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論文名稱: 臺北市扶輪社員服務動機與服務學習滿意度之研究
A Study of Service Motivation and Service-learning Satisfaction of Rotary Club Members in Taipei City
指導教授: 林振春
Lin, Jenn-Chuen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 社會教育學系
Department of Adult and Continuing Education
論文出版年: 2006
畢業學年度: 94
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 123
中文關鍵詞: 國際扶輪扶輪社員服務學習服務動機服務學習滿意度
英文關鍵詞: Rotary International, Rotary Club member, service-learning, service motivation, service-learning satisfaction
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:226下載:29
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  • 服務學習是未來社會發展趨勢,而國際扶輪是全世界歷史最悠久且最有名的服務性社團組織,扶輪的精義即為「超我的服務」。本研究欲探討不同個人背景變項及不同服務經驗的扶輪社員,在服務動機與服務學習滿意度之差異情形,並分析服務動機與服務學習滿意度之間的關係,及服務學習滿意度的預測力。最後提出具體建議供相關單位參考,以重視服務學習的重要性。
      本研究以「臺北市扶輪社員服務動機與服務學習滿意度問卷」為研究工具,研究對象為臺北市RI3480地區扶輪社員。採立意抽樣,由研究者參與各社的例會、或聯合例會及授證晚會,來發放問卷與當場回收,共發出521 份問卷,回收有效樣本448份,回收率達86%。並利用次數分配、平均數、標準差、因素分析、單因子變異數分析、雪菲法分析、皮爾森積差相關分析、多元迴歸分析等研究方法,進行資料分析與統計。



    A Study of Service Motivation and Service-learning Satisfaction of Rotary Club Members in Taipei City


      Service-learning is in the trend of future social development. Besides, Rotary International is the most long-standing and famous organization of service providing whose terminal goal is exactly “service above self”. Therefore, in this research, the author not only discusses whether those Rotary club members with different demographic background and servicing experience will have different kinds of service motivation and service learning satisfaction, but also analyzes the relationship between service motivation and service learning satisfaction. Finally, the author discusses the theoretical and practical implications of his findings, in order to draw more attention to the importance of service-learning.
      “The Questionnaire of Rotary Club Members’ Service Motivation and Service-learning Satisfaction” is used in this research, as the research tool for questionnaire survey method. The interviewees are who volunteered to participate in the survey during the Rotary meetings. In total, 448 questionnaires are collected and the return rate is 86%. The empirical analysis is based on perceptual data (446 validated respondents) collected from fourteen Rotary Clubs in Taipei RI3480. The data are analyzed carefully by several statistical methods, including descriptive statistics (i.e. Frequency distribution, Mean, Standard Deviation), reliability analysis, factor analysis, one-way analysis of variance, Schiff's method, Pearson product-moment correlation analysis, and multiple regression.
      The findings are stated as follows:
    1.Little distinction in Rotary Club members’ service motivation due to their genders, ages, education levels, seniority in Rotary clubs, and whether they have sons or daughters.
    2.Little distinction in Rotary Club members’ service-learning satisfaction due to their ages, education levels, seniority in Rotary clubs, and whether they have sons or daughters.
    3.Female Rotary Club members’ service-learning satisfaction in “the superiority of learning environment” is higher the male members’.
    4.The higher education level Rotary Club members are with, the higher service-learning satisfaction in “the diversity of learning content” is.
    5.Rotary Club members’ leading experience impacts significantly on their service motivation in “achievement and honor,” and their service-learning satisfaction in “transcendence and enhancement.”
    6.Rotary Club members’ motivation in “service and learning,” “achievement and honor,” and “transcendence and enhancement” are significantly influenced by their past experience of participating other related groups.
    7.Rotary Club members’ service motivation and service-learning satisfaction are highly positively related. Besides, the relationship between “service and learning” and “the positiveness of learning effectiveness” is closest; however, “achievement and honor” is with the relatively low relation to “the diversity of learning content.”
    8.For Rotary Club members’ service-learning satisfaction, perfect prediction of service-learning satisfactions from Service-Learning attitudes: “the positiveness of learning effectiveness” and “the diversity of learning content” are both highly predictable by “service and learning;” furthermore, “the superiority of learning environment” is secondly highly predictable by “achievement and honor.”

      Based on the previous documents and results of this research, there are suggestions to Rotary Club and related servicing groups proposed as follows:
    1.Establishing the mechanism of service and learning.
    2.Developing the participation of achievement and honor.
    3.Creating the chance of transcendence and enhancement.
    4.Establishing the superior environment.
    5.Enhancing the effectiveness of positive learning.
    6.Enriching the diversity of learning contents.

    Key words: Rotary International, Rotary Club member, service-learning,
    service motivation, service-learning satisfaction

    目 錄 中文摘要 英文摘要 第一章 緒 論  第一節 問題背景與重要性/1  第二節 研究動機/7  第三節 研究目的與問題/9  第四節 研究範圍與限制/11  第五節 名詞釋義/12 第二章 文獻探討  第一節 國際扶輪現況與臺灣地區扶輪簡史/17  第二節 服務學習之相關理論與研究/25  第三節 服務動機之相關理論與研究/40  第四節 服務學習滿意度之相關理論與研究/48  第五節 服務動機與服務學習滿意度之關係/58 第三章 研究設計  第一節 研究變項與研究架構/63  第二節 研究工具/65  第三節 研究對象/73  第四節 資料分析方法/75 第四章 研究結果分析與討論  第一節 研究對象背景變項之分析/77  第二節 服務動機得分差異考驗/79  第三節 服務學習滿意度得分差異考驗/86  第四節 服務動機與服務學習滿意度之相關分析/93  第五節 服務動機對服務學習滿意度之預測力分析/94  第六節 研究發現與討論/96 第五章 結論與建議  第一節 研究結論/101  第二節 研究建議/104 參考文獻/109 附錄一 臺北市扶輪社員服務動機與服務學習滿意度問卷(預試)/118 附錄二 臺北市扶輪社員服務動機與服務學習滿意度問卷/121 表目錄 表一:社會團體概況/5 表二:扶輪社的四大考驗 (The Four Way Test)/19 表三:服務學習的定義/27 表四:志願服務、社區服務與服務學習之間的比較/29 表五:服務學習相關文獻研究/37 表六:動機之定義/41 表七:義工(服務)「動機-理論」研究/45 表八:服務學習滿意度的理論模式/53 表九:服務學習滿意度之研究層面/57 表十:學習動機與學習滿意度關係之研究摘要表/62 表十一:服務動機的項目分析表/66 表十二:服務動機因素量表/67 表十三:服務動機之信度分析/68 表十四:服務動機之效度分析表/69 表十五:服務學習滿意度的項目分析表/70 表十六:服務學習滿意度因素量表/71 表十七:服務學習滿意度之信度分析/72 表十八:服務學習滿意度之效度分析表/72 表十九:臺北市3480地區扶輪社名單/73 表二 十:樣本人數表/75 表二十一:研究對象背景變項/78 表二十二:不同性別群體在服務動機得分之差異考驗/79 表二十三:不同年齡群體在服務動機得分之差異考驗/80 表二十四:不同教育程度群體在服務動機得分之差異考驗/81 表二十五:有無子女群體在服務動機得分之差異考驗/82 表二十六:不同扶輪年資群體在服務動機得分之差異考驗/83 表二十七:是否曾任領導職之群體在服務動機得分之差異考驗/84 表二十八:是否參與其他相關社團之群體在服務動機得分之差異考驗/85 表二十九:不同性別群體在服務學習滿意度得分之差異考驗/86 表三 十:不同年齡群體在服務學習滿意度得分之差異考驗/87 表三十一:不同教育程度群體在服務學習滿意度得分之差異考驗/88 表三十二:有無子女群體在服務學習滿意度得分之差異考驗/89 表三十三:不同扶輪年資群體在服務學習滿意度得分之差異考驗/90 表三十四:是否曾任領導職之群體在服務學習滿意度得分之差異考驗/91 表三十五:是否參與其他相關社團之群體在服務學習滿意度得分之差異考驗/92 表三十六:服務動機與服務學習滿意度之相關係數分析表/93 表三十七:服務動機變項對「學習環境優質性」之逐步迴歸分析/94 表三十八:服務動機變項對「學習效能正面性」之逐步迴歸分析/95 表三十九:服務動機變項對「學習內容多樣性」之逐步迴歸分析/95 表四 十:不同背景之扶輪社員對服務動機之差異一覽表/96 表四十一:不同背景之扶輪社員對服務學習滿意度之差異一覽表/97 圖目錄 圖一、經驗學習週期/32 圖二、期望理論模式圖/44 圖三、研究架構圖/65


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