers and practice organizations.

    Research Method
    This research took in-depth interviews and Delphi technique as the main research methods. The in-depth interview was conducted through two stages. There are 17 interviewees in total. At the first stage, 7 interviewees were interviewed and all these seven interviewees are social enterprises which had been funded by the government. At the second stage, the interviewees included the venture philanthropy, the practitioners and government officials. The survey through Delphi technique was conducted to and fro twice. The research tool is based on the literature review and interview results and is designed according to the organization type and the double bottom line object. There are 17 members in total in the panel and their backgrounds are venture philanthropy and social enterprises practitioners.

    Research Findings
    Overall, venture philanthropy is wavering between two ends of the spectrum, one of which is society and the other is economy. The position of policies is still vague. There is a perception gap between social enterprises and venture philanthropy. Though the gap might lead to the higher cost for the cooperation, at the same time it means there is still space for the diverse development of venture philanthropy. In the aspect of goals and strategies, venture philanthropy focuses on the marketing, and instead nonprofit organizations emphasized individual developing needs. As for the governance of corporations, the different types of organizations may increase the cost of investment. Accountability mechanisms may be established to have effective supervision and the Board should hold pluralistic and participative attitudes to attract professionals from different fields. This research proposes four principles for venture philanthropy. They are:
    1.Accountability is a rational choice to balance venture philanthropy and social enterprises.
    2.The cooperation among different types of organizations may increase the cost.
    3.The involvement of venture philanthropy relates to the considerations of cost.
    4.Proper institutional design can reduce the risk of information and recognition.

    On the basis of venture philanthropy principles, this research constructs four models of venture philanthropy and they are quasi-venture capital, type of impact-based investment, type of mission-based investment, and type of capacity building.

    目 次 第一章 緒論1 第一節 背景與動機 1 第二節 研究目的6 第三節 研究範圍12 第四節 名詞界定13 第二章 公益創投發展軌跡17 第一節 公益創投浮現、特質、範疇與相關議題17 第二節 公益創投的趨力37 第三節 各國相關政策立法50 第三章 公益創投策略分析63 第一節 所有權觀點63 第二節 公益創投運作74 第三節 公益創投企業治理97 第四章 研究設計109 第一節 研究方法109 第二節 研究實施119 第三節 資料處理123 第五章 研究結果分析與討論145 第一節 社會層面分析145 第二節 經濟層面分析172 第三節 治理層面分析198 第四節 整合性觀點218 第六章 結論與建議235 第一節 研究結論235 第二節 研究建議247 後記257 參考書目259 附錄一 第一階段訪談提綱271 附錄二 第二階段訪談提綱273 附錄三 德惠法問卷參考文獻275 附錄四 第一回合德惠法問卷281 附錄五 第二回合德惠法問卷289 附錄六 第一回合德惠法問卷回收與調整299 附錄七 第二回合德惠法問卷回收與調整315

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