簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 母丹丹
Mu, Tan-Tan
論文名稱: 環境意識產品設計傳達形式之研究分析
A Study of the Communication on Environmental Consciousness Product Design
指導教授: 梁桂嘉
Liang, Kuei-Chia
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學系
Department of Design
論文出版年: 2018
畢業學年度: 106
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 126
中文關鍵詞: 環境意識產品設計傳達形式環保設計設計原則
英文關鍵詞: Environmental consciousness, Product design, Types of communication, Eco-senses based design, Design principle
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/THE.NTNU.DD.039.2018.A10
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:137下載:0
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  • 隨著環保議題的迫切與需求,綠色設計的發展越臻成熟,環保產品的多樣性也更加豐富,然而環保產品大多仍以產品是否符合友善環境為主,本研究從生活觀察與文獻中發現產品不僅是機能上的滿足,更可傳達環保觀念或教育知識等,近年來逐漸有學者探討設計師如何藉由設計手法傳達環境意識予使用者,然而多半針對特定方向進行探討,其整合性的論述及設計手法之運用較少著墨。



    We noticed that there are more and more eco-product designs due to increased environmental issues, yet most of the eco-products still focus on how to reduce the environmental impacts. However, several related literature mention that the products are not applying the function only, but also need to communicate the meaning of environmental consciousness. Many documents only emphasized single theme or lack of design techniques. This research aims to develop a design principle for types of communication on environmental consciousness product design. First, this study analyzed related literature and listed all the design techniques. Then, we use the KJ method to organize, classify and name them. The following process has obtained five product design directions (EMTRL principle) that convey the environmental consciousness, which include 51 design sub-principles. The EMTRL principle includes: E (Eco-friendly) environment friendly design, M (Message) Green message communication, T (Technology) innovative green technology, R (Reflection) reflection design, L (Lead) pro-environmental behavior guide. This study tried to use the EMTRL principle to design three products. The conclusions of this study are listed as follow: (1) The EMTRL principle can be a new design thinking procedure; (2) The EMTRL principle can help to achieve an integral design; (3) Because of the product characteristics or user perception, this study suggests that designers should avoid choosing some certain communication styles; (4) Cost, economic effects and universality are not included in the EMTRL principle, but should be considered in design; (5) The product of this environmentally conscious design can turn into practical teaching materials to educate children about environmental consciousness.This study expects the EMTRL principle can be able to develop a design thinking procedure for environmentally conscious product design, and provides specific references in the future.

    摘要 i Abstract ii 誌謝 iii 目錄 iv 圖目錄 vi 表目錄 x 第壹章 緒論 1 1.1 研究背景與動機 1 1.1.1 珍惜資源愛護地球,仍是全球需嚴峻正視的議題 1 1.1.2 人類,需為環境議題負最大的責任 2 1.1.3 環保認知提升了,但環保行為是否更落實了? 3 1.1.4 環保產品真的環保嗎? 5 1.1.5 用產品設計來傳達環境意識,已漸漸被研究 6 1.2 研究目的 6 1.3 研究架構 7 第貳章 文獻探討 11 2.1環境意識與產品設計 11 2.1.1 環境意識、態度與行為概述 11 2.1.2 友善環境之產品設計 13 2.1.3 以產品設計來傳達環境意識 15 2.2 環境意識產品設計之傳達形式探討 15 2.2.1 訊息傳達形式 16 2.2.2 技術應用形式 18 2.2.3 使用行為形式 22 2.2.4 其他傳達形式 25 2.3 小結 28 第參章 研究設計 31 3.1 環境意識產品設計之傳達形式彙整 32 3.2 傳達形式之分類歸納--KJ法 36 3.2.1 相似性質的內容合併-51項 36 3.2.2 進行群化分類與命名 38 3.2.3 EMTRL設計原則 40 3.3 EMTRL設計原則與案例說明 41 3.3.1 E(Eco-friendly)環境友善設計 41 3.3.2 M(Message)綠色訊息傳達 49 3.3.3 T(Technology)創新綠色技術 57 3.3.4 R(Reflection)反思的設計 62 3.3.5 L(Lead)親環保行為導引 69 第肆章 設計創作 75 4.1 創作架構與流程 75 4.1.1 以EMTRL原則作產品創作之發想架構 75 4.1.2 創作流程 76 4.1.3 創作題材的選擇 78 4.2 創作(一) 廚房用擦拭紙-Paper Teller 79 4.2.1 EMTRL原則之對應51項原則之描述發想-Paper Teller 79 4.2.2 EMTRL核心發想與概念設計 82 4.2.3 整合性發想與設計 87 4.2.4 實驗創作成品-Paper Teller 90 4.3 創作(二) 電燈開關設計-Leaf Switch 91 4.3.1 EMTRL原則之對應51項原則之描述發想-Leaf Switch 91 4.3.2 EMTRL核心發想與概念設計 94 4.3.3 整合性發想與設計 96 4.3.4 實驗創作成品-Leaf Switch 99 4.4 創作(三) 水龍頭設計-Tree Faucet 100 4.4.1 EMTRL原則之對應51項原則之描述發想-Tree Faucet 100 4.4.2 EMTRL核心發想與概念設計 103 4.4.3 整合性發想與設計 105 4.4.4 實驗創作成品-Tree Faucet 111 4.5 創作成果與展出 112 4.6 創作小結 115 第伍章 結論 117 5.1 環境意識之產品設計傳達形式之結果與討論 117 5.2 未來研究建議 118 5.3 研究範圍與限制 119 參考文獻 121

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