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研究生: 蔡志申
論文名稱: 鈷超薄膜在鉑(111)表面之成長模式及和合金形成論文名稱
Growth Mode and ALloy Formation of Co Ultrathin Films on Pt(111) Surface
指導教授: 沈青嵩
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 物理學系
Department of Physics
畢業學年度: 85
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 111
中文關鍵詞: 鈷超薄膜
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:186下載:1
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Low-energy electron diffraction (LEED), Auger electron spectroscopy (AES) and ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy (UPS) were used to study the growth behavior and the alloy formation of the cobalt ultrathin film on a Pt(111) surface. Initial growth, kinetics of inter-diffusion, surface composition after annealing and structural phase diagram have been represented in this thesis. Cobalt ultrathin film shows an incoherent epitaxy for depositing on Pt(111) at room and low temperatures. A rougher surface structure is observed for high coverages at low temperature. From the kinetic study of the inter-diffusion, activation energy and pre-exponential diffusion coefficient are obtained to be 0.90 eV and 6.6x10-11 cm2/s respectively. After annealing the one-monolayer Co ultrathin film on a Pt(111) surface at 600 K, both the topmost and the second layers contain 50 % of Co atoms. Rotated Co domains of rotation angle 4.9° with respect to the aligned substrate are observed for 2 monolayers of Co/Pt(111) af-ter annealing treatment. The structural phase diagram is obtained from LEED observation. Some structural phases of this system were observed: pseudo (1x1), incoherent epitaxy, extra p(2x2), rotational incoherent epitaxy, and alloying (1x1) structures. The changes in valence band structures during initial and phase transitions are studied by UPS. The Ag/Pt(111) ultrathin films are studied to compare with the Co/Pt(111) system. The growth of Ag/Pt(111) belongs to the Stranski-Krastanov (SK) mode. The surface structure has abnormal change between 550 K and 650 K in a submonolayer range because a disordered 2D Ag-Pt alloy is formed on the top layer.
