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研究生: 莊瑞飛
Ruey-fei Chuang
論文名稱: 原生家庭與其他重要他人經驗對女性婚姻恐懼者之影響研究─以客體關係理論分析詮釋
The Influence of Family of Origin and Significant Others on Females with Hesitation in Marital Commitment--From the Aspect of Object Relation Theory
指導教授: 蔡順良
Tsai, Shung-Liang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 教育心理與輔導學系
Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling
論文出版年: 2003
畢業學年度: 91
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 262
中文關鍵詞: 婚姻恐懼單身女性原生家庭親密關係重要他人內在運作模式客體關係理論現象學方法
英文關鍵詞: marriage hesitator, single woman, family of origin, intimate relationship, significant others, internal working model, object relation theory, phenomenology
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:328下載:185
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  • 本研究旨在探討原生家庭以及其他重要他人經驗對女性婚姻恐懼者的影響。研究方法採質性研究,以深度訪談蒐集資料,並以現象學方法加以分析,以客體關係理論加以分析詮釋。本研究選取符合以下條件者為訪談對象:(一)年齡在30-45歲的單身未婚女性;(二)性取向為異性戀者;(三)根據電話初訪,自認為對婚姻懷有恐懼而遲遲不敢走入婚姻;(四)認為自己的原生家庭經驗對恐懼婚姻有重要影響者。正式研究對象一共五位,其年齡介於三十二至四十二歲。研究結果如下:

    The purpose of this study was to explore the influence of family of origin and significant others on females with hesitation in marital commitment. This research was based on the qualitative method. Data was collected by the depth interview method, it was analyzed by phenomenological description and explained by object relation theory. The participants were under following conditions: (1) Single women between 30 to 45 years old. (2) Heterosexuality. (3) Who was self-considered as marriage hesitator through telephone interview. (4) Whose marriage hesitation was caused by the influence of family of origin . Finally, five participants were selected between 32 to 42 years old. Conclusions shown below:
    Regarding the influences of parental marriage on individual intimacy, the findings were: (1) Participants who hesitated marital commitment feared to repeat the unhappy marriage as parents. (2) According to the intergenerational transmission on the coping styles of intimate relationship, participants repeated the difficulties, which was originally intended to be away from. (3) Mothers who regretted their marriage made the participants become marriage hesitator.
    As the influence of family relationship on individual intimacy (1) The findings of father-daughter relationship were: (a) The participants were frustrated in the father-daughter relationship. (b) They were disappointed again while they tried to regain father love in their intimate relationship. (c) They would look for their partners based on their father image and the attachment style of father-daughter. (2) The findings of mother-daughter relationship were: (a) The dependent needs wouldn’t be satisfied and the omnipotence wouldn’t be developed. (b) There was the intergenerational transmission on mother’s sense of insecurity. (c) The coping styles of intimate relationship were affected by the attachment style of mother-daughter. (d) Mothers played the role models in the participants’ intimate relationship. (e) The females’ substantial and psychological contribution to their family were not appreciated in the tradition. (f) Mothers who projected the “ bad me” representation promoted the patriarchy. (2) The finding of sibling relationship were: (a) The ideal objects in the siblings replaced the parents’ role. (b) The issues between sibling relationship and intimate relationship were similar.
    As regard the influence of significant others on individual intimacy, the findings were: (1) Parents’ images would be projected to participants’ significant others. (2) They might free themselves by the corrective experience from other good objects.
    Finally, according to these above results, the suggestions were made to parents and females of right age for marriage. Recommendations toward premarital education and future researches were also mentioned.

    第一章 緒論------------------------------------1 第一節 研究動機 第二節 研究目的與問題 第三節 名詞釋義 第二章 文獻探討-------------------------------11 第一節 父母婚姻關係與個體親密關係的相關理論 第二節 家庭成員互動經驗與個體親密關係的相關理論 第三節 其他重要他人與個體親密關係的相關理論 第四節 婚姻恐懼的相關理論 第五節 原生家庭及其他重要他人經驗的影響與婚姻恐懼的綜合相關理論 第六節 現象學研究法的相關理論 第三章 研究方法------------------------------39 第一節 研究方法與設計 第二節 研究參與者 第三節 研究工具 第四節 研究程序 第五節 資料整理與分析 第六節 資料分析的檢核 第四章 訪談內容結果描述----------------------67 第一節 受訪者S的訪談描述 第二節 受訪者Ζ的訪談描述 第三節 受訪者Y的訪談描述 第四節 受訪者W的訪談描述 第五節 受訪者G的訪談描述 第五章 訪談內容詮釋分析----------------------149 第一節 受訪者S的詮釋分析 第二節 受訪者Ζ的詮釋分析 第三節 受訪者Y的詮釋分析 第四節 受訪者W的詮釋分析 第五節 受訪者G的詮釋分析 第六節 五位受訪者的綜合詮釋分析 第六章 結論與建議----------------------------199 第一節 綜合討論 第二節 研究限制 第三節 研究建議 第四節 研究者反思 參考文獻-------------------------------------247 附錄-----------------------------------------257 附錄一:訪談大綱 附錄二:徵求受訪者公告 附錄三:訪談同意書 附錄四:受訪者檢核邀請函 附錄五:受訪者回饋

    王安娜譯(民85)。愛不必怕承諾(Carter, S.與Sokol, J.原著)。台北:希代。
    汪耀進、武佩榮譯(民83)。戀人絮語(Barthes, R.原著)。台北:桂冠。
    吳芝儀、李奉儒譯(民84)。質的評鑑與研究(Patton, M. Q.原著)。台北:桂冠。
    吳幸宜譯(民86)。樂在不結婚(Zelinski, E. J原著)。台北:遠流。
    李政猷、侯嘉瑜譯(民83)。單身者的挑戰(Edward, M.與Hover, E原著)。台北:遠流。
    李美華、孔祥明、林嘉娟、王婷玉譯(民87)。社會科學研究法(下)(Babbie, E. 原著)。台北:時英。
    李瑞玲譯(民88)。脆弱的關係─從玫瑰戰爭到親密永久的婚姻(Napier, A. Y.原著)。台北:張老師。。
    林玉華、樊雪梅譯(民88)。當代精神分析導論─理論與實務(Bateman, A. &與Holmes, J原著)。台北:五南。
    林芳瑜譯(民82)。聰明女子(Carter, S.與Sokol, J.原著)。台北:聯經。
    林秋蘭譯(民78)。男人為什麼不開放─打開男性拒絕親密關係的心結(Naifeh, S.與Smith, G. W.原著)。台北:遠流。
    周芬娜譯(民87)。不能愛的男人(Carter, S.與Sokol, J.原著)。台北:平安文化。
    孫孚垣、許耀雲譯(民83)。外遇:可寬恕的罪(Weil, B. E.與Winter, R.原著)。台北:遠流。
    溫瀅雅譯(民84)。如果我不錯,為何還單身?(Page, S.原著)台北:方智。
    廖仁義譯(民80)。Hursserl與現象學(Pivcevic, E.原著)。台北:桂冠。
    樊雪梅譯(民88)。親密陌生人(Rubin, L.原著)。台北:五南。
    劉中華譯(民75)。小飛俠併發症(Kiley, D.原著)。台北:遠流。
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