研究生: |
陳雅燕 Ya-Yan Chen |
論文名稱: |
期貨商業務員之背景、人格特質與工作績效之相關研究 A Study of Relationships among Demographics, Personality Traits and Job Performance of Account Executives |
指導教授: |
Lee, Lung-Sheng |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
科技應用與人力資源發展學系 Department of Technology Application and Human Resource Development |
畢業學年度: | 87 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 140 頁 |
中文關鍵詞: | 期貨商業務員 、背景 、人格特質 、工作績效 |
英文關鍵詞: | Account Executive, Demographics, Personality Traits, Job Performance |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:435 下載:0 |
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期貨商業務員(簡稱AE)是期貨業務執行、推動的基本核心人員,所以本研究希望藉由探究期貨商業務員背景、人格特質與工作績效表現之相關性,進而找出其中對於工作績效具有影響力的關鍵個人背景及人格特質,以作為期貨業務員之甄選、規劃、培育的參考準則之一。承上期望,本研究之目的為:探究AE之背景與工作績效的關係、探究AE之人格特質與工作績效的關係、探究AE之背景與人格特質的關係。為達此目的,本研究以問卷調查的方式收集樣本AE之背景、人格特質及工作績效的資料,並以統計皮爾森積差相關分析、點二系列相關分析及多元逐步回歸等方式進行統計分析。研究最終收回14家公司、113份有效問卷,回收率為38%。目前現況為:AE以男性居多、年齡以25 ~29歲佔多數、大專學歷有九成、商科/系所畢業者最多、未婚者有七成、目前年資及從事AE總年資皆以一~三年者居多、有五成過去並無業務相關工作經驗、多數以自行應徵方式進入公司、76%的AE無在工作外加入任何社團、八成AE感覺家計負擔並不沉重,有四成業務員顯著具備高聰慧性、高興奮性、低懷疑性等人格特質。本研究結論為:一、AE無加入社團、個人家計負擔較輕、專科學歷(–,表負相關)、文科/系所(–)對於客源開拓面績效具相關性。二、AE之年資,家計負擔(–),無加入社團,已婚(–),年齡為25歲~29歲、40歲以上,服務業一年以上之業務經驗等對於業績面績效具相關性。三、AE之有恆性、幻想性、實驗性、憂慮性、恃強性(–)、世故性(–) 對於業績面績效具相關性。四、AE之加入其他性質社團、總從事AE年資、總從事AE年資五年以上與整體績效表現面具相關性。五、AE之個人背景與人格特質具有63項相關性存在。六、背景、人格特質的聯合影響,對工作績效之預測關係有高解釋力。七、AE之背景、人格特質與工作績效之相關性,與其他類業務員具有差異。歸結研究結果,背景與績效、人格特質與績效、背景與人格特質均有其相關性,因此本研究結果之關鍵性背景與人格特質,可作為AE之甄選、人事規劃之參考準則之一。
Account Executives are the core-workforce in futures business. The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship among demographics, personality traits and job performance of an AE. Move specifically, the study was designed to investigate relationships between (1) demographics and job performance, (2) personality traits and job performance, (3) demographics and personality traits. Data were collected through a mailed questionnaire. Results of the study were based on responses received from 113 usable questionnaires.
Major conclusions reached as a result of the study were: (1) In the aspect of customer's development, job performance was related to sociability, financial burden, college graduated, liberal arts major. (2) In the aspect of individual business achievement, it was related to tenure, financial burden , sociability, marital status, age, and working experience. (3) In the aspect of individual business achievement, it was also related to conformity, imagination, radicalism, insecurity, dominance, and shrewdness. (4) In the aspect of behavior-oriented performance, it was related to sociability and tenure. (5) Sixty-three items were highly corelated between demographics and personality traits. (6) There was a high correlation in the predicted relationship among both of demographics and personality traits ,and job performance. (7) The relationships among demographics, personality traits and job performance of an AE were different from other types of salesforce.
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