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研究生: 邱得為
Chiu, De-Wei
論文名稱: 圖像組織結構應用於資訊圖表創作研究:以移工在臺須知為例
Research on the Application of Graphic Organizer Structure in Infographic Creation: A Case Study of the Work Instructions for Migrant Workers in Taiwan
指導教授: 廖偉民
Liao, Wei-Ming
口試委員: 蘇文清
Su, Wen-Ching
Huang, Wen-Tsong
口試日期: 2021/07/06
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學系
Department of Design
論文出版年: 2021
畢業學年度: 109
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 189
中文關鍵詞: 圖像組織資訊圖表移工工作須知
英文關鍵詞: Graphic Organizer, Infographics, Migrant workers, Work instructions
研究方法: 田野調查法
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202100995
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:535下載:17
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  • 臺灣近半世紀的經濟發展受到薪資結構停滯、巨幅通膨等因素影響,社會瀰漫不婚或不生的氛圍,形成日趨嚴重少子化及老齡化的人口結構,致使整體勞動市場供需嚴重失衡,其中以產業領域中的3D(危險Danger、辛苦Difficult、骯髒Dirty)行業及社福領域的長照人力為最。近年,隨著政府前瞻基礎建設推動、臺商回流等內部因素以及勞動出口國制度增限等外部因素影響,國內缺工日益嚴峻。因此,如何解決國內缺工及排除移工引進限制問題,將是未來經濟發展重中之重的議題。有鑑於外籍移工引進時所產生的語言隔閡、文化差異、社會秩序、法律制度等多層面適應問題,勞動部在移工來臺入境時雖有發放具多國文字的在臺工作須知手冊,但受限於手冊內文多以文字表述,內容表述繁雜,不易一目了然,難以深烙記憶,造成許多移工對此美意流於形式。因此,如何改善此項缺點,本研究提出將手冊中繁雜的文字以清晰的視覺圖像取代,同時將內文以「屬性別」、「相關性」、「可串聯性」、「必要性」等指標,重新整理排序,將十個章節調整為六大章節,達到協助外籍移工快速理解來臺生活應具備的知識及其權利、義務關係,進行研究論述。本研究以移工在臺工作須知作為題材,探討以幾近相同的結構,能否將圖像組織轉化成資訊圖表,而研究過程中以樹狀圖、網狀圖及魚骨圖等形式進行比較,經相關統計數據顯示,醒目性方面,樹狀圖對比網狀圖較具顯著;流暢性方面,魚骨圖對比網狀圖較具顯著。因此,最終採用以樹狀圖及魚骨圖作為移工須知手冊資訊圖表架構。另有關內文重整編排,則採用網狀圖依修訂指標原則,分類形成脈絡,制定要點。結合整體研究論述,完成創作版的「移工在臺工作須知」手冊。其成果可供日後移工來臺快速理解所需面對之各項問題及解決方法。

    Taiwan's economic development in the past half century has been affected by factors such as stagnant salary structure and huge inflation. The society is filled with an atmosphere of not getting married and bearing children, increasingly affecting the population structure to decline in birthrate and more of aging population. This would further cause a serious imbalance between supply and demand in the overall labor market, with the so-called Triple-D (Danger, Difficult and Dirty) industry in the society, specifically the long-term workforce in the field of social welfare. In recent years, with internal factors such as the government's devoted effort in prospective infrastructure construction and the return of Taiwanese businesses and external factors such as increasing restraint on countries of labor export, there is an ever-increasing severe shortage of workforce in the country. Therefore, how to solve the problem of job shortage in Taiwan and eliminate the restrictions on import of migrant workers will be the most important issues in future economic development. In view of the language gap, cultural differences, social order, legal system and other multi-level adaptation problems caused by the introduction of foreign migrant workers, and despite the Ministry of Labor issued a manual of instructions for migrant workers to work in Taiwan in many languages when abroad, it is still limited by the fact that the texts in the manual are wordy and complicated, which is not easy to be clear at first glance and difficult to remember, that as a result, the manual becomes mere formality to many migrant workers. Therefore, to improve this shortcoming, this study proposed to replace the complicated texts of the manual with concise visual images, in a more properly arranged format and sorted with indicators such as "gender", "relevance", "connectivity" and "necessity", where the original ten chapters are now condensed to six chapters to help foreign migrant workers quickly understand the knowledge they should have to live in Taiwan, including their rights and obligations, as part of this research and the discussion. The subject of this study is the instructions for migrant workers to work in Taiwan. This paper discussed whether image organization can be transformed into an infographic presentation with nearly the same format, and compared it in the form of tree diagram, net diagram and fishbone diagram during this research. The relevant statistical data showed that the tree diagram was more significant than the net diagram in terms of attracting attention, and the fishbone diagram was more significant than the net diagram in terms of fluency. Therefore, the tree diagram and fishbone diagram were finally adopted as the infographic presentation in the manual for migrant workers. In addition, regarding the reorganization and arrangement of the texts, the histogram was adopted to form the context and formulate the key points according to the principle of index revision. Combined with the overall research and discussion, the creative version of the “manual” as the instructions for migrant workers to work in Taiwan was completed. The result can be used by migrant workers to quickly understand the problems and solutions they need to face when they come to work in Taiwan in the future.

    摘要 ii Abstract iii 目錄 v 圖目錄 vii 表目錄 x 第一章 緒論 1 1.1研究背景與動機 1 1.2研究目的 3 1.3研究範圍與限制 4 1.4研究方法與流程 4 第二章 文獻探討 6 2.1 移工的定義及臺灣外籍移工現況 6 2.2 移工的跨文化適應能力 9 2.3 移工在臺困境及求助管道 14 2.4 資訊圖表 18 2.5 圖像組織 23 第三章 研究方法 36 3.1 研究變數關係 36 3.2 研究假設 37 3.3 樣本設計 38 3.4 各樣本敘述統計分析 45 3.5 研究結論分析 52 第四章 創作流程 53 4.1創作架構 53 4.2創作主題 53 4.3創作規劃 59 4.4創作內容與分析 64 4.5展覽及回饋 125 第五章 結論與建議 127 5.1研究結論 127 5.2未來建議 129 參考文獻(中文部分) 130 參考文獻(外文部分) 134 附錄一:問卷調查 136 附錄二:手冊內容(中文版) 144

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