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研究生: 邱健豪
Chiu, Chien-Hao
論文名稱: 動態圖像應用於肌能系貼紮技術示意圖之創作研究
Application of Motion Graphic to Illustrate Kinesio Taping Procedure
指導教授: 廖偉民
Liao, Wei-Ming
口試委員: 黃文宗
Huang, Wun-Zong
Chou, Shyam-Bin
Liao, Wei-Ming
口試日期: 2023/06/26
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學系設計創作碩士在職專班
Department of Design_Continuing Education Master's Program of Creative Practice in Design
論文出版年: 2023
畢業學年度: 111
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 133
中文關鍵詞: 示意圖資訊圖表動態圖像肌能系貼紮技術網路應用程式
英文關鍵詞: Diagram, Infographic, Motion Graphic, Kinesio Taping® method, Web Application
研究方法: 實驗設計法
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202300720
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:55下載:5
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  • 肌能系貼紮技術(Kinesio Taping® Method)由加瀨建造博士(Dr. Kenzo Kase)所發明,藉由貼布之拉力來輔助,貼布的延展性與機能性極佳,可以有效預防運動傷害,對於術後的復健也頗具幫助,在肌能系貼布發明後,於奧運會等各大、小的運動賽事贊助使用肌能系貼布,不斷地推廣肌能系貼紮技術至世界各地,讓一般民眾也能了解肌能系貼紮技術除了運用在運動場上,也能夠使用於平時的日常保健中,以動態圖像呈現肌能系貼紮技術示意圖,幫助使用者記憶、快速理解以及正確的貼紮,扁平化保留陰影塊面的平面風格設計,也能幫助使用者對於資訊的接收更有幫助。文獻探討部分以「資訊圖表」、「動態圖像」以及「肌能系貼紮技術」三大部分進行探討。本研究採用文獻分析法,將肌能系貼紮技術的內容及知識彙整,以「原型法」(Prototyping)製作應用於肌能系貼紮技術之示意圖,以及運用動態圖像(Motion Graphic)呈現肌能系貼紮技術之貼紮細節,並以側錄方式紀錄「有貼紮經驗」及「無貼紮經驗」之受測者來進行測試,經過統計結果分析「有貼紮經驗」及「無貼紮經驗」所貼紮時間無顯著差異,表示有、無貼紮經驗對於資訊接收與使用操作都是適合使用的,且統整受測者回饋皆獲得正面迴響,依照受測者之建議,注意各項細節,創作手部與足部各五組肌能系貼紮技術動態圖像之示意圖,生動呈現肌能系貼紮技術,帶給使用者更加清楚的貼紮知識及使用方法,提升肌能系貼布的正確使用,輔助日常保健。

    The Kinesio Taping® method developed by Dr.Kenzo Kase. The method claimed to have several benefits in which is widely used for recovering from sport injury or surgery. Kinesio Taping® is an elastic cotton strip with an acrylic adhesive aims to create a pulling force on the skin but still allows user to move freely. Kinesio Taping® was officially introduced to the world as a role of Olympic’s sponsor along with other sport competitions with a purpose to show the efficiency of the product and method on assisting sport injuries. As time goes by, the Kinesio Taping® is being known universally not only in sport industry but also introduce to assist more and more people in daily life. While the number of people using Kinesio Taping® is increasingly, in contrast, the available manual, instruction or media are failed to acknowledge people to tape with high accuracy. This research proposed the series of motion graphic diagram to avoid falsity due to unknowing, at the same time, the research aimed to increase the accuracy while using Kinesio Taping® which the prototype includes ten physical symptoms in the first stage. The motion graphics are designed according to the analysis of infographic, motion graphic diagram and Kinesio Taping® method. The experiment recruited two groups of participants with experience and non-experience in using Kinesio Taping®. The prototype was introduced while participants were performing the task and videotaped to see task complete time. The statistical analysis shown no different between two groups in task completed time leading to the summary that the designed motion graphic diagram is understandable by both groups, there are no inclination for the people with more or no experience. Then evaluate the efficiency and comfortableness together with unexpected feedback to improved and developed more motion graphic diagram of common symptoms that possibly occur during daily routine focused on hand and leg’s part. The motion graphic diagrams are designed with a great hope to assist wider users especially with non-medical background user to be able to tape at ease.

    謝誌 I 摘要 II Abstract III 目錄 IV 圖目錄 VI 表目錄 VIII 第壹章 緒論 1 1.1 研究背景 1 1.2 研究動機與目的 2 1.3 研究方法與架構 3 1.4 研究範圍與限制 5 1.5 相關文獻分析 6 第貳章 文獻探討 11 2.1 資訊圖表 11 2.1.1 資訊圖表的發展與應用 11 2.1.2 示意圖定義形式與創作要點 19 2.2 動態圖像 25 2.2.1動態圖像的發展與應用 25 2.2.2動態圖像的設計形式與內容 27 2.3 動態圖像與資訊圖表的差異 33 2.4 肌能系貼紮技術 35 2.4.1運動與肌能系貼紮技術 35 2.4.2運動傷害貼布種類與性能 38 2.4.3肌能系貼紮技術的發展歷程與要點 43 2.4.4臺灣肌能系貼紮技術的發展與現況 50 2.5 文獻回顧小結 52 第參章 研究方法與分析 53 3.1 研究架構設定 53 3.2 原型設計 54 3.2.1實驗樣本選定 54 3.2.2視覺風格計畫 55 3.2.3使用流程 61 3.3 實驗執行 63 3.4 實驗結果分析 69 第肆章 創作內容 72 4.1 資訊視覺化設定 72 4.2 創作主題內容 73 4.2.1媽媽手症狀貼紮方法 73 4.2.2網球肘貼紮方法 78 4.2.3脕隧道症候群貼紮方法 83 4.2.4手腕三角軟骨受傷貼紮方法 88 4.2.5手指挫傷貼紮方法 93 4.2.6足跟墊疼痛症候群貼紮方法 98 4.2.7腳踝扭傷貼紮方法 103 4.2.8保護韌帶貼紮方法 108 4.2.9髕骨股骨疼痛症候群貼紮方法 113 4.2.10足底筋膜炎貼紮方法 118 第伍章 結論與建議 123 5.1 研究結論 123 5.2 後續研究建議 125 參考文獻 126

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