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研究生: 張瑀真
Chang, Yu-Chen
論文名稱: 石墨烯在不同基板上的偏振解析拉曼光譜
Polarization-resolved Raman spectrum of graphene on different substrates
指導教授: 陸亭樺
Lu, Ting-Hua
Lan, Yann-Wen
口試委員: 董容辰
Tung, Jung-Chen
Lan, Yann-Wen
Lu, Ting-Hua
口試日期: 2021/07/27
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 物理學系
Department of Physics
論文出版年: 2021
畢業學年度: 109
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 57
中文關鍵詞: 石墨烯偏振拉曼光譜旋光轉換效應聲子震動
英文關鍵詞: Graphene, polarized Raman spectroscopy, helicity exchange, phonon
研究方法: 實驗設計法行動研究法準實驗設計法
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202101049
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:80下載:0
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  • 石墨烯為一種單層碳原子構成蜂巢狀二維平面的特殊材料,自2004年開始,單層的石墨烯成功地被塊狀的石墨剝離後,近幾年大家開始探索且研發其他更多不同導電特性的二維材料。石墨烯具有獨特的高導電、高導熱以及對光的高敏感性而備受重視。
    本研究利用化學溶劑濕式蝕刻法以及氣泡轉移法,以在不影響石墨烯品質的情況下轉移到矽基板,測量石墨烯二維材料的原子振動反應並探討與其基板的交互作用情形,利用偏振拉曼光譜儀系統量測原子振動的偏振狀態。本研究使用不同偏振態的入射光 (圓偏振光、線性偏振光)照射石墨烯樣品,讓石墨烯因在不同基板上的耦合效應不同而破壞了簡併振動帶,因而使得簡併聲子振動比例有所不同,也導致偏振拉曼振動狀態和振動強度的改變。我們更進一步利用石墨烯中簡併聲子振動帶的特性量測到二維材料具有旋光轉換的效應。本研究也將會介紹如何使用偏振程度(Degree of polarization)的算式結合拉曼光譜來了解不同基板上石墨烯原子振動狀態的偏振特性並能夠藉由數值模擬來驗證實驗結果。這些成果及實驗方法將有助於深入研究光與二維材料與基板交互作用,探討更多基本的材料物理特性及未來可能的應用。

    Graphene thin layer exhibits remarkable electronic, optical, and mechanical properties, for this reason, it has high scientific interest, and huge potential for a variety of applications. Furthermore, these properties are very sensitive and highly depend on the choice of the substrates. In this study, we perform the wet-etching chemical method and bubbling transfer method. The two methods can transfer monolayer graphene onto the silicon substrate without affecting the quality of graphene, then measure the vibration response of the graphene. Finally, we discuss the interaction between the material and substrates.
    Polarized micro-Raman spectroscopy, which can utilize linearly polarized light and circularly polarized light, is a versatile technique that can be used to study not only the vibrational modes of the materials and also the optical coupling between graphene atoms and the different substrates. The Raman G-band in graphene is the most important phonon mode to examine the optical properties, which C-C bond stretching can arise from not only the layer of graphene increasing and also the structure of the substrates. Interestingly, the Raman spectrum of the G band has characteristics for the helicity exchange. In this report, we have studied the optical helicity exchange between graphene and different substrates by calculating the degree of polarization (DoP) via Raman spectra. This study can help to build the understanding for controlling the phonon mode in graphene (the G band) by choosing the different substrates. The obtained experimental results have been verified by numerically simulated helicity analysis. These results provide an important experimental method for studying the light-matter interaction between two-dimensional materials and substrates.

    Chapter 1 Introduction1 1.1 Motivation 1 1.2 Background 2 1.2.1 Graphene lattice structure 2 1.2.2 Phonon dispersion band of graphene 4 1.2.3 Raman scattering of graphene 6 1.2.4 Raman Tensor of graphene 9 1.2.5 Jones calculus for Polarization of the light 10 1.2.6 Polarized Raman spectroscopy with graphene phonon 13 Chapter 2 Sample fabrication 15 2.1 Preparation 15 2.1.1 Wet-etching chemical exfoliation 17 2.1.2 Bubbling transfer 19 2.2 Results and discussion 22 Chapter 3 Experiment result and discussion 24 3.1 Raman spectrum of graphene with different substrates 24 3.1.1 Experimental set up 25 3.1.2 Transferred Monolayer Graphene on Si/SiO2 25 3.1.3 CVD grown graphene on SiC 26 3.1.4 CVD grown graphene on PSS 27 3.2 Polarized Raman spectroscopy for linearly polarized incident light 28 3.2.1 Experimental set up for linearly polarized incident light 28 3.2.2 Transferred Monolayer Graphene on Si/SiO2 29 3.2.3 CVD grown graphene on SiC 30 3.2.4 CVD grown graphene on PSS 31 3.2.5 Discussion for three samples by calculating Degree of Polarization 32 3.3 Polarized Raman Spectroscopy for circularly polarized incident light 33 3.3.1 Experimental set up for circularly polarized incident light 34 3.3.2 Transferred Monolayer Graphene on Si/SiO2 37 3.3.3 CVD grown graphene on SiC 38 3.3.4 CVD grown graphene on PSS 39 3.4 Experimental data on silicon wafer 40 3.4.1 Silicon Raman for linearly polarized incident light 42 3.4.2 Silicon Raman for circularly polarized incident light 43 3.5 Numerical result based on Raman Tensor and Jones Matrix 45 3.5.1 Theoretical simulation of graphene 45 3.5.2 Results of the data fitting 48 Chapter 4 Conclusion and future work 54 4.1 Conclusion 54 4.2 Future work 55 Reference 56

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