簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 俞錚皞
Yu, jeng-hao
論文名稱: 台中縣環境教育參與者河川生物環境概念現況分析之研究---以臺灣櫻花鉤吻鮭為例
The study of current situation analysis of Taichung hsien envirunment education participators on the concept of river biotic ---focus on Formosan landlocked salmon
指導教授: 汪靜明
Wang, Ching-Ming
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 環境教育研究所
Graduate Institute of Environmental Education
論文出版年: 2000
畢業學年度: 88
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 166
中文關鍵詞: 河川環境教育環境教育參與者臺灣櫻花鉤吻鮭
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:168下載:10
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  • 本研究依據汪靜明教授於西元1995年所提台灣河川環境教育計畫【PROJECT TREE】之架構理念,探討河川生物環境教育概念發展,並以國寶魚---台灣櫻花鉤吻鮭環境概念為研究主題。在研究實施方式,透過問卷調查方式,探討台中縣環境教育中小學環境教育參與教師,和雪霸國家公園義務解說員之國寶魚環境概念來源,以及瞭解台中縣環境教育中小學環境教育參與教師參加國寶魚生態教材研習的現況,並分析雪霸國家公園義務解說員解說國寶魚經驗之現況,以期能有助於今後國寶魚環境教育之推行,並作為研發相關教材之參考。

    This research is based on the framework of the concept of “Taiwan River Environment Educational Project 【PROJECT TREE】” from professor Wang, Ching-ming in 1995 to investigate the development of educational concept on river biotic by using the fish of national treasure—Formosan landlocked salmon(Oncorhynchus masou formosanus)as example. It is conducted by sending the questionnaire to the participating elementary and middle school teachers of environmental education of Taichung Hsien and volunteer explainers in Shei-Pa National Park on the concept of environment of fish of national treasure. The results of the study provide better understanding on the current situation of material and supplies on the ecology of the fish of national treasure. The data on the experiences of explanations of the fish of national treasure by volunteer explainers in Shei-Pa National Park were also analyzed. The information obtained from this study is expected to help the pursuance of environment education of the fish of national treasure in the future and is to be used as the reference of researching and developing related teaching materials.
    The result of this research showed that the environment concepts of the fish of national treasure of the participating teachers (N=28) of environment education of Taichung Hsien elementary and middle schools mainly came from seminars on teaching materials of ecology of the fish of national treasure, journal, and teaching material of explaining publications. The second source of environment concepts of teachers came from broadcast stations or televisions. The environment concepts of volunteer explainers (N=52) mainly came from training activities, teaching materials of explaining publications, newspapers, and magazines. The second source of environment concepts of volunteer explainers came from the reports of investigations and researches, Internet, and broadcast stations or televisions. The environment concepts came from specified courses or general courses in schools were the least for both of teachers and volunteer explainers. This research showed that there is pragmatic help in learning the concepts of ecology reserves and environment educations, promoting the teaching material of environment educations and teaching methods of ecology of the fish of national treasure. This research also pointed out that there may be difficulties encountered by the participating teachers carried out the program of “Education of Ecology of The fish Of National Treasure” in school. The difficulties are mainly “Lack of Teaching Material and Supplies” and “Lack of Administrative support”. These prevailing problems need the assistance from the related institutes.
    The result of this research demonstrated that the video tape “Teaching Material of Ecology of Formosan landlocked salmon—Is The Fish Of National Treasure At Home?” is well accepted as the teaching material of research and development by participating teachers. This tape can also be provided as a local teaching material of environment education in schools. Hence, we concluded that a good media teaching material of ecology education needs specialists, scholars, related teachers, and media producer to participate in planning and designing.
    The data of this research indicated that the volunteer explainers in Shei-Pa National Park felt most acquainted with explaining the environment concept of the fish of national treasure. They have the same selected items not only when they confronted with tourists most frequently asked questions about the fish of national treasure but also when they choose the courses in related seminar to study. These selected items are resource value, impact of human society and economics, ecology of inhabitation, resource reserve, and reserve of biological variety. The result of this research also shows that there are some concepts of the environments of the fish of national treasure not recognized by volunteer explainers. Hence, it is expected to have systematic planning and design of courses and to construct the concept of studying the environment of the fish of national treasure to enhance the correct knowledge of the concept of environment education of the fish of national treasure.
    In this research, we further integrate and analyze the result to deductively synthesize the related subjects. Here are proposed policies to match the five subjects to be the references to promote the environment education of the fish of national treasure. The five subjects are administrative coordination and integration, construction of inner concept, education of environment regulations, research and development of teaching material and teaching method, and training of environment education.

    謝詞.................................................... I-1 摘要.................................................... I-2 英文摘要............................................... I-4 壹、緒論............................................... 1-1 一、研究動機與重要性................................ 1-1 二、研究目的........................................ 1-3 三、名詞界定........................................ 1-4 貳、文獻回顧.......................................... 2-1 一、台灣河川環境內涵概念的發展..................... 2-1 二、台灣櫻花鉤吻鮭環境教育的學術研究發展........... 2-4 參、研究方法.......................................... 3-1 一、研究流程.......................................... 3-1 二、研究設計與實施.................................. 3-4 三、研究限制...........................................3-11 肆、結果與討論....................................... 4-1 一、基本資料分析..................................... 4-1 二、國寶魚環境概念來源分析.......................... 4-14 三、台中縣中小學環境教育參與教師參加國寶魚生態 教材教法研習現況分析............................. 4-24 四、雪霸國家公園義務解說員解說國寶魚現況分析......... 4-38 伍、課題與對策.................................. 5-1 一、國寶魚環境教育之行政支援整合的課題與對策....... 5-2 二、國寶魚環境教育之概念整合建構的課題與對策....... 5-6 三、國寶魚環境教育之環境法令教育的課題與對策....... 5-10 四、國寶魚環境教育之教材教法研發的課題與對策....... 5-14 五、國寶魚環境教育之環境教育訓練的課題與對策....... 5-18 陸、結論與建議.................................. 6-1 參考文獻.......................................... R-1 附錄.............................................. A-1 附錄一、台灣河川環境教育計畫【PROJECT TREE】系統架構圖 A-2 附錄二、國寶魚簡報資料................................. A-3 附錄三、台灣河川環境教育概念架構圖..................... A-4 附錄四、台灣櫻花鉤吻鮭生態教材—國寶魚在家嗎 錄影帶封面封底樣式圖........................... A-5 附錄五、台灣櫻花鉤吻鮭環境教育階層架構參考圖........... A-6 附錄六、台灣櫻花鉤吻鮭環境教育概念分析與教材教法問卷... A-7 附錄七、國寶魚環境教育概念分析問卷..................... A-8 附錄八、台灣櫻花鉤吻鮭生態教材—國寶魚在家嗎問卷........ A-9

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