簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 陳得康
Te-Kang Chen
論文名稱: 溪頭地區鳥類種間資源利用區隔之研究
Resource partitioning of avian communities in Hsitou
指導教授: 呂光洋
Lue, Kuang-Yang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 生命科學系
Department of Life Science
畢業學年度: 82
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 60
中文關鍵詞: 溪頭; 鳥類群聚; 資源利用區隔; 生態同功群; 生態區位; 種間競爭
英文關鍵詞: Hsitou; Avian community; Resource partitioning; Guild; Niche;
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:149下載:0
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  • 本研究自1992年 9月至1994年 4月, 於台灣中部溪頭山區進行, 以多變值
    行方式, 記錄鳥類出現之日期, 以及其棲息之林相、植層結構、植株型態
    、棲息部位、垂直分層與覓食方式等, 另外, 並測量鳥類標本之喙部形態
    , 做為食性的間接指標。研究期間共記錄89種鳥類, 其中天然闊葉林不論
    鳥類的種數、觀察頻度或生態同功群數, 皆較人工針葉林多。而受樣本數
    的限制, 種間資源利用區隔之情形僅以30種較為常見之日行性樹棲鳥類為
    分析對象; 其中除紅尾鶲是夏候鳥, 以及另三種於某些月份短暫消失外,
    其餘全年可見。經由群集分析, 這30種鳥類共分成十一個生態同功群, 群
    Ⅰ包括灰林鴿、五色鳥、白耳畫眉及綠鳩四種, 群Ⅱ包括紅胸啄花鳥及褐
    鷽, 群Ⅲ包括黑枕藍鶲、紅尾鶲和黃腹琉璃鳥三種, 群Ⅳ包括棕面鶯及紅
    山椒鳥, 群Ⅴ包括繡眼畫眉、冠羽畫眉、青背山雀與紅頭山雀四種, 群Ⅵ
    有黃山雀及綠畫眉, 群Ⅶ為茶腹與紋翼畫眉, 群Ⅷ包括小啄木和大赤啄
    木, 群Ⅸ含頭烏線、大彎嘴與鱗胸鷦鷯三種, 群Ⅹ僅金背鳩一種, 群ⅩⅠ
    鳥類, 大多隸屬不同的生態同功群。而歸納DCA 與群集分析的結果, 各生
    態同功群群間資源利用區隔之機制, 主要為植株型態、棲息部位、垂直分
    層與覓食方式之不同, 至於生態同功群群內種間資源利用區隔之機制, 則
    取決於林相、植株型態、棲息高度、覓食附帶行為模式和食性( 喙部形態
    ) 之差異。並沒有足夠的證據顯示, 種間競爭是形成資源利用區隔的重要
    因素; 而黃山雀與綠畫眉種間資源利用區隔機制不明顯的情形, 亦無法進
    節性變化, 顯示鳥類利用資源的情形會隨季節而發生改變; 至於各鳥種與
    其他鳥種間的生態區位重疊度值, 則可印證以多變值方法分群之適當性。

    We studied resource partitioning of avian communities in Hsitou
    from September, 1992 to April, 1994. Multivariate analysis were
    used here. A 6.7-km hiking loop were set along virgin broadleaf
    and artificial coniferous forests. Various time and space
    parameters of the community were measured for multivariate analysis.
    Total eighty-nine species of woodland birds were recored. Among
    them, thirty species are common ones and they were carefully analyzed
    in this paper. Most of common species stay whole year round in the
    study area except four species. There were more birds species,
    recording frequencies and guilds in virgin broadleaf forest than in
    artificial coniferous forest. According to cluster analysis, thirty
    species were divided into eleven guilds. Results indicated that most
    of the congeneric bird species belong to different guild except two
    woodpeckers. DCA and cluster analysis also showed that resource
    partitioning in each bird species among guild were partitioned by
    vegetation type, perch site, vertical stratification and foraging
    style, and between guilds were partitioned by biome, vegetation
    type, perch height, foraging behaviour and food type (bill size).
    Not enough evidance showed interspecific competition were important
    factors which results in resource partitioning. Niche breadth of
    most of birds species changed as seasons. Whereas niche overlap
    indicated that dividing of guilds formerly is appropriate.
    We studied resource partitioning of avian communities in Hsitou
