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研究生: 曹純瓊
Tsau, Chwen Chyong
論文名稱: 鷹架式語言教學對國小高功能自閉症兒童口語表達能力學習效果研究
The Effects of Scaffolding Instruction on Expressive Language Ability in Children with Autism
指導教授: 宋維村
Soong, Wei-Tsuen
Lin, Bao-Guey
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 特殊教育學系
Department of Special Education
論文出版年: 2000
畢業學年度: 88
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 315
中文關鍵詞: 鷹架式語言教學自閉症兒童口語表達能力語意圖口述事件能力語法句型結構
英文關鍵詞: Scaffolding Instruction, children with autism, expressive language ability, semantic maps, events narrating ability, sentence structure
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:198下載:79
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  • 本研究旨在探討鷹架式語言教學對國小高功能自閉症兒童口語表達能力之學習效果。研究方法採用單一受試之跨情境與跨受試之多探試設計(基準線期、探試期、實驗處理期及追蹤期之實驗設計),並以類化探試及問卷調查作為補充設計。實驗情境有速食店用餐、商店購物及郊遊或訪友等三個事件情境,類化情境為旅遊及觀賞舞蹈等二至三個戶外活動情境。研究對象為四名國小一至四年級高功能自閉症兒童,男女各二名,年齡在七歲七個月至十歲三個月(平均八歲五個月),中文版「魏氏兒童智力量表」操作智商70至77(平均75),語言理解與語言表達分別在「語言障礙評量表」得分是19至25、22至25,為各年齡組平均數負二個標準差以上。
    1. 多探試設計評量之圖示與目測分析結果,發現四名學童的口述事件能力,在實驗處理之後有明顯而穩定的進步,並在追蹤期呈現維持效果。
    2. 四名學童的語法句型結構在基線期多為謂語(動詞+受詞)或動詞或受詞,及用詞不當或語法錯誤等不完整語詞句型,並有不符情境之仿說或無意義語音等句型出現。經過實驗處理之後,四名學童皆學會完整的單(敘
    3. 四名學童之口述事件內容的連貫性在經過實驗處理後呈現驟昇進步情形與穩定的維持效果。
    4. 四名學童的詞彙數與平均句長在跨越不同事件情境及不同實驗處理階段之評量結果,皆呈現漸進式的進步情形。其中,以甲生的詞彙數與平均句長之進步情形最佳,乙生與丁生居次,丙生殿後。
    5. 據家長與教師之評估意見,皆肯定鷹架式語言教學對四名學童在日常生活中的口語表達能力之正向影響,且因語言表達能力增加而有改善無意義語音、仿說及異常嗅覺等特殊語言或行為表現之變化。
    1. 四名學童的口述事件能力在經過鷹架式語言教學後的類化探試結果,其通過率為基準線的3倍以上,且大體上皆能使用到人/時/地/事/物五個要素,描述內容亦較符合情境,顯現正向的類化效果。其中,乙生與丙生未使用到「時」要素之原因可能是平時經常重複發生事件或發生時間已久而造成想像與記憶問題或時間混淆問題,或是五個要素中最為抽象難學之緣故。
    2. 四名學童之語法句型結構在類化探試結果皆有延伸擴充之變化,具有主語+謂語之完整敘事句結構,且有自行更正代名詞與語法錯誤,及減少消除無意義語音或仿說等現象,顯見類化效果。
    3. 四名學童的連貫性在類化探試結果雖有降低趨勢
    4. 四名學童的詞彙數與平均句長之類化探試結果皆呈現漸進趨勢,比基準線期高出約2倍以上的正向成長。
    5. 具體而情節連貫之情境相片提供之視覺的語言支持有助於四名學童對較為抽象而非親身體驗之舞蹈及電影情節之口語表達能力的學習與類化。
    6. 經過鷹架式語言教學之實驗處理之後,四名學童的無意義語詞與代名詞使用問題隨著口語表達能力之增加而有減少消除之相互消長關係。
    7. 四名學童經過實驗處理之後,在類化探試過程中有表達簡單情感與情緒互動情形之間接影響效果。

    The purpose of this study was to explore the effects of scaffolding instruction on the expressive language abilities of children with autism. A design of single-subject multiple probe across conditions and subjects was adopted. The subjects were four elementary school pupil, two boys and two girls, aged from 7:07 to 10:03 years, with performance IQ above 70 and language comprehension/expression above M-2SD in PPVT (Chinese version). Each subject, in each experimental condition, went through phases of baseline, experiment, maintenance, and generalization. During experimental phase, semantic maps, life pictures, sentence cards, and other visual as well as auditory scaffolding strategies were used to teach the subject to describe the experience drown on the pictures. The processes were video-and-audio-tapped. After training to show appropriate inter-observer reliability, the tapes were analyzed by an independent rater. Data were analyzed by visual analysis method. Events narrating ability, sentence structure, sentence coherence, the amount of morphemes, and mean length of utterance (MLU) were analyzed to compare the changes before and after experimental treatment. In addition, open-question questionnaires and interviews were used to gather information from parents and teachers to assess the general effects of scaffolding instruction on the daily life of the subjects.
    The results are summarized as the following:
    1. the scaffolding instruction enhanced the following elements of the expressive language:
    (1) all subjects improved to have five events narrating
    elements: who / when / where / how / what, and the
    improvement also observed during the maintenance
    (2) All subjects demonstrated improved sentence structures,
    and the effect remained during the maintenance phase.
    They could use simple and complex sentences to
    described life events.
    (3) The narrative of events was more coherent in experimental and maintenance phases.
    (4) The amount of morphemes and MLU also increased
    progressively and the effect remained during the
    maintenance phase.
    (5) The feedback from parents and teachers indicated that
    scaffolding instruction could improve expressive
    language ability included events narrating ability of the
    2. In generalization probes, all subjects showed improved
    expressive language ability in events narrating ability,
    sentence structure, sentence coherence, the amount of
    morphemes, and MLU.
    3. The visual language scaffolded by concrete and coherent life pictures as helpful for children with autism to learn to describe abstract contents of dance and movie.
    4. While the expressive language ability improved, the unfunctional utterance and the inapproriate use of pronoun were decreased.
    5. All subjects could express their simple feeling and had emotional interaction during generalization probes.
    The findings were discussed and recommendations were made to apply the scaffolding strategies in special education. Further research will be needed to clarify the usefulness of scaffolding instruction in low function autistic and in other children with special needs.

    第一章 緒論……………………………………………1 第一節 研究動機……………………………………1 第二節 研究目的與問題……… ………………….6 第三節 名詞釋義 ………………………………….7 第二章 文獻探討…………………………………….11 第一節 語言發展理論…………………………….11 第二節 自閉症兒童的語言發展與特徵………….16 一、非口語溝通的發展與特徵………………16 二、口語溝通的發展與特徵…………………17 第三節 自閉症語言缺陷的原因論……………….27 一、自閉症兒童語言特徵之理論……………27 二、影響自閉症兒童語言異常之要素………33 第四節 自閉症兒童的語言教學發展沿革………….40 一、傳統的說話教學…………………………41 二、擴大性及替代性溝通教學………………43 三、自然情境教學……………………………48 四、結構性教學………………………………54 五、語言教學之最大挑戰……………………57 第五節 鷹架式語言教學………………………….60 一、鷹架式語言教學的意義與特色……….60 二、鷹架式語言教學之相關研究…………..65 三、鷹架式語言教學與其他語言教學策略 之比較…………………………………..71 第三章 研究方法……………………………………78 第一節 研究樣本………………………………….78 第二節 研究設計與實驗程序…………………….82 一、實驗設計…………………………………83 二、自變項與依變項…………………………86 三、實施程序…………………………………87 四、教學實驗場所……………………………89 第三節 研究工具………………………………….89 第四節 教材教具………………………………….92 第五節 實驗教學目標與教學步驟………………….99 一、實驗教學目標……………………………99 二、事件情境…………………………………99 三、實驗教學步驟………………………….100 第六節 資料處理…………………………………105 第四章 研究結果與討論……………………………120 第一節 個別樣本學習結果與討論………………120 一、甲生學習結果與討論………………….120 二、乙生學習結果與討論………………….130 三、丙生學習結果與討論………………….139 四、丁生學習結果與討論………………….149 第二節 四名樣本學習結果綜合討論……………158 一、 口述事件能力…………………………158 二、 詞彙數…………………………………165 三、 連貫性…………………………………164 四、 語法句型結構…………………………167 五、 平均句長………………………………170 第三節 家長與教師對實施鷹架式語言教學之 意見調查…………………………………172 第五章 結論與建議…………………………………180 第一節 結論………………………………………180 一、 鷹架式語言教學對高功能自閉症兒童 口語表達能力之學習效果……………180 二、 鷹架式語言教學對高功能自閉症兒童 口語表達能力之類化效果……………183 第二節 研究限制…………………………………186 第三節 建議………………………………………188

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