簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 高霈芬
Pei-fen Kao
論文名稱: 長時間同步口譯對口譯品質的影響 – 以教會口譯為例
Simultaneous Interpreting in Prolonged Turns: A Case Study of Church Interpreting
指導教授: 陳子瑋
Chen, Tze-Wei
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 翻譯研究所
Graduate Institute of Translation and Interpretation
論文出版年: 2014
畢業學年度: 102
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 141
中文關鍵詞: 教會口譯同步口譯口譯耐力長時間同步口譯口譯換手
英文關鍵詞: church interpreting, simultaneous interpreting, interpreting stamina, prolonged turns in interpreting, turn-taking
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:185下載:41
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  • 一般而言,會議同步口譯有兩位口譯員合作,一位口譯員翻譯約15至30分鐘後,由另一位口譯員接手。為避免認知負荷過重,國際會議口譯員協會AIIC亦建議一位口譯員不宜連續翻譯超過30分鐘。漏譯和停頓是口譯品質指標中的兩種指標。本研究冀找出口譯員工作超過三十分鐘後,漏譯和停頓的變化。本研究欲回答之問題有二。一、口譯員工作超過三十分鐘後,漏譯和停頓是否會增加?二、研究語料中出現的漏譯和停頓有甚麼特色。文本分析之語料取自水流執事站舉辦之2012年冬季訓練。研究結果顯示:一、此訓練中的口譯員工作超過三十分鐘後,漏譯並無增加,二、此訓練中的口譯員工作超過三十分鐘後,段落停頓有增加,遲疑停頓則不一定增加,三、此訓練中的漏譯和停頓時常並隨填充詞和句子重起等其他品質指標出現。

    It is not unusual that simultaneous interpreters work in teams. A simultaneous interpreter usually hands over the interpreting task to boothmate after a turn of 15 to 30 minutes. AIIC, the International Association of Conference Interpreters also suggests that a simultaneous interpreter not work for a turn over 30 minutes to prevent cognitive overload. Omissions and silent pauses are two among the many quality indices used to examine interpreting output. The present study aims to examine the omissions and silent pauses in prolonged turns, in the hopes to find out whether, after an interpreter works for the initial 30 minutes, there are changes in the occurrences of omissions and silent pauses. The questions that this research aims to answer are: 1) do omissions and silent pauses increase after the initial 30 minutes? 2) What are some of the characteristics of these omissions and silent pauses? The corpus studied is drawn from the 2012 Winter Training held by the Living Stream Ministry. The results of this research are: 1) omissions did not increase in prolonged turns, 2) juncture pauses tended to increase in prolonged turns, yet no similar pattern is found in silent hesitation pauses, and 3) omissions and silent pauses tended to occur with other disfluencies such as fillers and restarts.

    Table of Contents iii List of Tables v List of Figures vi Chapter One Introduction 1 1.1 Research Background 1 1.1.1 Christianity 2 1.1.2 The Local Churches 3 1.1.3 Taiwan Gospel Book Room and the Living Stream Ministry 4 1.1.4 The Winter Training Held by the LSM 5 1.2 Research Scope 6 1.3 Previous Related Studies and Value of Research 8 1.4 Terminology 9 Chapter Two Literature Review 10 2.1 Bible Translation and the Christian Speech Community 10 2.2 Interpreting 13 2.2.1 Modes and Settings 13 2.2.3 Church Interpreting 15 2.3 Quality of Interpretation 18 2.3.1 What is Quality 18 2.3.2 Measure of Quality or Performance 20 2.3.3 Quality Criteria 22 Product-Oriented Quality Criteria 23 Listener-Oriented Quality Criteria 26 2.4 Quality and Stamina 31 Chapter Three Methodology 34 3.1 Research Design 34 3.2 Research Material 34 3.3 Research Procedure 37 Chapter Four Results and Findings 45 4.1 Omissions 45 4.1.1 Numbers of Omissions in Prolonged Turns 45 4.1.2 Omission Categorization 47 4.2 Pauses 60 4.2.1 Number of Silent Pauses in Prolonged Turns 60 Silent Hesitation Pauses 62 Juncture Pauses 65 4.2.2 Duration of Silent Pauses in Prolonged Turns 67 Silent Hesitation Pauses 70 Juncture Pauses 72 Chapter Five Discussions and Conclusions 75 5.1 Omissions in Prolonged Turns 76 5.1.1 Location of Omissions 77 5.1.2 Re-categorization of Omission 81 5.1.3 Possible Causes 85 5.2 Silent Pauses in Prolonged Turns 86 5.2.1 Locations of Silent Hesitation Pauses in Prolonged Turns 87 5.3 Conclusion 91 5.4 Research Limitations and Suggestions for Future Studies 92 Reference 94 Appendix 99 Appendix 1 English Outlines of the Four Selected Messages 99 Appendix 2 Chinese Outline of the Four Selected Messages 113 Appendix 3 Marked Transcript of Message Three 125

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