研究生: |
蕭慶堂 Ching-tang Hsiao |
論文名稱: |
應用跨理論模式於準備期女性青少年身體活動 Application of Transtheoretical Model to Physical Activity of Female Adolescents at Preparation Stage |
指導教授: |
Jwo, Jun-Ling |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
體育學系 Department of Physical Education |
論文出版年: | 2007 |
畢業學年度: | 95 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 62 |
中文關鍵詞: | 跨理論模式 、階段相配 、身體活動 、女性青少年 |
英文關鍵詞: | transtheoretical model, stage-matched, physical activity, female adolescents |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:569 下載:38 |
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日期:2007年6月 研 究 生:蕭慶堂
摘 要
跨理論模式主要是用來修正錯誤行為及培養期望養成的行為習慣,利用階段相配的方法介入在不同的行為改變階段,同時希望階段性的改變後,可以促進人們的健康行為。 因此本研究旨在探討以跨理論模式中階段相配的介入課程於準備期階段的女性青少年身體活動之影響。以立意取樣選取42位高職一、二年級女學生為研究對象,並分為實驗組23人、對照組19人,實驗組及對照組均實施身體活動量及身體活動階段調查前、後測。實驗所得資料以t考驗分析前後測之身體活動量;階段變化部份以卡方進行統計考驗。本實驗的研究結果發現,(一)行為改變方法課程的介入之後,實驗組及對照組身體活動量未達統計的顯著差異(t=0.3, p>.05, ES=0.37);(二)行為改變方法課程的介入之後,實驗組與對照組之身體活動階段改變情形未達統計的顯著差異(χ² = 3.84, p>.05)。依據以上結果,本研究所得結論為:(一)跨理論模式中,社會解放及自我解放之行為改變方法課程介入後沒有提升準備期女性青少年的身體活動量;(二)理論模式中,社會解放及自我解放之行為改變方法課程介入沒有促進準備期女性青少年的身體活動階段。
Application of Transtheoretical Model to Physical Activity of Female Adolescents at Preparation Stage
Master’s Thesis, 2007 Ching-tang Hsiao Advisor: Junling Jwo, Ph.D.
Transtheoretical model is mainly used for revising the wrong behavior and training to be formed behavior habit that we expected. The method of stage-matched interventions in the course of different stage of changes, it would be promote people's healthy behavior after the intervention. This study who designed to examine how the stage-matched interventions of transtheoretical model affect preparation stages of physical activity among female adolescents. Fourty two schoolgirls of a vocational high school were purposive sampled, the intervention and control groups consisted of 23 and 19 schoolgirls respectively. This study of statistical analysis in physical activity and the stage changes are based on t test and Chi-square test. The results of study found that, (1) After behavior change method of course intervention, experimental group and control group’s phsical activity were not significantly different (t =0.3, p> . 05, ES=0.37).; (2) After behavior change method of course intervention, experimental group and control group’s stage of change were not significantly different (χ² = 3.84, p> .05). According to the result, the conclusion of this study are: (1) By applying transtheoretical model, social-liberation and self-liberation of change method course could not improve female adolescents' physical activity; (2) By applying transtheoretical model, social-liberation and self-liberation of change method course could not improve female adolescents' stage of change.
Keyword: transtheoretical model, stage-matched, physical activity, female adolescents
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