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研究生: 林琦方
Lin, Chi-Fang
論文名稱: 籃球課程對注意力不足過動症孩童干擾控制的影響:事件關聯電位研究
Effects of Basketball Program on Motor Skill and Interference Control in Children with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: an ERP study
指導教授: 洪聰敏
Hung, Tsung-Min
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 體育學系
Department of Physical Education
論文出版年: 2019
畢業學年度: 107
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 59
中文關鍵詞: 注意力不足過動症腦電圖事件關聯電位動作技能籃球運動長期運動介入
英文關鍵詞: motor competence, basketball program, chronic exercise intervention
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/THE.NTNU.DPE.002.2019.F03
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:213下載:0
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  • 過去研究已發現注意力不足過動症(ADHD)之孩童在基礎動作能力及抑制功能的關係,然而,但過去研究以橫斷性研究為主並無法指出其中的因果關係,因此本研究目的為以開放性技能運動介入針對ADHD孩童改善其干擾控制(行為表現、ERP)及動作技能為主。以交叉設計法將24名經診斷之ADHD孩童,以分派至運動情境及控制情境,半年後再進行下個介入情境,運動情境進行為期10週的開放性技能運動(籃球)課程,每週三次、每次50分鐘,而控制情境則在教室中進行閱讀等靜態課程。期間10位參與者退出,因此本研究僅分析剩下之14位參與者。本研究結果顯示參與者在每週籃球技能目標之目標達成率為69.87%,但是動作技能及干擾控制皆不受開放性技能運動影響,此推論可能原因為樣本數不足或是因為本研究所採用的籃球技能較特定而無法改善一般基礎性動作技能。因此未來的研究應找出防止參與者中途退出之策略,以確保研究能保有足夠的統計考驗力,另外,也要考慮能提升基本動作技能的運動課程來確認基本動作技能與執行功能之關係。

    Previous studies have reported an association between fundamental motor ability and inhibitory performance in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). However, the cross-sectional design used in previous studies prevented the inference of a causal relationship. Therefore, this study investigated the effect of basketball intervention, a type of exercise focused on improving fundamental motor skills, on interference control (IC) (behavioral and event-related potential) and complex motor skills in children with ADHD. Twenty-four participants previously diagnosed with ADHD were assigned to either an exercise or a control condition, and the groups exchanged assignments half a year later. However, ten participants dropped out during the course. Therefore, this study was based on data from the remaining fourteen participants. The exercise condition consisted of an open-skill exercise (e.g., basketball exercise) program, three times per week, fifty minutes per session, for ten weeks, whereas the control condition was a classroom reading program. Results showed that the participants were able to complete 69.87 percent of the weekly basketball skills targets. However, neither motor skills nor IC were affected by the basketball skills exercise, possibly because of the small sample size due to dropout, or the basketball program was too specific to be generalized to fundamental motor skills. Future studies should consider developing strategies to prevent participant dropout to ensure enough participants for statistical power, as well as creating exercise programs that can improve general motor skills so that the relationship between fundamental motor skills and interference control can be further examined.

    English Abstract 1 Chinese Abstract 2 Outline 3 Figure 5 Table 6 Chapter 1 Introduction 7 Section 1 Study Background 7 Section 2 Study Purpose 12 Section 3 Study Questions 12 Section 4 Study Hypotheses 12 Chapter 2 Literature Review 14 Section 1 ADHD Origins 14 Section 2 The Relationship between Interference Control and ADHD in Children 18 Section 3 The Relationship between Motor Skill Exercise and Children with ADHD 19 Section 4 The effect of Motor Skill exercise on Interference Control 21 Section 5 The Relationship between ERP and Children with ADHD 22 Section 6 Summary 23 Chapter 3 Methods 25 Section 1 Conceptual Framework 25 Section 2 Study Participants 25 Section 3 Study Instrument and Measurements 25 Section 4 Study Procedure 29 Section 5 Chronic intervention 30 Section 6 Statistical Methods 31 Section 7 Statistical Analysis 32 Chapter 4 Results 34 Section 1 Demographics 34 Section 2 Motor Ability 34 Section 3 Behavior Performance 37 Section 4 Event-related Potential 38 Section 5 Aerobic fitness 40 Chapter 5 Discussion 42 Reference 45

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