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研究生: 慕容豪
Moore, Evan Michael
論文名稱: 武俠小說中特殊詞彙之英譯研究及《楚留香傳奇之血海飄香》譯文分析
Keywords in Wuxia Xiaoshuo English Translations of Martial Arts Fiction and a Sample Translation of Gu Long’s Chu Liuxiang Chuanqi zhi Xiehai Piaoxiang
指導教授: 胡宗文
Hu, Zong-Wen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 翻譯研究所
Graduate Institute of Translation and Interpretation
論文出版年: 2017
畢業學年度: 106
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 165
中文關鍵詞: 武俠小說古龍金庸翻譯江湖
英文關鍵詞: wuxia fiction, Gu Long, Jin Yong, translation, jianghu
DOI URL: https://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202201881
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:151下載:35
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  • 幾十年來,在全球的華人圈中,武俠小說一直是最受歡迎的文學類型之一。然而,由於缺少翻譯,像這樣的小說形式在英語世界裡,卻鮮少被一般人所熟知。且武俠小說往往蘊含著濃重豐厚的傳統文化內涵與特殊的文體用法,要將其詳實的翻譯成英文,著實是一大挑戰。但透過本論文,筆者將會以分析現有英譯版武俠小說中之特殊文體用法、詞彙,來提供這類型文學的中譯英引導參考,此外也將筆者所翻譯之知名武俠小說作家─古龍的 《楚留香傳奇之血海飄香》一併附錄於本文中。

    Martial Arts Fiction has been one of the most popular forms of literature in Chinese communities around the world for decades. However this genre remains relatively unknown to the English-speaking world due to lack of translations. Complicated cultural and genre specific terms present a great challenge to translating said genre into English. Through this paper I present a guide to translating martial arts fiction through analysis of genre specific terms as found in existing English translations in addition to producing my own sample translation of famed martial arts fiction writer Gu Long’s (古龍) Chu Liuxiang Chuanqi zhi Xiehai Piaoxiang 《楚留香傳奇之血海飄香》.

    Abstract 3 Chapter One Wuxia Xiaoshuo and the Western Reader 5 Research Goals and Methodology 6 Evolution of Martial Arts Fiction 10 Authors of Martial Arts Fiction 13 Huanzhu Louzhu 13 Jin Yong 14 Gu Long 17 Challenges in Martial Arts Fiction Translation 19 Translating Gu Long and a Guide to Wuxia Translation 27 Chapter Two Wuxia Genre Specific Terms and Translations 29 Venuti on Foreignization and Domestication 30 Jianghu—Martial Society of River and Lake 33 Wulin—Order of the Martial Forest 54 Lülin—Outer Greenlands 60 Qinggong—Light Body Arts 64 Fighting Moves and Styles 71 Character Names and Nicknames 81 Chapter Three Translating a Martial Arts Novel 91 Vocalization of Characters 92 Character Titles and Various Forms of Address 94 Filling in the Gap 97 Conclusion 102 Works Cited 104 Appendix List of Terms 106 The Legend of Chu Liuxiang—Scents from the Blood Sea 108


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