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研究生: 游秀靜
Yu, Hsiu-Ching
論文名稱: 「學習共同體」的課堂風景-五位個案教師理解及實踐之研究
The Scenes Inside the classrooms of Learning Community – Case Study on Five Teachers' Comprehension and Practice on Learning Community
指導教授: 唐淑華
Tang, Shu-Hua
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 教育學系
Department of Education
論文出版年: 2015
畢業學年度: 103
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 266
中文關鍵詞: 學習共同體教師實踐個人希望感集體希望感個案研究
英文關鍵詞: Learning Community, teacher practice, individual hope, collective hope, case study
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:240下載:32
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  • 本研究採用個案研究法,對五位「學習共同體」前導學校的教師進行研究,探討其對「學習共同體」的理解及其在教室中的實踐情形。本研究目的有四:(一)瞭解五位實踐「學習共同體」之個案教師的背景,(二)探究個案教師如何實踐「學習共同體」,(三)瞭解學生對「學習共同體」的感受及其學習希望感,(四)再思「學習共同體」的課堂風景,並分析可能影響「學習共同體」課堂風景的因素。研究發現,五位率先實踐「學習共同體」的教師呈現一些共同的個人特質、動機和實踐樣貌;然而,部份個殊條件和學校專業成長文化則會影響「學習共同體」的實踐。「學習共同體課室」可營造良好的學習希望感,而依「個人希望感」和「集體希望感」的不同,可將學生分為四種類型的學習者,分別是「思考及表達能力進展者」、「協同學習的最佳受益者」、「學習自信缺乏之危機者」、「高學力卻未感受獲益者」。本研究亦發現,在「教學前」,教師的課堂教學設計甚為重要,共同備課可補個人備課之不足;在「教學中」,須注意協同小組成員的組合及學生討論對話能力的指導,安心對話的環境需營造、教師觀課制度待建立,而學習共同體公共性的心理障礙尚待克服;在「教學後」,教師的教學反思被促發、議課文化及以課堂事實為根基的安心對話環境待建立、多元評量待落實,而專業的教學領導亦有其必要性。根據研究結論,本研究分別對國民小學教育人員及未來研究提出建議,以供參考。

    A case study was used in this research, which includes five teachers from five pilot elementary schools implementing the practices of “Learning Community”. There are 4 main objectives of this research: (1) Understand the background of the teachers participating in the Learning Community. (2) Study the feedback from the teachers about the implementation of Learning Community. (3) Understand how the students learn and their hopes with Learning Community. (4) Review the scenes in the classrooms of the Learning Community and analyze the factors that may impact the practice of Learning Community. The research results indicated that these five pioneering teachers showed some common features on personal characteristics, motivations, and practice methods on teaching. However, the background of each individual teacher and the professional environment of each school would affect the practice of Learning Community. The Learning Community can provide a good environment and incentives, or hopes, for the students in learning. Based on the combination of “Individual Hope” and “Collective Hope”, four types of learners can be expected. These four types of learners are: “developers on thinking and expression”, “beneficiary from coordinating learning”, “individuals with sense of crisis who lack confidence on learning”, and “individuals with higher achievement but not feeling benefitted”. This research also found that it’s significantly important that the design of the teaching plan is performed prior to the starting of the class, and collaborative planning of lessons better than the individual planning. In the class, attention should be applied to the combination of the members in the collaboration team and the instruction on the discussions among students with different verbal capabilities. A comfortable environment for dialogues and the classroom observation system needs to be established. The psychological obstacles of “Public Philosophy” occurred in Learning Community need to be overcome. After the class, the reflections of teaching would be inspired. The cultures of lesson discussions and the settings of the comfortable environment for dialogues based on classroom scenes should be conducted. It’s also necessary to solidify the multiple assessment system and the professional leadership in teaching. Based on the conclusions of this research, suggestions have been proposed for both the elementary school faculty and the future researchers.

    誌謝詞..................................................i 中文摘要..............................................iii 英文摘要...............................................iv 目次...................................................vi 表次..................................................viii 圖次....................................................x 第一章 緒論.............................................1 第一節 研究背景與動機.....................................1 第二節 研究目的與待答問題.................................11 第三節 名詞釋義..........................................12 第四節 研究範圍與限制.....................................13 第二章 文獻探討..........................................15 第一節 學習共同體的相關理論與研究...........................15 第二節 課程教學實踐的相關理論與研究.........................54 第三節 希望感的相關理論與研究..............................71 第三章 研究方法與工具.....................................85 第一節 研究方法..........................................85 第二節 研究對象..........................................87 第三節 資料蒐集方法.......................................92 第四節 資料分析..........................................95 第五節 問卷工具.........................................100 第四章 結果與討論.......................................113 第一節 「學習共同體」的實踐者.............................113 第二節 教師對「學習共同體」的理解與實踐.....................140 第三節 學生對「學習共同體」的感受及其學習希望感..............173 第四節 「學習共同體」課堂風景的再思........................198 第五章 結論與建議.......................................235 第一節 結論............................................235 第二節 建議............................................240 後記...................................................245 參考文獻................................................247 中文部分................................................247 外文部分................................................252 附錄...................................................259 附錄一 校長或教務主任推薦受訪教師之訪談大綱..................259 附錄二 實踐「學習共同體」教師訪談大綱.......................260 附錄三 「學習共同體」教室之學習希望感問卷....................261 附錄四 「學習共同體教室之學習希望感問卷」題項調查反應分數排序表..266


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