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研究生: 楊翠凌
Tsui-Ling Yang
論文名稱: 資優生在服務活動中展現的學習
The learning process of gifted students during service activities
指導教授: 陳美芳
Chen, Mei-Fang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 特殊教育學系
Department of Special Education
論文出版年: 2006
畢業學年度: 94
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 203
中文關鍵詞: 資優生服務學習
英文關鍵詞: gifted student, service-learning
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:153下載:27
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  • 這是個關於資優生在服務過程中展現學習的研究。為了探究資優生參與服務學習活動時的學習狀況、在服務學習中的轉變與成長及服務行動中延伸出的學習議題。我與觀察員透過現場參與及觀察學生的互動討論與省思回饋,輔以課堂觀察紀錄、學生省思札記、學習單、訪談等多元豐富的描述性訊息來瞭解學生在服務情境的脈絡與變化。

    This thesis is about how gifted students show their learning in the process of service. In order to understand the condition and conversion of learning, and the topics extended from the service-learning, I participated and observed students’ discussion and introspection. Class observational records, students’ introspection notes (feedback), learning sheets, and interviews were used as supplements to comprehend the students’ thread of thought during service process.
    Students played the main role in the construction of service-learning curriculums. Through their action and introspection, the topics of discussion were produced. In the beginning, they discussed the essence of service, then found out and implemented the service mission, and shared their learning experiences finally. Students’ discussion was the heart of the matter, with suggestions from teacher and observer going around. So students had enough time to feel, to introspect and carry out the service learning between discussions and actions.
    Analyzing the service process of four students, I found that they produced many ideas about service continually; however, they standed in the dilemma between altruism and egoism. All kinds of gifted characteristics were shown in the service, especially the pursuit of the ideal and insistence, introspection and self-dialogue. Students also displayed creativity in their notes. Service-learning let students not only demonstrated different abilities, but also deeply realized the essence of service.
    In the service process, students shared with each other the difficulties and problems they faced with. It opens the gate to problem-solving learning. Through those real problem situations, they learned how to identify proplems, to brainstorm, to evaluate, to choose tactics, and eventually to solve problems. Students cultivated problem-solving ability in this process. Besides, they revealed natural feelings and perceived delicate relationships with other people. It brought them more emotional and empathy themes to learn. As a whole, apart from rationally solving problems, most times students needed immediate support from teacher in the process, therefore, service-learning integrates and enriches the learning in cognition and affection.

    第一章 緒論----------------------------------------1 第一節 研究的開端 -------------------------------- 1 第二節 研究目的與焦點 ---------------------------- 7 第三節 重要名詞釋義------------------------------- 7 第二章 文獻探討------------------------------------9 第一節 服務學習的內涵------------------------9 第二節 服務學習課程的實施歷程---------------16 第三節 服務學習相關研究---------------------------32 第四節 資優課程與服務學習課程---------------------37 第三章 研究方法-----------------------------------42 第一節 研究的起點---- ----------------------------42 第二節 研究取向-----------------------------------48 第三節 研究對象 ----------------------------------48 第四節 研究者的角色 ------------------------------49 第五節 服務學習課程的設計與實施 ------------------52 第六節 資料來源-----------------------------------56 第七節 資料分析-----------------------------------58 第八節 研究的信賴度-------------------------------60 第四章 研究結果與討論 ----------------------------62 第一節 服務課程的進行-----------------------------62 第二節 服務歷程中資優生的轉變---------------------88 第三節 服務歷程中的問題解決----------------------123 第四節 服務歷程中可延伸的學習議題----------------132 第五章 結論與省思--------------------------------153 第一節 結論--------------------------------------153 第二節 省思--------------------------------------160 參考文獻 ------------------------------------------163 附錄-----------------------------------------------167 附錄一 校園大追擊訪問單----------------------------167 附錄二 各階段代表課程的詳細流程--------------------168 附錄三 學生省思札記範例----------------------------195

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