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研究生: 彭旭頤
Hsyi-Yi Peng
論文名稱: 不同棲地臺灣野兔(Lepus sinensis formosanus)之食性及糞生菌研究
The study of Formosan hare's (Lepus sinensis formosanus)
指導教授: 呂光洋
Lue, Kuang-Yang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 生命科學系
Department of Life Science
畢業學年度: 81
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 50
中文關鍵詞: 臺灣野兔;食草養份;咬食頻率;糞生菌相Formosan Hare;food plants;feeding marks;nutritional content;
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:204下載:0
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  • 臺灣野兔(Lepus sinensis formosanus) 是臺灣特有亞種之夜行性草
    自 1992 年 3 月至 1993 年 2 月,定期至兩個樣區調查與記錄野兔
    養份,依棲地及食草之不同而有所差異。六種食草其熱含量值,約在 3945
    .0±260.7卡至 4663.1±165.3卡之間,,以春季及冬季較高。而其氮含量
    值,約在 2.01±0.26﹪至4.16±0.80﹪之間,,其中錢浦、日本針藺及碗
    量值,約在 8.2±0.7﹪至19.2±3.1﹪之間,其中翠翠谷之四種食草均以
    痕之離地高度, 以離地15-30cm之高度的記錄最多。
    兔排遺中殘存之氮含量,其平均值約 1.69±0.23﹪至2.17±0.35﹪之間,
    台灣野兔排遺上之糞生菌,由翠翠谷採集者, 鑑定出8 種。而社頂採
    集者,鑑定出 7 種;其中有六種相同。但 Podosordaria tulasnei及Chae
    -tomium sp. 兩種,只在翠翠谷之台灣野兔排遺中發現,而Sordaria fimi
    -cola 則只出現於社頂之台灣野兔排遺中。而糞生菌之消長次序,依序為
    綱之真菌(Basidiomycetes)。不完全菌綱(Fungi Imperfecti)之真菌則不

    Formosan Hare is a noctrunal herbivore and an endemic subspe-
    cies to Taiwan. Its distribution range covers all over the is-
    lands. The aim of this research is to understand (1) the nutri-
    tional variation of their food plants, (2) the feeding marks on
    the food plants,(3) the population succession of dung fungi. This
    study was conducted in two sites, i.e, Chay Chay valley of Yamg-
    ming Shan National Park and Sheding of Kenting National Park.
    From March, 1992 to February, 1993, the researchers went to
    the two sampling sites monthly to investigate the hare's feeding
    marks on plants. Meanwhile, we also collected six species of food
    plants and feces of Formosan hares for analysis, including calo-
    ric content, nitrogen content and crude fiber. Most of feeding
    marks were found 15-30cm above the soil surface, and they browsed
    mainly on sprouts and young leaves.
    Results showed that the nutritional value of the six food
    plants varies with plant species and habitats. The caloric con-
    tent of the six plants ranged from 3945.0±260.7 to 4663.1±165.3
    cal/g. It was higher in winter and spring. The nitrogen content
    ranged from 2.01±0.26﹪ to 4.16±0.80﹪, of which Juncus lesche-
    naultii, Eleocharis congesta and Denstaedtia scalra were higher
    in winter, while which of Ligularia japonica, Mimosa pudica L.
    and Stachytarpheta jamaicensis (L.) Vahl. were higher in spring.
    As for crude fiber, the percentage ranged from 8.2±0.7﹪to 19.2
    ±3.1﹪, of which all the four food plants found in Chay Chay va-
    lley was higher in spring, while two food plants in Sheding was
    higher in fall. The nitrogen content of feces ranged from 1.69±
    0.23﹪ to 2.17±0.35﹪.
    There is a strong correlation between the feeding marks of
    Formosan hares and nitrogen content of food plants. Our results
    showed that nitrogen content is not a good indicator for plant
    quality for hares.
    There were eight species of dung fungi identified in feces
    collected from Chay Chay valley, and seven species from Sheding.
    However, six species of fungi were shared by feces collected from
    both study sites. Two species of fungi, Podosordaria tulasnei and
    Chaetomium sp., were only found in feces collected in Chay Chay
    valley, while Sordaria fimicola was only found in Sheding. The
    order of succession first was Zygomycetes, followed by Ascomy-
    cetes and Basidiomycetes. The fungi of Imperfecti sometimes
    appeared in different succession periods.
    Formosan Hare is a noctrunal herbivore and an endemic subspe-
