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研究生: 洪雅琴
論文名稱: 受保護管束犯罪少年心理分析治療的詮釋現象學研究
指導教授: 林家興
Lin, Chia-Hsin
Lee, Wei-Lun
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 教育心理與輔導學系
Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling
論文出版年: 2005
畢業學年度: 93
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 330
中文關鍵詞: 受保護管束犯罪少年心理分析治療詮釋現象學
英文關鍵詞: : the probated juvenile delinquent, psychoanalytic psychotherapy, Hermeneutic Phenomenology
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:314下載:106
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  • 本研究旨在探討(一)犯罪少年和心理治療師在治療過程中的互動關係建立與進展的內涵為何?(二)受保護管束犯罪少年在心理治療過程中所展現的生活世界與人際互動經驗為何?本研究操作是在保護管束社區處遇的運作之下,針對個別的自願來談犯罪少年實施為期半年,每週兩次的「密集諮商方案」。研究參與者佳美(假名)接受研究者身兼心理分析取向心理治療師所提供的心理治療總共四十八次,其中佳美出席二十五次,請假三次,缺席二十次,實際晤談次數二十五次。研究者從中挑選八次晤談逐字稿內容作為文本依據,透過現象學還原的方法進行心理治療過程分析與內容分析,前者所得結果為治療師與佳美之間的互動關係,後者所得結果為佳美生活世界與人際互動經驗的呈現。

    The purposes of the study were to analyze the psychoanalytic psychotherapy process, the living world and the interpersonal relationship of the probated juvenile delinquent. One probated juvenile delinquent was participated in the study. The individual psychoanalytic psychotherapy included scheduled forty-eight sessions which was provided by the researcher for half an year. Twenty-five sessions were recorded and transcribed, however, the other sessions were missed because of the client’s no show. The method of Phenomenological reduction was applied to analyze eight transcripts which were selected from the beginning, middle and final stage of the psychotherapy. The results of the analysis were as follows:
    The psychotherapy process included five stages: the establishment of the relationship, the interpretation of the client’s relationship with her significant others and her mood state, the interpretation of the here-and-now relationship and her interpersonal patterns, the internalization and implication of the psychotherapy relationship, and the client’s subjectivity in the psychotherapy relationship. The client’s living world and interpersonal experiences were analyzed from the content of the psychotherapy. There were a series of actions and changes. First, the client family interaction was complicated and the family structure was loosened. She felt lonely and empty, therefore, she escaped to her transitional families. The client was wandering around between the real and transitional families. She owned the family relationship and the love relationship in the transitional family. She experienced the lost of father’s love, and returned to her origin family. The findings also included the client’s offense experiences and how she was swinging in the margin of social norm.
    The study also discussed more about the psychotherapy experience for the probated juvenile delinquent. The major issues included: the psychotherapy relationship under the probation system, the importance and the difficulties for maintaining the therapeutic structure, moreover, the process of the negative counter trance. According to the results of the study, suggestions for psychotherapy, relevant helping workers of juvenile delinquents, and future research were provided.

    目 錄 第一章 緒論……….……………………………………………………….……..1 第一節 犯罪少年的臨床特徵………………………………………….…...2 第二節 犯罪少年心理治療所面臨的挑戰………………………….….…..4 第三節 保護管束社區處遇與犯罪少年心理治療之間的關係……………6 第四節 受保護管束少年心理治療研究的臨床內涵………………………8 第二章 文獻探討……………………………………………………….…..……11   第一部分:受保護管束犯罪少年心理治療………………………..……….11 第一節 青少年犯罪問題、臨床特徵與相關影響因素…………..……….11 第二節 犯罪少年攻擊性的起源與展現…………………………..……….19 第三節 犯罪少年心理治療的困難與挑戰…………………………..…….26 第四節 保護管束之下的司法心理治療……………………………….…..31      第二部分:心理分析取向心理治療的現象學研究………………….…….40   第一節 心理分析研究的困境…………………………………………..…42   第二節 詮釋現象學思潮的演進………………………………………..…48   第三節 心理分析與詮釋現象學之間的辯證關係…………………….….55   第四節 心理分析取向心理治療與詮釋現象學研究方法的辯證關係…..60 第三章 研究方法…………………………………………………………….…65 第一節 研究實施程序…………………………………………………….65 第二節 研究參與者…………………………………………………….…68 第三節 研究資料的分析方法…………………………………………….73 第四章 研究結果……………………………………………………………….85 第一節 受保護管束少女佳美晤談分析結果概論…………………..….. 87 第二節 治療師和佳美之間互動關係的進展………………………..…...96 第三節 佳美的生活世界與人際互動經驗……..……………………….116 第五章 討論………………………………………………………………..….151   第一節 治療師與佳美之間互動關係的進展…………………………. .151   第二節 佳美的生活世界與人際互動經驗……………………………...158   第三節 犯罪少年心理治療臨床內涵…………………………………..167   第四節 司法心理治療經驗……………………………………………..183   第五節 研究者的反思…………………………………………………..188   第六節 結論和建議……………………………………………………..196 參考文獻……………………………………………………………………….200 附錄一 研究邀請函………………………………………………………….210 附錄二 受保護管束少年密集諮商方案……………………………….……213 附錄三 研究同意書………………………………………………………….214 附錄四 「受保護管束少年密集諮商方案」同意書……………………….215 附錄五 文本分析範例………………………………………………………217 附錄六 佳美各次晤談分析摘要……………………………………………242

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