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研究生: 楊慧霞
Hui Hsia Yang
論文名稱: 台灣地區高等教育學生「職業與其教育不相稱」之探討
Education and Employment Mismatch among bachelor's and master's graduates in Taiwan
指導教授: 張媁雯
Chang, Wei-Wen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 國際人力資源發展研究所
Graduate Institute of International Human Resource Developmemt
論文出版年: 2009
畢業學年度: 97
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 100
中文關鍵詞: 職業與其教育不相稱高等教育畢業生科技業
英文關鍵詞: Education and employment mismatch, tertiary education graduates, technology industry
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:146下載:8
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  • The number of students who majored in the field of science and technology has been gradually growing in recent years in Taiwan. However, a report revealed by Manpower (2008) suggested that Taiwanese employers had difficulty in recruiting information technology (IT) staff. This seems to indicate an existing gap between the needs in industry and the higher education systems. And this gap might result from the mismatch between education and employment. Thus, the purpose of the study is to examine the phenomenon of mismatch between employment and education in terms of bachelor’s and master’s graduates who majored in the engineering and technology. In this study, the data collected by Taiwan Higher Education Database was utilized, and the sample was restricted to the graduates majored mathematics and computation. According to the statistical results, it was confirmed that a phenomenon of mismatch between employment and education exists. Additionally, the bachelor’s graduates were found to be more likely to be mismatched between job and major, whereas the master’s graduates were found to be more likely to be overeducated in terms of the additional years of overeducation. Therefore, the reason why the Taiwanese companies had difficulty in recruiting IT staff could be inferred. Because of the distrust of the ability of bachelor’s graduates, the companies would rather recruit the candidate with master degree if a job requires a bachelor degree. When the companies raise the qualification standard, they face the problem to recruit people who can match their positions. And the bachelor’s graduates might turn to seek other employment position, if they could not gain the jobs related to their majors.

    ABSTRACT...................................................I TABLE OF CONTENTS.........................................II LIST OF FIGURES...........................................IV LIST OF TABLES.............................................V CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION....................................1 Background of the Study..................................1 Purposes of the Study....................................4 Questions of the Study...................................5 Significance of the Study................................6 Definition of Terms......................................7 CHAPTERII. LITERATURE REVIEW...............................9 Education-Employment Mismatch............................9 Jobsearch Duration......................................16 Work Values.............................................18 CHAPTER III. METHODOLOGY..................................24 Research Framework......................................24 Research Hypotheses.....................................26 Research Methods........................................30 CHAPTER IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS......................38 Demographic and Descriptive Statistics..................38 Hierarchical Regression Analysis of Employment-education Mismatch on Factors of Demographic, Work values, and Jobsearch Duration........46 Logistic Regression Analysis of Employment-education Mismatch on Factors of Demographic, Work values, and Jobsearch duration......................................50 Hierarchical Regression Analysis of Jobsearch Duration on Factors of Demographic Variables, and Work Values....54 Discussions.............................................57 CHAPTER V. CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS....................60 Conclusions.............................................60 Suggestions.............................................65 REFERENCES................................................70 APPENDIX A. QUESTIONNAIRE FOR BACHELOR’S GRADUATES.......78 APPENDIX B. QUESTIONNAIRE FOR MASTER’S GRADUATES.........91

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