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研究生: 林香君
論文名稱: 以基於非加法型模糊積分之模糊多準則決策架構導入情感設計建構嵌入式系統
Configuring an Embedded System by the Emotional Design Using a Non-additive Fuzzy Integral Based FMCDM Framework
指導教授: 黃啟祐
Huang, Chi-Yo
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工業教育學系
Department of Industrial Education
論文出版年: 2010
畢業學年度: 98
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 91
中文關鍵詞: 嵌入式系統情感設計先趨使用者法模糊積分模糊多準則決策模糊層級分析法
英文關鍵詞: Embedded System, Emotional Design, The Lead User Method, Fuzzy Integral, Fuzzy Multi-criteria Decision-making (FMCDM), Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchical Process (FAHP)
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:391下載:0
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  • 嵌入式系統包含了數位電子系統,將此子系統嵌在較大的系統中,就可以用來執行特定功能。現今嵌入式系統的應用範圍廣泛,舉凡工廠自動化設備、軍事及航空系統、車用電子及娛樂系統、相機、手機和PDA等,皆屬於嵌入式系統的應用領域。在後PC時代,嵌入式系統成為大多數電子產品的重要核心,而嵌入式系統本身的特性讓工程師在設計系統時有一定的複雜度,因此須要透過良好的設計與分析以滿足不同市場區隔之需求。而關於不同市場區隔的滿足,本研究導入「使用者導向設計」 (user-centered design)的概念,其中強調產品的發展需從對消費者深度分析而來,取代傳統的行銷手段。過去,行銷人員常以其直覺為嵌入式系統定義,然而,這種方式較主觀且易造成誤解。此外,本研究基於新型模糊多準則決策架構並導入情感設計 (Emotional Design)以建構嵌入式系統,透過情感設計的概念萃取出消費者的需求,並介紹先趨使用者法 (The Lead User Method),其適用於消費者不熟悉之產業領域中,嵌入式系統即為此種產業。另外,透過文獻回顧及修正式德爾菲法,以問卷取得專家意見,了解問卷所設定之準則及構面是否具有信效度;接著利用詮釋結構模型 (ISM)描繪出準則間之層級架構及相互影響關係;基於此架構,藉由模糊層級分析法 (FAHP)計算出準則及構面間之相對權重,最後,透過非加法型模糊積分計算進行嵌入式系統設計時的七個可選方案,並對方案做出排序。本論文將嵌入式系統之應用焦點置於手機,經實證研究可證明,基於非加法型模糊積分之模糊多準則決策架構應用於真實世界的手機設計上有其可行性。本研究所提出之模型與方法在未來可用於其他嵌入式系統的應用領域,並做出更完善的分析。

    An embedded system includes an application specific digital electronic system being embedded in a larger device (e.g. factory automation equipment, military and aerospace systems, telematics and entertainment systems, cameras, cellular phones, PDAs, etc.) In the post-PC era, embedded systems emerged as cores of most important electronic products. Embedded systems are configured to fulfill demands of various market segmentations. Thus, the nature of embedded systems complicates the design. To fulfill different customers’ demands from various market segmentations, the marketing concept of “user-centered design”, which emphasizes the importance of having a good understanding of the users while users are not necessarily be involved in the market research process, can be leveraged. Furthermore, the concept of the user-centered design implies that a product development may start from a deep analysis of user needs, which can be introduced to replace the traditional marketing approach. Traditionally, embedded system marketers usually define the systems based on their intuition which could be subjective and misleading. Thus, this research aims to resolve this system configuring issue by introducing a novel fuzzy multiple criteria decision making (FMCDM) based embedded system design method by introducing the concept of emotional design. By using the proposed method, customer needs can be elicited through explorations of their emotions, and the lead user method is introduced to discuss the situation of customers’ unfamiliar industry such as embedded system industry. The modified Delphi method will first be leveraged to derive customers’ needs as well as possible components to be included in the embedded system. Further, the interpretive structural modeling (ISM) method is extended to permit identification of a single sink diagraph tree as a special type of structural model and to develop a hierarchy framework. Based on the hierarchy being derived by the ISM, the fuzzy analytic hierarchical process (FAHP) will be leveraged for deriving the weight versus each criterion. Further, considering the characteristic of inter-dependences between criteria, the non-additive fuzzy integral will be introduced to aggregate the performance scores on each component of the embedded system platform. In this research, an empirical study being modified from a real-world mobile phone design project in several large IT manufacturers will be leveraged for demonstrating the feasibility of this proposed non-additive fuzzy integral based FMCDM emotional design framework. A satisfying mobile phone can be designed based on the embedded system consisting of the components being derived by the newly proposed FMCDM framework. The empirical study will demonstrate the feasibility of this method. The proposed methodology can be used for understanding customers’ needs and configure the application of embedded system in the real world.

    中文摘要 i Abstract ii List of Figures vi List of Tables vii Chapter 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Research Background 1 1.2 Research Motivations and Problem 3 1.3 Research Limitations 5 1.4 Research Framework 5 1.5 Research Process 6 1.6 Thesis Structure 7 Chapter 2 Literature Review 9 2.1 New Product Development 9 2.1.1 Customer Unfamiliarity of Novel High-Tech Products Development Especially for Technogy Pushes Products 13 2.2 Platform Design 15 2.3 Emotional Design 19 2.4 The Lead User Method 23 Chapter 3 Analytical Framework and Methods 27 3.1 Modified Delphi Method 27 3.2 Interpretive Structural Modeling (ISM) 30 3.3 Fuzzy Anaylitic Hierarchical Process (FAHP) 33 3.4 The Fuzzy Integral Method 37 Chapter 4 Empirical Study 39 4.1 Industrial Background of Embedded Systems 39 4.1.1 Embedded System Market Trends 39 4.1.2 Applications of Embedded Systems in Modern Cellular Phones 44 4.2 Empirical Study on Embedded System Design 47 Chapter 5 Discussion 57 Chapter 6 Conclusions 62 References 64 Appendix A Experts List 78 Appendix B Questionnaire 79

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