簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 周士堯
Shih-Yao Chou
論文名稱: 以兩岸跨校網路合作學習輔助高中地理科全球教育教學
Assisting Global Education in High School Geography Curriculum Through Internet Cooperative Learning on Both Sides of Taiwan Strait
指導教授: 陳哲銘
Chen, Che-Ming
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 地理學系
Department of Geography
論文出版年: 2007
畢業學年度: 95
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 189
中文關鍵詞: 全球教育議題中心教學網路合作學習高中地理教學
英文關鍵詞: global education, issue-based learning, Internet Cooperative Learning, teaching geography in senior high schools
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:145下載:25
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  • 因應全球化下新的世界體系,全球教育培養學生具有全球視野的批判思考技能與價值觀,以促進公平與永續發展的世界。台灣在95課程暫行綱要的核心能力中,就指出「學生應了解當前台灣與中國在世界體系下的區域互動模式,並能進一步分析兩岸未來發展的可能方向」。故本研究在新課程實施背景下,呼應地理教育國際憲章中全球教育的目標,試圖透過兩岸跨校網路合作學習將全球教育融入高中地理科教學之中。

    研究者參考Association of American Geographers中Center for Global Geography Education(CGGE)發展的教學模組,分析全球教育融入高中地理科的策略與議題。最後選定以兩岸經貿內容為例,實驗以議題中心及網路合作學習策略輔助高中地理科全球教育之學習成效。研究過程採準實驗設計,使用XOOPS架站程式作為學習平台,邀請大陸及台灣各一所高中合作,進行五個月的教學實驗。教學進行的初期階段,兩岸學生在CGGE類型的合作學習任務中,因彼此合作環境尚未成熟,故成效較不顯著。但在後期的「模擬公聽會」中,因參與較彈性,學生顯著提升興趣,積極參與學習。


    Corresponding to the new global system under globalization, global education endeavor to cultivate critical thinking about global issues and a cosmopolitan perspective and promote a fair and everlasting world. As the core ability of the 2006 provisional outline of senior high schools indicates, “Students are supposed to understand the regional interaction between Taiwan and Mainland China under the global system, and are capable of analyzing the potential development on both sides of Taiwan Strait in the future.” This study is conducted under the background of implementing new courses, in response to the goal of global education in Internet Geography Education Constitution and incorporates global education into teaching geography in senior high schools.

    The researcher refers to the teaching models developed by the Center for Global Geography Education (CGGE) in Association of American Geographers, analyzing the pedagogical strategies and issues about incorporating global education into high school geography curriculum. The economy and trade on both sides of Taiwan Strait are taken as the example, and the research is conducted by using issue-based learning and Internet Cooperative Learning strategies in assisting the learning effects of high school geography curriculum in global education. The research adopts quasi-experiments, using XOOPS, a web content management program, as a learning platform. Two senior high schools in Mainland China and Taiwan respectively are invited to carry out the teaching experiment for five months. During the teaching process, poor effects of the CGGE cooperative Learning mission are indicated due to low efficiency in mutual cooperation. Yet in the “mock hearing” activity, students actively take part in learning and their motivation is perceived to be remarkably elevated because of the flexibility in participating.

    The results show that students in the experimental group did have significant improvement in the cognitive, affective and psycho-motor learning effects. Sixty-seven percent of the learners agree that the course is worth popularizing and implementing in other schools. Observers regard that Internet Cooperative Learning could break the restriction of traditional classroom instruction, and through the trans-regional discussion, it could also broaden students’ horizons and advance their affective and psycho-motor learning in global education.

    第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機 1 第二節 研究目的與待答問題 3 第三節 研究範圍與限制 4 第二章 文獻探討 5 第一節 全球教育融入地理教學目標 5 第二節 全球教育融入地理教學實施策略 10 第三節 議題式網路合作學習的理論基礎 16 第四節 議題中心式的教學 19 第五節 全球教育下兩岸經濟議題的地理教學 25 第三章 教學實驗設計與實施 27 第一節 教學實驗架構設計 27 第二節 兩岸跨校網路合作教學模組設計 29 第三節 兩岸跨校網路教學模組發展與實施 39 第四章 教學實驗成果評估與分析 48 第一節 教學實驗的形成性評估與修正 48 第二節 知識教學目標學習分析 54 第三節 情意教學目標成效分析 56 第四節 技能教學目標成效評估 66 第五節 整體教學模組成效評估 76 第六節 研究者遭遇困難與可能解決方法 83 第五章 結論與建議 87 參考文獻 92 附錄一 教學模組教案設計 98 附錄二 教師手冊 106 附錄三 學習手冊 128 附錄四 自編學習成就測驗 183 附錄五 自編態度量表及課程綜合評估問卷 187




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